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MediaHack 2021 - an international online hackathon dedicated to media industry challenges will take place from June 3 to 6.
18.05.2021. 19.40 Ziņa
University and the University of Latvia are implementing the project "Innovation Grants for Students". Students of all programs and levels are welcome to engage in various activities, develop entrepreneurship, collaborate with industry, develop early science-intensive business ideas, and receive scholarships and support grants. The event is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) project No. / 18 / A / 007 "Innovation Grants for Students of the University of Latvia". "Technology has changed the way information is transmitted and received since ancient times. For example, Gutenberg who invented the printing press, changed the way and speed in which people can receive information. Thanks to this technology, new industries emerged, and the general public became more informed. Therefore, I invite all students to come up with bold ideas in this hackathon. You may create new or combine existing technologies that will allow you to create innovative and interesting media
MediaHack 2021 - an international online hackathon dedicated to media industry challenges will take place from June 3 to 6
19.05.2021. 18.18 Ziņa
University and the University of Latvia are implementing the project "Innovation Grants for Students". Students of all programs and levels are welcome to engage in various activities, develop entrepreneurship, collaborate with industry, develop early science-intensive business ideas, and receive scholarships and support grants. The event is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) project No. / 18 / A / 007 "Innovation Grants for Students of the University of Latvia". "Technology has changed the way information is transmitted and received since ancient times. For example, Gutenberg who invented the printing press, changed the way and speed in which people can receive information. Thanks to this technology, new industries emerged, and the general public became more informed. Therefore, I invite all students to come up with bold ideas in this hackathon. You may create new or combine existing technologies that will allow you to create innovative and interesting media
Comprehension of the Design Process in Teacher Education
03.11.2021. 22.19 Saturs
=12). The method of analyzing student’s diaries’ content was applied. The diaries were analyzed according to van Dooren and colleagues’ (2014) theory of generic elements in the design process. It was concluded that students prefer to use a guiding theme and domains. The main domains in students’ opinion are product materials, form and space, and color. As the most important characteristics of the products in students’ opinion are technical quality, product functionality, and creativity. Internet resources and books were the most commonly used resources. Students could pay more attention to documenting the design process and sketching and evaluate other criteria of the product quality. The obtained results will be taken into account in the teaching process and the future research of the design process acquired in teacher education. Keywords: design and technologies, design process, generic elements in the design process, phases of the design process, product design, teacher education. https
17. decembris: Medicīnas studenti – mūsu varoņi!
17.12.2020. 02.01 Ziņa
LU Medicīnas fakultātes studenti brīvprātīgi iesaistījušies, kā arī strādā ārstniecības iestādēs un Neatliekamās medicīniskās palīdzības dienestā ar Covid-19 skartajiem pacientiem. Studentiem ir ļoti svarīgas mācības klātienē, tāpēc Medicīnas fakultāte aicina ikvienu ievērot valstī noteiktos ierobežojumus, lai studenti pēc iespējas ātrāk varētu atgriezties auditorijās.Būsim atbildīgi!
HZF studenti aicināti pieteikt referātus 5. starptautiskā simpozija “Valoda starptautiskai saziņai” (LINC) Studentu sekcijai
17.03.2022. 17.32 Ziņa
LU Humanitāro zinātņu fakultātes Anglistikas nodaļa un Lietišķās valodniecības centrs sadarbībā ar Romānistikas nodaļu aicina HZF bakalaura un maģistra programmu studentus pieteikt referātus 5. starptautiskā simpozija “Valoda starptautiskai saziņai” (LINC) Studentu sekcijai, kas notiks 29. aprīlī tiešsaistē. Pētījuma jomas, kurās tiek gaidīti referāti ( pieteikšanās termiņš – 5. aprīlis! ) ir: terminoloģija, žanra studijas, diskursa studijas, pragmatika, sociolingvistika, kā arī citas. Dalība ir bez maksas. Lai pieteiktos, studentiem ir nepieciešama zinātniskā darba vadītāja rekomendācija. Konference notiek angļu valodā. Vairāk informācijas par simpoziju skatīt tīmekļa vietnē: Par pieteikšanos studentu sekcijai angļu valodā lūgumsrakstīt lekt. Jekaterinai Čerņevskai, HZF Ārējo sakaru koordinētajai: . Par iespējām pieteikties studentu sekcijai spāņu valodā lūgums rakstīt prof. Allai Placinskai:
Lepojamies ar saviem studentiem
06.12.2023. 21.34 Ziņa
Latvijas Universitātes (LU) Cēsu filiāle patiesi lepojas ar 34 filiāles bakalaura studiju programmas piektā kursa studentiem, kuri novembra izskaņā veiksmīgi nokārtoja kvalifikācijas eksāmenu, iegūstot sākumizglītības skolotāja kvalifikāciju. Visa lielā kursa vidējais vērtējums 7 balles. Paldies programmas direktorei Ingai Stangainei un LU mācībspēkiem!
An "American dream" for Scientists
10.09.2009. 16.19 Ziņa
. Anna Mezaka, a scientific assistant at the Faculty of Biology at the University of Latvia will conduct her research in ecology. "To my mind, the USA is a place where the natural sciences are well developed. Moreover, there is a wide range of sciences where one can improve one‘s knowledge - knowledge which can later be passed on to students in Latvia.“ The third scholarship recipient is Arturs Kucs, head of the Faculty of Law’s International Law Department at the University of Latvia. He will conduct his research at the University of Connecticut on the theme "Balancing the freedom of expression and hate speech: legal doctrine and case-law in the United States." Former U.S. Senator J. William Fulbright established the Fulbright program in 1946. The goal of the program is to increase mutual understanding among the people of the United States and the people of other countries. The U.S. Embassy invites qualified Latvian students and researchers to participate
Frankly Speaking | European Studies Graduates Impact Europe’s World
20.06.2017. 17.38 Ziņa
On June 16th the University of Latvia’s Faculty of Business, Management and Economics recognized its first graduation ceremony of the year. The European Studies Masters Programme students graduated in a beautiful ceremony that was attended by faculty, friends, and family, as well as by distinguished guests from the Latvian and international diplomatic services. The European Studies Master Programme (ESMP) at the University of Latvia would like to offer heartfelt congratulations to the Class of 2017! The graduation ceremony began with an opening address from ESMP director Prof. Tatjana Muravska , followed by greetings from Vice-Rector Jānis Ikstens and Faculty Dean Gundars Bērziņš . H.E. Ms. Odile Soupison , Ambassador of the Republic of France to Latvia, gave a stirring speech, as did H.E. Mr. Tönis Nirk , Ambassador of the Republic of Estonia, and H.E. Mr. Hayri Hayret Yalav , Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey. Prof. Dr. Inna Šteinbuka , Head of the European Commission
Miks Babris gūst 2 vārtus un palīdz Latvijas izlasei izcīnīt svarīgu uzvaru pret Igaunijas izlasi
31.01.2020. 15.44 Ziņa
Ceturtdien, 30. janvārī, Latvijas telpu futbola izlase Jelgavā ar rezultātu 6:1 pārspēja Igauniju, veiksmīgi sākot kvalifikācijas ciklu 2022. gada Eiropas čempionātam. Divus vārtus guva Latvijas Universitātes students Miks Babris. Latvijas telpu futbolisti jau mača sākumā izvirzījās vadībā. Otrajā minūtē pēc Koļesņikova piespēles rezultātu atklāja Artūrs Kuļešovs, bet piektajā minūtē savā debijā ātri atzīmējās Latvijas Universitātes students Miks Babris, tiesa, tas sanāca nedaudz kuriozi – igauņu vārtsargs pēc Babra sitiena uzsita bumbu gaisā un pēc tam pats to iebakstīja savos vārtos. Ja pirmajā vārtu guvumāMikam palīdzēja veiksme, tad otrajā tā bija meistarība. 19. spēles minūtē Latvijas izlase veica skaistu izspēli pēc stūra sitiena, un to noslēdza Miks Babris, panākot 4:0 uz rezultāta tablo. Igauņi vienus vārtus otrā puslaika sākumā atguva, taču puslaika turpinājumā Germans Matjušenko panāca 5:1, bet mača izskaņā Jānis Pastars iesita savus otros vārtus Latvijas izlasē
Frankly Speaking | European Studies Graduates Impact Europe’s World
11.08.2020. 04.30 Ziņa
On June 16th the University of Latvia’s Faculty of Business, Management and Economics recognized its first graduation ceremony of the year. The European Studies Masters Programme students graduated in a beautiful ceremony that was attended by faculty, friends, and family, as well as by distinguished guests from the Latvian and international diplomatic services. The European Studies Master Programme (ESMP) at the University of Latvia would like to offer heartfelt congratulations to the Class of 2017! The graduation ceremony began with an opening address from ESMP director Prof. Tatjana Muravska , followed by greetings from Vice-Rector Jānis Ikstens and Faculty Dean Gundars Bērziņš . H.E. Ms. Odile Soupison , Ambassador of the Republic of France to Latvia, gave a stirring speech, as did H.E. Mr. Tönis Nirk , Ambassador of the Republic of Estonia, and H.E. Mr. Hayri Hayret Yalav , Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey. Prof. Dr. Inna Šteinbuka , Head of the European Commission
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