Projekta nosaukums: Matrix for carbon reinforced epoxy laminates with reduced flammability
Projekta akronīms: MERF
Projekta līguma numurs:
Projekta koordinators: SYNPO, akciová společnost (Czech Republic)
Projekta partneri: Masarykova univerzita (Czech Republic), Kauno Technologijos Universitetas (Lithuania), University of Latvia (Latvia), Slovak Academy of Sciences (Slovakia).
Projekta īstenošanas termiņš: no 2020. gada 1. oktobra līdz 2023. gada 30. septembrim (36 mēneši)
Projekta kopējais budžets/finansējums: 868610,00 EUR
Projekta kopējais finansējums, LU daļa: 210000,00 EUR (ERAF 178500,00 EUR; Valsts budžeta finansējums 31500,00EUR);
M-era.Net projekta info: https://www.era-learn.eu/network-information/networks/m-era-net-2/m-era-net-call-2019/matrix-for-carbon-reinforced-epoxy-laminates-with-reduced-flammability
Projekta zinātniskais vadītājs: LU Materiālu mehānikas institūta vadošais pētnieks Andrejs Aņiskevičs
Projekta administratīvais vadītājs: Gints Rieksts, e-pasts: gints.rieksts@lu.lv
Projekta īss kopsavilkums/ abstract:
The project MERF (Matrix Epoxy with Reduced Flammability) deals with the development of new more ecological and more environmentally friendly than so far used flame retardants. These newly developed substances will be based on cyclic or polymeric phosphazenes or on other usable derivatives of phosphorus oxytrichloride. The project should also contribute to deepening knowledge of the relationship between structure and properties.
The newly developed flame retardants will contain reactive groups (-NH, -OH, -COOH) enabling building-in into polymer network.
Project also count on the syntheses of nonreactive retardants with optimized structure compatible with used epoxy polymer matrix.
The project includes not only development but also pilot plant production of modified laminated epoxy resins. The analytical and other data and found out properties will be used for modelling of the polymer matrix behavior and finding the existing relationships between structure and properties.
Synpo, akciová společnost expects of MERF project strengthening the area of special products development with higher added value and following low-volume manufacturing. If the manufacturing will exceed SYNPOʼs equipment capacity possibilities the technology can be transferred to Spolchemie - SYNPOʼs owner. Spolchemie is company which holds a third place in Europe in the epoxy resin production. It is assumed that after establishing on the market the area of interest in possible applications will be expanded which will enable extending research capacities and possibilities of resulting cooperation in transnational research projects.
Topics and solving methods which are nowadays from a major part a subject of research activity of academic workplaces will be shifted to a level of industrial research and development so that after finishing the project it will be possible to industrially implement all abovementioned results and place them on the market efficiently.
The project is based on previous cooperation and experience of individual consortium members and each partner utilizes their specific skills:
SYNPO’s specialization lies in the development of epoxy matrixes and sythesis of some phosphorus flame retardants.
The Department of Physical Electronics of Masaryk University will focus on syntheses, isolation and characterization of various types of phosphazenes or possibly other suitable phosphorus molecules.
Kauno Technologijos Universitetas will deal with multiscale modeling of laminates and will carry out dissemination and expolitation of results.
The Institute for Mechanics of Materials of University of Latvia will deal with composites and measurement of their properties.
The Polymer Institute of Slovak Academy of Sciences will work on analyses of composite material and evaluation of flamability of these materials.
Pētniecības projekta īstenotāja definētiie darba uzdevumi (latviešu valodā), atbilstoši ERA-NET Cofund aktivitātes ietvaros atbalstītā projekta Darba pakām (Work packages) un plānotie LU projekta rezultāti:
Nr.p.k. | Projekta darbības (Work packages): | Plānotais rezultāts (ja attiecināms) |
1. Darba paka (Work package 1): Projekta koordinācija un vadība (Coordination and Project management). T1.1. Ikdienas darba koordinēšana (Coordinating day-to-day work). T1.2. Progresa uzraudzība un ziņojums (Progress monitoring and report). T1.3. Finanšu vadība (Financial management). T1.4. Nav attiecināms. T1.5. Konsorcija līgums (Consortium Agreement). T1.6. Nav attiecināms. | Konsorcija līgums, 02/2021. Novadīts projekts un iesniegtas atskaites, 09/2023. | |
2. Darba paka (Work package 2): Modifikatoru sagatavošana (Preparation of Modifiers) | Nav attiecināms | |
3. Darba paka (Work package 3): Modificēto savienojumu īpašību analīze un novērtēšana (Analysis and Evaluation of Modified Compounds Properties). T3.1. Analīze un ietekmes uz modificēto sveķu sacietēšana novērošana (Analysis and observing the influence on hardening modified resnis). T3.2. Nav attiecināms. | Pētniecības atskaite par jaunizveidoto uzliesmojamības modifikatoru īpašībām un to uzvedību epoksīdsveķu matricā, 04/2023. | |
4. Darba paka (Work package 4): Oglekļa laminātu sagatavošana un novērtēšana (Preparation of Carbon Laminates and its Evaluation). | Pētniecības atskaite par viena veida CFRP ar samazinātu uzliesmojamību un ar oglekļa šķiedru pastiprinātu laminātu (sagatavots vismaz viena veida CFRP ar samazinātu uzliesmojamību), 04/2023. | |
5. Darba paka (Work package 5): Oglekļa laminātu daudzpakāpju modelēšana (Multiscale modelling of carbon laminates). T5.1. Eksperimentāli-skaitliskā analīze (Experimental-numerical analysis). T5.2. Daudzpakāpju simulācija (Multiscale simulation). | Pētniecības atskaite par modeli, kurā aprakstīta saistība starp jaunizveidotā liesmas slāpētāja struktūru un epoksīdsveķu matricas īpašībām, 02/2023. | |
6. Darba paka (Work package 6): Izplatīšana un izmantošana (Dissemination and Exploitation). T6.1. Nav attiecināms. T6.2. Nav attiecināms. T6.3. Saziņa un zinātnisko rezultātu izplatīšana (Communication and dissemination of scientific results). T6.4. Nav attiecināms. | Atskaite par zinātnisko rezultātu izplatīšanu, komunikācijas un datu pārvaldības plāna izstrādi, 09/2023 (noslēguma versija). |