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MĒNEŠA PRIEKŠMETS. Rīgas Politehnikuma studentu disciplinēšanas regula
09.11.2022. 16.56 Ziņa
.1.99. Rahvusarhiiv Tartus [3] Rubenis, Rūdolfs. Mārtiņš Zīle – akadēmiskā darbība Ukrainā. Rīga: LU Muzejs. 2022, 3. lpp. Pieejams: [4] Briedis, Juris (atb. red.). Augstākās tehniskās izglītības vēsture Latvijā. Rīga: RTU. 2002, 56. lpp. [5] Zemītis, Guntis. Korporāciju priekšvēsture un tās atspulgi mūsdienās. No: Grigorjeva, Sandra (galv. red.). Universitas (111/2019): P!K! 100. Rīga: Prezidiju Konvents. 2019, 32. lpp. [6] Rubenis, Rūdolfs., Livdāne, Sarmīte., Loris, Klāvs., Lapsiņš, Oskars., Lazdiņa, Baiba. Latvijas Universitātes vēsturiskais studentu karceris . Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds. 2021, 14. lpp. [7] LUM4120. Disciplinar-Vorschrift für die Studierenden der polytechnischen Schule zu Riga, Seite 4 [8] Turpat, Seite 4 [9] LUM4120. Disciplinar-Vorschrift für die Studierenden der polytechnischen Schule zu Riga, Seite 5 [10] Rubenis, Rūdolfs., Livdāne, Sarmīte., Loris, Klāvs., Lapsiņš, Oskars., Lazdiņa, Baiba, 4. lpp. [11] LUM
15.10.2017. 22.54 Saturs
9th HISTORY OF EDUCATION (DOCTORAL) SUMMER SCHOOL University of Latvia, Riga, 7-9 June 2018 This conference invites applications from postgraduate students in the history of Education with an interest in the histories of educational spaces and discourses and new ways of working with images, artefacts, and archives. Leading international historians of education will give lectures and workshops, and offer advice concerning the research process. There will be opportunities for students to discuss their dissertation projects with fellow doctoral candidates and receive comments from prominent scholars in the field.The summer school started as an initiative of EERA’s Network 17,“Histories of Education,” and is the ninth conference in a series of successful events that started in Ghent in 2010 and was followed by meetings in Birmingham 2011, Lisbon 2012, Hamburg 2013, Umeå 2014, Luxembourg 2015, Groningen 2016 and Porto Conte 2017. This edition of the summer school is organised
Atbalsti patiesi inteliģentu studentu ceļu zinātnes pasaulē
25.10.2019. 14.48 Ziņa
Lai gadsimtu no gadsimta uzplaukst Latvijas Universitātes studentu un jauno pētnieku talants! Katrs ziedojums Latvijas Universitātes (LU) fondam ir ieguldījums jaunu, zinātkāru un neatlaidīgu jauno pētnieku darbībai kā tagad, tā nākotnē. Atbalsta saņēmēji būs LU studenti, kuri jau sākuši savu līdzdalību labākas Latvijas veidošanā un attīstības veicināšanā nozarē, kas ir viņu aicinājums. Ziedo no sirds Universitātei! “Mums šķiet, ka kārtīgi strādājot, mūsu misija kalpot Latvijai ir izpildīta. Taisnība, taču pa vienam mēs radām tikai pilienus cunami viļņa vietā. Apvienosim spēkus, ziedosim mazu daļu no sevis Latvijas Universitātei, tā veidojot vilni, kas nesaplok un nes mūs uz rītdienas Latviju! ” tā aicina LU fonda valdes priekšsēdētājs prof. emer. Ivars Lācis . Stipendija – pētnieka motivators un atbalsta mehānisms Stipendijas mērķis ir atbalstīt Latvijas jaunos pētniekus visās zinātņu jomā, lai veicinātu šo nozaru un ar tām saistītās zinātnes uzplaukumu . 2018
01.06.2023. 19.41 Saturs | 44-53 | PDF |© University of Latvia, 2023 Knowledge Building: A Good Way to Teach Educational Research Methodology Calixto Gutiérrez-Braojos 1 , Paula Rodríguez-Chirino 2 1 University of Granada, Spain 2 University La Laguna, Spain Abstract. Educational research skills are a relevant issue to education professionals. Knowing how to investigate makes it possible to generate knowledge to guide educational interventions and evaluations/assessments. An important aspect is to decide on the focus of training to develop research skills, both specific (e.g. formulating a research problem, collecting data, analysing data), and cross-cutting (working collaboratively). Knowledge Building (KB) pedagogy is acoherent approach to teach resarch skill. KB encourages sutdent asume the responsability to carry out collaborative process to build conceptual artefacts. The purpose of this communication is to train students in educational research skills
29.08.2022. 15.53 Saturs
Erasmus+ mobilitātē (studijas + prakse) var doties viens un tas pats students katrā studiju līmenī kopumā 12 mēnešus. Students var doties apmaiņas studijās, saņemot stipendiju (no 450€ līdz 700€* - atkarīgs no valsts ) vai visas izmaksas segt no personīgajiem līdzekļiem. Stipendiju skaits ir atkarīgs no piešķirtā budžeta konkrētajā gadā. *Erasmus+ stipendijas likme var tikt palielināta par 100 EUR tiem studējošajiem, kuri ir iesnieguši izziņu par maznodrošinātās personas statusu. Papildu jautājumi: vai klātienē 331.kabientā, iepriekš piesakoties.
UL Foundation patron BIOSAN: the more educated the country, the more competitive it is on a global scale
13.04.2021. 18.55 Ziņa
. _______________________ About “Biosan” company Company “Biosan” mainly deals with production of laboratory sample preparation equipment. Our technologies make laboratory work easier and reduce the impact of the human factor. Wherever it’s necessary to shake and mix, heat and cool, centrifuge and sediment, separate and ligate, our equipment can be used. We are a full-cycle company - everything is our own work, from the idea to mass production. More: About UL Foundation Ever since 2004 University of Latvia Foundation has given an opportunity to patrons and cooperation partners to support both UL and other Latvia’s leading higher education institutions, thus investing in the future of Latvia. UL Foundation’s priorities are supporting excelling students and researchers, cultivating the creation of a modern study environment, as well as construction and reconstruction of university buildings.
Iekāp studenta piedzīvojumos – “Studenta kurpēs” jau aprīlī!
04.04.2024. 19.19 Ziņa
Skolēn, vai esi domājis, kā būtu dzīvot studenta dzīvi? Tagad ir Tava iespēja “iekāpt” studenta piedzīvojumos, izbaudot vienu dienu studenta pasaulē, iepazīt studiju programmu un justies kā daļai no lielās Latvijas Universitātes (LU) studentu saimes. Straujiem soļiem tuvojas viens no iemīļotākajiem skolēnu pasākumiem “Studenta kurpēs”, kas norisināsies jau no 22. līdz 28. aprīlim. Pasākums “Studenta kurpēs” sniedz iespēju skolēnam vienu dienu iejusties studenta lomā, apmeklēt lekcijas, seminārus un praktiskās nodarbības, tādā veidā gūstot priekšstatu par savām nākotnes studijām, studiju vidi un infrastruktūru. Jau aizvadītie pasākumi pulcējuši vairākus tūkstošus skolēnu, kas pēc pasākuma savu nākotni izvēlējušies saistīt tieši ar LU. Rudens “Studenta kurpēs” piedalījās 1107 skolēnu no visas Latvijas, kopumā iepazīstot 366 LU studentu ikdienu. Pasākuma laikā populārāko un pieprasītāko studiju programmu TOP augšgalā ierindojās “Ārstniecība”, “Tiesību zinātne” un “Psiholoģija
Lithuania’s Ambassador Visits UL Lithuanian Studies Centre
20.10.2011. 20.19 Ziņa
On October 14, 2011 the Ambassador of Lithuania to Latvia Ričardas Degutis visited the Lithuanian Studies Centre at UL, Faculty of Humanities. The newly appointed Ambassador had a meeting with Associated Professor Laimute Balode, Head of the Centre; Professor Ilze Rumniece, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities; Professor Lidija Leikuma, Head of the Chair of Baltic Linguistics, and Assistant Professor Edmunds Trumpa.Mr Degutis took a great interest in the training of new specialists in Baltic Philology and cooperation between Latvian-Lithuanian philologists in the field of education and culture. The Ambassador got acquainted with the Faculty’s key activities and the development strategies of Lithuanistics and Baltistics. Besides, he also took part in the discussion how to expand the collaboration between universities in Latvia and Lithuania, to promote cultural workers and teachers exchanges which might be of great interest to students and wider society. The Ambassador also visited
Results of the Latvian State scholarship for studies and research 2019/2020
24.07.2019. 15.56 Ziņa
State Education and Development Agency (SEDA) informs that application round for Latvian State scholarship competition for studies and research for the academic year 2019/2020 is completed. In 2019 SEDA received 334 applications, thus the competition among applicants was quite tough. Number of applications submitted for scholarships for studies was 244, out of which 92 applicants have been nominated for the Latvian State scholarships to pursue studies at Latvian Higher Education Institutions, while for the research fellowship out of 90 applications submitted, 25 researchers are nominated for the research fellowship to be conducted at scientific institutes of Latvia or Latvian higher education institutions. In total scholarship nominees represent nationals of 28 countries. 4 students from Kazakhstan (Zarina Umatova, Anuar Aldongarov, Zhakyp Karipbayev, Aliya Alzhanova) and 2 students from China (Ran Jia and Peng Fu) will be engaged in research at our institute. Full list
The UL Faculty of Medicine users are invited to use OSMOSIS and Complete Anatomy
25.10.2023. 23.49 Ziņa
The UL Library has organized for the faculty and students of the Faculty of Medicine trial access to two Elsevier products – OSMOSIS and Complete Anatomy. OSMOSIS from Elsevier is an educational platform with a mission to empower the world's doctors and health professionals to have the best possible health learning experience. Different types of videos can be found on the platform, which are divided into sections and transcripts are available for the videos. For teachers, the analytical dashboard will help to see which students are most active in learning, show flashcard results, which topics have more errors and offer several useful learning materials. Complete Anatomy is an advanced 3D anatomy platform that systematically walks you through 3D anatomy models, virtual dissections, case studies and other interactive materials. The Library of the UL invites you to use the e-resource and express your opinion about OSMOSIS and Complete Anatomy here or by sending feedback
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