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Latvijas skolēniem četras medaļas starptautiskajā ķīmijas olimpiādē
30.07.2019. 17.53 Ziņa
Ar izcilu uzvaru un četrām medaļām Latvijas skolēni atgriezušies mājās no 51. starptautiskās ķīmijas olimpiādes. Latvijas komandu uz olimpiādi pavadīja Latvijas Universitātes Ķīmijas fakultātes maģistrantūras students Nauris Narvaišs. 51. starptautiskā Ķīmijas olimpiāde norisinājās no 21. līdz 30. jūlijam Parīzē, Francijā. Kopumā olimpiādē piedalījās skolēni no 80 valstīm. Lai gan Parīzē trīs dienas gaisa temperatūra pārsniedza +40 grādus (pēc celsija), Latvijas skolēni olimpiādi Francijā aizvadīja teicami. Daugavpils Valsts ģimnāzijas absolventam Mārim Koniševam un Rīgas Valsts 1. ģimnāzijas absolventam Olavam Rāciņam iegūtas bronzas medaļas, savukārt Rīgas Valsts 1. ģimnāzijas absolventiem Staņislavam Kurašam un Gustavam JānimMežciemam rezultāts ir vēl labāks – iegūtas sudraba un zelta medaļas. Jāpiemin, ka Gustavs izcīnīja tikai trešo zelta medaļu, kopš Latvija piedalās starptautiskajā ķīmijas olimpiādē. Olimpiāde norisinājās divās daļās, skolēniem vispirms piecu stundu laikā
University of Latvia Becomes A Member of European University Alliance
28.06.2019. 19.07 Ziņa
The University of Latvia (UL) participates in one of the 17 European University Alliances to be funded by the European Commission (EC) within the framework of the Erasmus + programme “Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Experience”. The programme is designed to improve the quality and attractiveness of higher education in the European Union (EU) countries to promote cooperation between universities, their students and employees. Out of a total of 54 proposals received, 17 were selected, representing 114 universities from 24 Member States. This selection was based on an evaluation by 26 independent experts, EC-designated rectors, professors and scientists. UL Rector Professor Indriķis Muižnieks tells about the UL intentions in this initiative: “We are pleased that the ideas presented in our application regarding the future of higher education in Europe have been assessed as sufficiently ambitious and at the same time implementable, as they incorporate the real
Lithuanian University Students’ Motivation to Study English
03.11.2021. 22.15 Saturs
Lithuanian University Students’ Motivation to Study English [PDF] Aurelija Daukšaitė-Kolpakovienė Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania Abstract: Lithuanian university students’ motivation to study English as an obligatory study subject seems to be not researched. This is the reason why this study attempts to fill in the existing gap by aiming to learn how motivated Lithuanian students are to learn English at a liberal arts university in which English (as a foreign language) is obligatory to study. 61 upper-intermediate level students at Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) in Kaunas (Lithuania) were involved in the study and filled in an anonymous online questionnaire to reflect on their motivation to study English. The questionnaire involved statements on demographic information and 21 statements on different types of motivation. In addition, the research participants needed to explain in writing why they chose specific statements (all of which started with I study English because
Master’s degree programme Cultural and Social Anthropology
25.04.2024. 15.17 Saturs
" and participating in an entrance interview via Zoom. *Bachelor’s degree or a diploma proving equivalent level of education Enrolment criteria (for students competing for the state-financed study place) 1. The grade obtained in final Bachelor’s exam (20%); 2. The grade point average of undergraduate studies (20%); 3. Entrance examination (60%) Please note! Only EU/EEA/Swiss citizens and EU long-term resident status holders can competefor a state-financed study place. Autumn Intake (application start: 1 Nov 2023; studies start in Sept 2024) Full-time More information: Contact person for questions about the programme structure: Director of the Programme Assoc. Prof. Aivita Putniņa E-mail: Contact person for questions about the admission process: International student advisor for degree studies Gunita Ēķe:
Current Epidemiological Security Measures at the University of Latvia
18.08.2020. 14.01 Ziņa
or self-isolation; be vigilant of your health condition; if an acute respiratory infection with the symptoms of Covid-19 occurs, immediately report to the head of the main structural unit or work, the director of the study programme, methodologist or lecturer of the current planned lecture, leave the premises of the University of Latvia and contact a doctor; as far as possible, reduce the use of shared surfaces and objects, such as touch screens, computers, keyboards, etc. Do not transfer such devices, tools and equipment, including stationery, from one person to another; the UL recommends using the application “Stop Covid” ( Apturi Covid ). Organisation of study process The UL, in compliance with all epidemiological safety regulations, provides on-site studies at the UL. In order to exclude the simultaneous gathering of large groups of students in auditoriums and common areas, the studies in undergraduate study programmes must be planned with a time lag at the beginning
Lekcija par Kanādas aktuālām, daudzveidīgām mūsdienu nozarēm
12.12.2013. 19.17 Ziņa
10. decembrī pie Kanādas kultūras studiju grupas studentiem viesojās Kanādas vēstniecības Latvijā sabiedrisko lietu un sabiedrisko attiecību pārstāve Laila Kirša un Otavas universitātes Starptautisko attiecību un sabiedrības vadības maģistra studiju programmas students Konrad Roberts. Studentiem bija iespēja noklausīties informatīvi izglītojošu lekciju "A Visit to Ontario, Canada’s Core Province", kā arī iesaistīties diskusijā par Kanādas multikulturālo situāciju un uzdot jautājumus par studiju un darba iespējām Kanādā.
Greifsvaldes studenti @ SZF
10.12.2014. 19.35 Ziņa
Novembr ī ies ā ktais projekts, kura ietvaros Latvijas Universit ā tes (LU) Soci ā lo zin ā t ņ u fakult ā tes (SZF) Politikas zin ā tnes noda ļ as studenti kop ā ar Greifsvaldes Universit ā tes studentiem veidoja kop ī gas diskusijas, nosl ē dz ā s aizvad ī taj ā sestdien ā . Projekta galvenais m ē r ķ is bija rad ī t liel ā ku izpratni studentos par demokr ā tijas mode ļ u daudzveid ī gaj ā m nokr ā s ā m. Lai to paveiktu, m ū su fakult ā tes studenti tika sadal ī ti grup ā s, kur kop ā ar Greifsvaldes Universit ā tes studentiem str ā d ā ja pie argumentu sagatavo š anas un Kembridžas stila diskusijas veidošanas. Pagājušās nedēļas ceturtdienā mūsu fakultātē ieradās studenti no Vācijas, kuri kopā ar saviem pasniedzējiem bija atbraukuši, lai pabeigtu novembra beigās aizsākto grupu darbu. Mēs visi cītīgi strādājām pie argumentu gatavošanas, lai gala rezultāts apmierinātu gan pašus, gan galvenos vērtētājus – pasniedzējus. Neskatoties uz ierobežoto laiku, ko varējām veltīt grupu
Newspaper “Dienas Bizness” reports: science of Latvia has an opportunity to enter the ranks of European innovation leaders
11.10.2018. 16.12 Ziņa
to 1000 th place, ranking between the 5% of the world's best universities. This is the highest assessment among Latvian higher education institutions. One of the five criteria for assessing the world's higher education institutions is the achievements in science.Following the experience with similar projects in Europe, the EIB has recognised the value of the internationalization plan incorporated into the UL model of activity – to continue attracting international students and teaching staff. The other point of the UL business plan appreciated by the bank is the aim to increase the efficiency of university by combining studies and research into a single university campus. The bank looks at similar investment opportunities in the region.The Rector explains that several steps are planned to commercialize the innovative ideas created under the auspices of the Academic Centre. The university has a multi-level business support system. "The Student Business Incubator provides an opportunity
Intensive Seminar in Brussels and Luxembourg, 2011
16.08.2020. 23.21 Ziņa
Intensive Seminar in Brussels and Luxembourg is a part of European Studies Masters Programme at University of Latvia. The aim of the Seminar is to deepen and broaden the knowledge about the EU by visiting key EU institutions and NATO. This is a great opportunity to have briefings by representatives of the main institutions and participate in discussions with international experts and officials on current EU issues. The Intensive Seminar in Brussels 2011, entitled “EU potential in the current crisis,” took place from 21 st to 25 th November. This year students visited NATO, the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg and other key EU institutions. The group was invited by the DG Education and Culture to attend the Global Jean Monnet Conference in Brussels . It was an unique opportunity to listen to speeches by Mr José Manuel Barroso , President of the European Commission; Mr Jan Truszczyński , Director General for Education and Culture at the European; Ms
Fourth Graduate International Summer School in Cognitive Sciences and Semantics
05.12.2012. 16.07 Saturs
, (ii) temporal reference, (iii) indirect speech acts, (iv) non-literal uses of language, in particular, metaphor and related tropes, including hyperbole, simile, sarcasm and irony, (v) hinting, (vi) the nature of word meaning, (vii) cooperation and antagonism in conversation, (viii) slurs, and (ix) the idea of a dynamic lexicon. Academics: The summer institute is co-organized by the Center for Cognitive Sciences and Semantics at the University of Latvia and the Department of Philosophy at McMaster University. It will consist of 1 course of 45 hours, which is equivalent to 1 course of 3 credits. It will comprise 9 days of full time academic activities:All enrolled participants will receive the following preparatory material in May:a) a detailed schedule with a description of each lectureb) a full course packet with complementary articles for each lecture.c) a full description of the evaluation procedure and recommended preparatory work.Students who register will automatically be enrolled
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