25th Wilhelm Bernhard Workshop on the Cell Nucleus, Ņižnijnovgorod, Krievija, 19.07.2017.-22.07.2017.


N.Paramonova, T.Sjakste, K.Ošiņa, K.Dokāne, N.Sjakste "Evaluation in silico of eventual functionality of 14q13.2 region proteasomal genes polimorfisms resulted in identification of novel candidate locus for association with multiple sclerosis (MS);(informācija ievietota 31.08.2017.)

L.Celma, A.Dekante, A.Beikule, F.Thimm, R.Plaude, E.Rostoka, J.Sokolavska, L.Baumane, N.Sjakste "Parameters of nitric oxide metabolism and DNA integrity in patients withautoimmune diseases" (informācija ievietota 31.08.2017.)


Spin 2017:the 8th Conference on Nitroxides, Padova, Itālija, 10.09.2017.-14.09.2017.

N.Sjakste, A.Beikule, L.Celma, F.Thimm, E.Rostoka, J.Sokolova "Association of nitrite concentration in biological fluids with lifestyle and blood biochemical parameters"

Latvijas Universitātes 76. zinātniskā konference, Molekulārās bioloģijas sekcijas sēde, 2. februāris, 2018.

Melkus, G., Dokāne, K., Paramonova, N., Ošiņa, K., Sjakste, N. Validation of the PSMC6 (rs2295826, rs2295827) and PSMA6 (rs2277460, rs1048990) proteasomal gene polymorphisms on the association with multiple sclerosis in Latvians.

Dokāne, K., Paramonova, N., Ošiņa, K., Trapiņa I., Sjakste, N. In silico evaluation of eventual functionality of genetic variations in PSMA6 promoter poly(dA:dT) tract in association with
autoimmune disease development in Latvians

76th Conference of the University of Latvia, International Scientific Conference on Medicine, Rīga, Latvija (23. februāris, 2018. g.).
Borisovs, V., Ļeonova, E., Kalniņa, J., Mjagkova, N., Sjakste N.  Background level of DNA damage determined in whole blood and lymphocytes of multiple sclerosis patients.

46th EEMGS/30th GUM meeting, Potsdama, Vācija (18.-21. marts, 2018. g.).
Borisovs, V., Ļeonova, E., Kalniņa, J., Mjagkova, N., Sjakste N.  DNA oxidative damage determined in whole blood and lymphocytes of patients with multiple sclerosis.

The 60th International Scientific Conference of Daugavpils University, (Aprīlis 26-27, 2018.g)

Melkus, G., Dokāne, K., Paramonova, N., Ošiņa, K., Sjakste, N. Association of proteasomal gene polymorphisms with multiple sclerosis in the Latvian population.

56. Starptautiskā Zinātniskā Studentu konference, Novosibirska, Krievija (22.-27. aprīlis, 2018. g.)

Borisovs, V., Ļeonova, E., Kalniņa, J., Mjagkova, N., Sjakste N.  Уровень повреждений ДНК, определяемый в цельной крови и лимфоцитах пациентов с рассеянным склерозом


IV Pasaules latviešu zinātnieku kongress, 18.-20. jūnijs, 2018. gads, Rīga

Dokāne K., Paramonova N., Sjakste T., Trapiņa I., Sjakste N. Proteasomal PSMA6 gene promoter region polymorphisms association with autoimmunity related pathologies in Latvians


Starptautiski kursi "Komētas metode" 

77th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia, 29. janvāris 2019. gads

Ošiņa, K., Paramonova, N., Kalniņa, J., Borisovs, V., Sjakste, N. "DNA integrity and expression of proteasomal genes in multiple sclerosis. Satellite Symposium: DNA Integrity in Health and Pathology" 

LU 77. starptautiskā zinātniskā konference, Rīga, 22. februāris, 2019

Kalniņa, J., Paramonova, N., Melkus, G., Dokāne, K., Sjakste, N. "Identification of proteasome related genetic markers for multiple sclerosis",

 Ošiņa, K., Paramonova, N., Kalniņa, J., Sjakste, N. "PSMA6 gene expression level in multiple sclerosis patients and control individuals"

Trapiņa, I., Melkus, G., Paramonova, N., Sjakste, N. "Computational assessment of candidate SNP markers of proteasomal genes for multiple sclerosis association studies in Latvian population"

16th PORTUGAL International Conference on Agricultural, Biological, Environmental and Health Sciences (PABEHS-19), Lisbon (Portugal), April 8-10, 2019, 

Ošiņa, K., Paramonova, N., Kalniņa, J., Sjakste, N. "Effects of Interferon-beta Therapy on Proteasome Gene Expression Levels in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis",

Daugavpils Universitātes 61. starptautiskā zinātniskā konference, Daugavpils, 11.-12. aprīlis, 2019

Dokāne, K., Paramonova, N., Trapiņa, I., Ošiņa, K., Sjakste, N. "Possible functionality of genetic variations in microsatellite, polyA, of PSMA6 gene promoter in association with autoimmune disease development in Latvians"

Trapiņa, I., Melkus, G., Paramonova, N., Sjakste, N. "Meta and bioinformatics analysis of SNP of proteasome genes as possible molecular markers for multiple sclerosis case/control study in Latvian population", 

Daugavpils Universitātes 61. starptautiskā zinātniskā konference, Daugavpils, 11.-12. aprīlis, 2019

Trapiņa, I., Melkus, G., Paramonova, N., Sjakste, N. Meta and bioinformatics analysis of SNP of proteasome genes as possible molecular markers for multiple sclerosis case/control study in Latvian population. 

Dokāne, K., Paramonova, N., Trapiņa, I., Ošiņa, K., Sjakste, N. Possible functionality of genetic variations in microsatellite, polyA, of PSMA6 gene promoter in association with autoimmune disease development in Latvians

7th Nordic-Baltic Biometric Conference, Viļņa, Lietuva, 3.-5. jūnijs, 2019.

Trapiņa, I., Paramonova, N., Osina, K., Sjakste, N. SNPs of proteasomal genes as possible biomarkers for multiple sclerosis in the Latvian population. 

16th PORTUGAL International Conference on Agricultural, Biological, Environmental and Health Sciences (PABEHS-19), Lisabona, Portugāle, 8.-10. aprīlis, 2019

Ošiņa, K., Paramonova, N., Kalniņa, J., Sjakste, N. Effects of Interferon-beta Therapy on Proteasome Gene Expression Levels in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis.

FEBS3+ conference, Rīga, 17.-19. Jūnijs, 2019 (konferences programma http://biochemicalsociety.lv/program.pdf)

Ošiņa K., Paramonova N., Kalniņa J., Sjakste N. Interferon-Beta Therapy and Sex Association with Proteasome Gene Expression Levels in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis.

13th International Comet Assay Workshop, Pushchino, Krievija, 24.-27. jūnijs, 2019 ( https://icaw.vito.be/)

Sokolovska, J., Ošiņa, K., Borisovs, V., Baumane, L., Dekante, A., Pahirko, L., Valeinis, J., Rovīte, V., Pīrāgs, V., Sjakste, N. Nitric oxide metabolism and DNA breakage in autoimmune diseases.

Ošiņa K., Paramonova N., Kalniņa J., Borisovs V., Sjakste N. Proteasomal Protein Gene Expression and DNA Integrity in Multiple Sclerosis. 

The 19th International Gene Forum 2019, Tartu, Igaunija, 30.-31. augusts, 2019.

Paramonova, N., Dokāne, K., Trapiņa, I., Sjakste, N. Identification of proteasome related SNPs based candidate markers for multiple sclerosis in Latvian population.

Trapiņa, I., Paramonova, N., Dokāne, K., Dišlere, K., Sjakste, N. SNPs of PSMA6 gene as potential biomarkers for multiple sclerosis in the Latvian population: case/control study and expression of gene. 

Dišlere, K., Paramonova, N., Trapiņa, I., Dokāne, K., Kalniņa, J., Sjakste, N. The Effect of SNPs and Interferon Therapy on PSMC6 Gene Expression in Multiple Sclerosis Patients in Latvia. 

Dokāne, K., Trapiņa, I., Dišlere, K., Kalniņa, J. Paramonova, N. Association analysis between proteasome gene polymorphisms and circulating proteasome concentration in multiple sclerosis patients in Latvia.