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FORTHEM pieredze: LU studenti Agderas Universitātē
05.12.2023. 13.38 Ziņa
Novembrī FORTHEM alianse rīkoja studentu konferenci Agderas Universitātē Norvēģijā. Tajā piedalījās piedalījās trīs Latvijas Universitātes (LU) studenti, Eiropas Universitāšu fonda pārstāve un citu partneruniversitāšu Studentu pašpārvalžu pārstāvji kopā ar Erasmus Student Network (ESN) delegātiem. Konferencē tika pētītas sadarbības iespējas ar ESN organizācijām, lai strādātu pie kopējiem mērķiem. Eiropas Universitāšu fonda pārstāve Līga Kuzmane pievienojās studentiem tiešsaistē, lai vadītu sesiju par Erasmus+ sadarbības projektiem. Tajā pat laikā studenti guva ieskatu Eiropas finansējuma piesaistē šādiem projektiem un ieguva praktiskas zināšanas par projektu izstrādi un finansējuma pieteikšanas procesiem. Tāpat studenti attīstīja FORTHEM Studentu padomes procedūras un struktūru, turpinot savu vadošo lomu studentu iesaistes definēšanā aliansē. Viennozīmīgi studenti uzskata, ka FORTHEM studentu padome šādā veidā apvieno visus interesentus, neatkarīgi vai tie mācās bakalaura, vai
Krišjānis Kariņš: Ukraine is fighting for European values - freedom and democracy
06.05.2022. 00.40 Ziņa
in this war. We provide and will continue to provide all possible support to Ukraine. Ukraine is currently fighting for European values ​​that we enjoy on daily basis: freedom, democracy and rule of law. Ukraine has made it clear to us that democracy is not a matter of course: it must be defended and, if necessary, fought for”. Prime Minister thanked students of the University of Latvia for relevant questions and interesting discussion, as well as he thanked the leadership team of the Faculty of Business, Management and Economics of the University of Latvia - for the opportunity to visit faculty and meet students.” Students also offered to help Latvia with their knowledge, get involved in projects and improve governance. During the meeting, Prime Minister emphasized a role of knowledge and educated people both in the fight against disinformation and in the overall development of society. Citing Prime Minister Krišjānis Kariņš: “You are currently fulfilling one of the most important missions
Vacancy: Head of Micro and Nanodevices Laboratory
02.05.2024. 15.45 Ziņa
to attract external funding on national and international level; Experience in hiring students and researchers Excellent communication, presentation and social skills; Excellent command of English Desirable Experience participating in interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary research especially with biology Experience in field of microfluidics Previous experience in industry/start-ups will be considered as an advantage Selection process Please send your application to and include: a cover/application letter and a CV a publication list a list of obtained external research funding a pedagogic portfolio Start date: ASAP Salary: 4200 - 5880 € The Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia (ISSP UL) is an internationally recognized leader in materials science and cross-disciplinary topics, conducting competitive research, educating students and offering innovative solutions for industrial needs.
The University of Latvia for Sports Achievements
17.03.2011. 18.51 Ziņa
, athletic gymnastics, athletics, baseball, basketball, chess, cycling, track and field, floorball, football, frisby, kendo, orientation sports, self-defence, table tennis, volleyball and wrestling. Aerobics classes take place in the morning – from 9.30 – 19.00 pm. The aerobics hall is located in the centre, Faculty of Economics and Management, and there is a possiblity to choose among 9 styles of aerobics of 3 different intensity levels. Basketball and voleyball trainings take place at midday till 18.00 pm, while other sports - in the evenings. Most of sports are organized in the Olympics Sports Centre, 6b Grostonas; aerobics – in 5 Aspazijas Boulevard, but wrestling and gym practices – in Arkadija Sports Centre. How to apply for sports and what are the activities First of all, the first-year student must register in LUIS (Informative-Administrative computer system of UL) and apply for sports (LUIS offers 10 types of sports), by marking desired sports. One should also pay a LVL 12.10 transfer
Intensive Latvian Language Course (August 2024)
27.03.2024. 14.48 Saturs
Intensive Latvian Language Course is a great opportunity to study one of the still existing Baltic languages. The main objective of the course is to teach the Latvian language, and, of course, give an insight to the Latvian culture, its uniqueness and social aspects of the everyday life. After completion of the course students are able to communicate with locals and use simple phrases and sentences in common social situations, for example, dialogues in shops, public transport, mutual discussions etc. Intensive Latvian Language Course for the exchange students of the University of Latvia will take place in August 2024. Course dates : 05.08.2024 - 23.08.2024 Expected arrival : 03.08.2024- 04.08.2024 Fee : Free of charge* Limited places. Application deadline : May 15, 2024 Selection results: middle of June. Course programme will follow. * Students are expected to cover their living expenses .
Student experience: School internship in València
14.06.2022. 15.39 Ziņa
Ella Ahonen, a student from the University of Jyväskylä, completed a 4-week school internship period in a school in Valencia. She wrote about her experiences. Text: Ella Ahonen In May 2022, I did my last teaching internship for my special education studies on the eastern coast of Spain, in the city of Valencia. After having done all my previous internships and having worked as a substitute teacher in Finland, doing an internship abroad sounded like an interesting opportunity. I wanted to see something different as well as improve my teaching in English. Finding a place for my internship was easy . The University of Jyväskylä supported my trip financially, and after having arrived in Valencia, the local university provided me with a student card and email address that I could use to get around the campuses and use the library services, if needed. Having the support and help of two universities made me feel safe. Also my host school welcomed me with open arms. The teachers were
The University of Latvia has signed a cooperation agreement with the Northeastern University of China
25.10.2010. 13.05 Ziņa
During his visit to the People’s Republic of China President Valdis Zatlers visited two of the province’s universities – the Northeastern University and the Liaoning University. After meeting with administrators at the Northeastern University, the President delivered a lecture on future prospects in the relationship between Latvia and China.A large audience of professors and students attended the lecture, at which President Zatlers said that over the last three decades, China has become a global economic player which is supported as a strategic partner by Latvia and the European Union (EU). During the address, President Zatlers also thanked China’s government for the establishment of university programmes which have allowed many Latvian students to learn Chinese.The President also said that during his visit, an agreement would be signed on the mutual recognition of higher education degrees, which would allow Chinese students to study in Latvia and universities
Studenti aicināti piedalīties Latvijas Universitātes virtuālā asistenta izstrādē
10.02.2022. 11.18 Ziņa
Jau šogad studentiem tiks veidots palīgs, kas darbosies Latvijas Universitātes (LU), kas asistēs un sniegs atbalstu uzziņu iegūšanai par studiju procesiem. Ikviens studējošais aicināts pieteikties programmai, kurā taps virtuālais asistents jeb čatbots. Dalībniekiem paredzēti daudzi ieguvumi – mācības, mentoru atbalsts un stipendijas. Tāpat jebkurš interesents var nobalsot par nākotnes bota vārdu, piedāvājot savu variantu. Stipendijas apmērs nākotnes čatbota izstrādātājiem būs 200 eiro mēnesī. Dalībniekus sagaida zināšanas un pieredze virtuālā asistenta izstādē, kas var lieti noderēt turpmākajos profesionālajos izaicinājumos un arvien vairāk kļūst par pieprasītu kompetenci darba tirgū. Virtuālā asistenta mērķis ir sniegt studentiem atbildes uz biežāk uzdotajiem jautājumiem saistībā ar studiju procesu. Nodrošināt ērtu un mūsdienīgu rīku, lai LU digitālās vides apmeklētājiem būtu iespējams sazināties sev ērtā laikā, jo virtuālais asistents būs pieejams vienmēr, arī ārpus darba laika
New Faculty of Humanities
16.02.2010. 12.11 Ziņa
languages and cultures were isolated from each other, as it used to be during the Soviet times. On 30 November, 2009, the UL Senate approved establishing the Faculty of Humanities on the basis of Philology and Arts and Modern Languages Faculties. Students passed the winter examinations either as students of Philology and Arts or those of Modern Languages, but as of the spring term 2009/2010 they all belong to the Faculty of Humanities. Translated by students of the professional study programme Translator of the University of Latvia.
The Ceremonial UL Senate meeting dedicated to the 92nd anniversary to be held at the University of Latvia
29.09.2011. 14.38 Ziņa
The Ceremonial UL Senate meeting dedicated to the 92nd anniversary of the University of Latvia will take place on October 1, 2011 at 12.00 in the University Great Hall. During the meeting diplomas will be awarded to UL Honorary Doctors and Emeritus Professors and a promotion ceremony for UL doctoral students will be held. Before the meeting, at 10.00 an ecumenical service will bring together the University staff members and students in the Small Assembly Hall of UL. Chairman of Senate, Professor Maris Klavins and Rector of the University of Latvia, Professor Marcis Auzins will open the Ceremonial UL Senate meeting. During the meeting diplomas of UL Honorary Doctors and Professors Emeritus will be awarded. The participants of the official ceremony will enjoy the performances of UL choir “Aura” and UL male vocal group “Dancis”.This year Professor Juhani Laurinkari, University of Eastern Finland; Professor Hans Jochen Schiewer, the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg and Professor
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