Atrasts 851 ieraksts
10.05.2019. 01.21 Saturs
of the Multifunctional Cluster Plant for Deposition of Vacuum Coatings CPV reference number: 31712000-0. TED No.17069-2013 18/01/2013 9 months (can be extended, but not more than for 3 months) The Tender procedure has been terminated on 27.02.2013, because the terms and conditions of the contracthave beenessentially modified. A new Tender (LUCFI 2013/8/ERDF) for this procurement is announced on 27.02.2013. Contact person: Janis Pinnis, Secretary of the Procurement Commission, tel.+371 67260545, fax: +371 67132778, e-mail: Tender Regulation: Answers to the questions received on 18.02.2013
LU CFI 2013/8/ERDF
10.05.2019. 01.20 Saturs
Contract price (VAT excluded), LVL Delivery of the Multifunctional Cluster Plant for Deposition of Vacuum Coatings CPV reference number: 31712000-0. TED No.070443-2013 on 02/03/2013; Amendments No.118817-2013 on 12/04/2013 18.04. 2013 10.00 2 Sidrabe Inc., 17 Krustpils str., Riga, Latvia, LV-1073, Registration No.: 40003075473 09.05. 2013 18 months 355 000 LVL Contact person: Janis Pinnis, Secretary of the Procurement Commission, tel.+371 67260545, fax: +371 67132778, e-mail: Tender Regulation:
LUCFI 2015/14
10.05.2019. 01.03 Saturs
excluded), EUR Optical system for Plasma Optical Emission (POE) diagnostics and HIPIMS process control. Time of delivery as of the day entering into the Contract: 3 (three) months. CPV code: 38000000-5 Between 4 000 and 41999.99 24.03. 2015 07.04. 2015 10:00 2 The procurement was terminated. It will be launched new procurement with amended technical requirements 05.05.2015 Contact person: Jānis Pinnis, telephone: +371 67260545, +371 29680881, fax: +371 67132778, e-mail: Text of the Invitation:
Latvian Language Courses
11.02.2024. 20.59 Saturs
Application DEADLINE 02.02.2024. These Latvian language courses are primarily intended for incoming exchange students, but anyone interested in improving their Latvian skills is welcome to apply. ERASMUS+ and other exchange students at the UL do not have to pay for Latvian language courses (6 ECTS)! Prices and information for attendees Contact person: Margarita Spirida at LATVIAN LANGUAGE GROUP TIME PLACE A1 GROUP 1A Monday 16:30- 19:45 Visvalža 4a, ROOM 305 Iveta Narodovska classes from 12.02.2024 A1 GROUP 1B Monday 14:30- 18:00 Visvalža 4a, ROOM 211 lect. Līga Beļicka classes from 12.02.2024 A1 GROUP 2 Monday16:30- 18:00 AND Wednesday16:30- 18:00 Visvalža 4a, ROOM 409
26.03.2019. 14.52 Saturs
are still studying in last semester and don’t have a diploma, you can apply with provisional results from your school. You will need to submit an obtained diploma afterwards. Note! Applicants, who submit documents for temporary residence permit after August 20 th , have to choose express examination of documents for 10 days. If the residence permit obtaining process continues longer than expected, LU makes a decision on the commencement of study options in this or next academic year. If you have questions regarding application procedure, academic or practical matters, feel free to contact us
26.03.2019. 14.54 Saturs
a diploma, you can apply with provisional results from your school. You will need to submit an obtained diploma afterwards. Note! Applicants, who submit documents for temporary residence permit after August 20 th , have to choose express examination of documents for 10 days. If the residence permit obtaining process continues longer than expected, LU makes a decision on the commencement of study options in this or next academic year. If you have questions regarding application procedure, academic or practical matters, feel free to contact us
26.03.2019. 14.55 Saturs
in last semester and don’t have a diploma, you can apply with provisional results from your school. You will need to submit an obtained diploma afterwards. Note! Applicants, who submit documents for temporary residence permit after August 20 th , have to choose express examination of documents for 10 days. If the residence permit obtaining process continues longer than expected, LU makes a decision on the commencement of study options in this or next academic year. If you have questions regarding application procedure, academic or practical matters, feel free to contact us
Механика композитных материалов Т. 57, № 5. С. 901-916
26.08.2022. 21.28 Saturs
скольжением и идеальным контактом на межфазныхповерхностях. Численными результатами зафиксировано какуменьшение, так и увеличение отдельных эффективных модулей упругости за счет неидеального контакта компонентов композита. Ключевые слова: композит упругий трёхмерный, волокнакороткие, контакт межфазный скользящий, схема усредненияМори—Танака, метод граничных элементов, модули упругостиэффективные Поступила в редакцию 29.07.2020 Окончательный вариант поступил 06.04.2021 Перевод статьи на английском языке (Springer): Effective elastic moduli of a short-fiber composite with sliding contact conditions at interfaces К содержанию
Egidijus Urbonavicius
08.11.2022. 16.51 Saturs
of ITER facility in the frames of EURATOM in Framework Program (FP-6). After LEI joined implementation of European Fusion Development Agreement (EFDA) in 2007 he became the main contact point with European Commission for project implementation. In 2015 he was a deputy project leader for the first H2020 project coordinated by LEI. In 2019 he became a Head of Research Unit of LEI for implementation of EUROfusion project.  He is an author of more than 50 scientific publications, including 1 monograph on Severe accident management for Ignalina NPP. VIEW ABSTRACT
Remember your Alma Mater
22.10.2012. 13.31 Ziņa
, 000 dollars for the Faculty of Medicine, UL. In addition, significant contribution was given by professor Irma Liepiņa-Eglītis to the Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anatomy and Histology for improvement, modernization, and optimization the study process. This donation has helped to enhance the process of modernization .Professor Kārlis Kaufmanis, as well as both Professors Jānis Eglītis and Irma Liepiņa-Eglītis proved that the ties linking the alumni and the University are stronger than distance. True patriotism towards the state could be expressed in supporting young people, helping the process of education ,and developing new talents. Active participation Indulis Krauze has been committed to the University of Latvia all his life - starting from the high school years, when he took part in the young mathematician school. Then he studied law, at the same time working at the UL Personnel Department. For many years I.Krauze has been singing in the UL choir &quot
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