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Vasaras skolas studentiem Lietuvā un Somijā!
27.03.2024. 12.59 Ziņa
LU FMOF studentiem ir iespējas pieteikties ERASMUS BIP vasaras skolai Lietuvā "BIO: PHYSICS, STATISTICS, AND INFORMATICS", kā arī vasaras skolai Somijā. Par vasaras skolu Lietuvā: Vasaras skolā "BIO: PHYSICS, STATISTICS, AND INFORMATICS" Fizikas, matemātikas un optometrijas fakultātes studentiem ir piecas vietas, kas tiek finansētas no ERASMUS programmas kā īstermiņa mobilitātes. Visu studiju līmeņu fizikas studentiem pieteikšanās ir līdz 15. aprīlim pie Imanta Kaldres ( iesniedzot: Erasmus mobilitātes pieteikuma veidlapu (parakstīta ar e-parakstu) CV Motivācijas vēstuli Par vasaras skolu Somijā: Ik gadu norisinās arī vasaras skola Somijā, kurā tiek piedāvāti dažādi interesanti kursi un iespēja saņemt atbalstu no organizatoriem. Informācija (angliski) par pieteikšanos visu līmeņu studentiem organizatoru mājaslapā: Greetings from the University of Jyväskylä! We are proud
Student Deep Science Hackathon 2020 - 3 best ideas of science students, about which we will hear more
22.10.2020. 13.08 Ziņa
The Institute of Solid State Physics of the University of Latvia allows students to be creative at least twice a year by organizing a hackathon. This fall it happened online. Seven student teams were formed. The Student Deep Science Hackathon brought together students from a variety of university programs, allowing them to form interdisciplinary teams. Under the guidance of mentors, they developed innovative ideas related to STEM or four scientific disciplines - science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Students' performance was evaluated by an experienced jury. Three of the most interesting ideas: a pillow that adjusts the surface temperature to make it comfortable for the sleeper; a conceptual solution to the problem of how to wake up in the morning and how to deal with a seemingly simple but at the same time very disturbing phenomenon - a hangover.
LU studentu komanda piedalījās Petrozavodskas vasaras programmēšanas treniņnometnē
09.09.2016. 14.55 Ziņa
Latvijas Universitātes studentu komanda, kuras sastāvā ir DF students Pēteris Pakalns, DF students Andrejs Kuzņecovs un FMF students Kristaps Čivkulis, no 22. augusta līdz 1. septembrim, gatavojoties jaunajai ACM programmēšanas sacensību sezonai, piedalījās programmēšanas treniņnometnē Petrozavodskā - Petrozavodsk Summer Programming Camp 2016 -, kas ir viena no sarežģītākajām sacensību programmēšanas treniņnometnēm pasaulē, kurā piedalās arī komandas, kas ir ieguvušas pasaules čempiona titulu ACM ICPC sacensībās. Treniņnometne norisinājās Petrozavodskas Valsts universitātē, Krievijā. Treniņnomentē katra diena sastāvēja no intensīvām 5 stundu programmēšanas sacensībām, uzdevumu analīzes un neatrisināto uzdevumu izpildes, bija arī divas atslodzes dienas, kurās studenti apmeklēja organizētas aktivitātes, kā boulings, peldbaseins, tramplīnlekšana un Kizhi salas ekskursija.LU studentu programmēšanas komandas atbalstaA/S „Exigen Services Latvia”, SIA „Datakom”, Latvijas Goda konsuls
Co-creation workshop "Is Latvia welcoming to international students?"
24.11.2022. 13.52 Ziņa
State research programme project "Cutting-edge knowledge and solutions to study demographic and migration processes for the development of Latvian and European society (DemoMigPro)", research team is working on topics related to the well-being of international students in Latvia. At the House of Nature of the University of Latvia, a co-creation workshop "Is Latvia welcoming to international students?" will be held on 30 November 2022 at 16:30. We welcome international students or recent graduates from Latvian higher education institutions to participate in the workshop and share their experiences! Workshop registration:
LU JF students Raivo Bunde izcīna 3. vietu Vieglatlētikas sacensībās Sportland kausa 2. posmā
05.02.2024. 16.51 Ziņa
Sestdien, 3. februārī, jaunajā "Daugavas" vieglatlētikas manēžā norisinājās vieglatlētikas sacensības “Sportland kausa 2.posms”. Tajās startēja 3 Latvijas Universitātes studenti – Emmija Ivule, Marks Grantiņš un Raivo Bunde. Sacensības norisinājās 11 disciplīnās – 60m, 200m, 300m, 400m, 800m, 1500m un 3000m skriešana, 60m barjerskriešana, augstlēkšana, tāllēkšana un trīssoļlēkšana – un tajās piedalījās vairāk nekā 400 dalībnieku. Latvijas Universitātes Sociālo zinātņu fakultātes studente Emmija Ivule piedalījās 300m skriešanas discpilīnā, Latvijas Universitātes Izglītības zinātņu un psiholoģijas fakultātes students Marks Grantiņš piedalījās trīssoļlēkšanas disciplīnā, bet Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes students Raivo Bunde piedalījās 60m barjerskriešanas disciplīnā. Emmija Ivule ar laiku 43.70 sekundes 300m skrējienā sievietēm izcīnīja 9. vietu, Marks Grantiņš trīssoļlēkšanā ar rezultātu 14.00 metri izcīnīja 4. vietu, bet Raivo Bunde 60m barjerskriešanā ar laiku 8
Numbers and Facts: Foreign Students in the Context of Latvian Language Learning
17.05.2022. 17.45 Saturs
Thetwenty-first century with its rapidly changing socio-economic and cultural situation has introduced thenecessity for transformations in higher education. Language and education must be viewed in close relationship. The21 st century is characterized by thenecessity of multicultural paradigm in education. When different cultures meet, it becomes necessary to solve communication problems, to understand universal values, as well as various languages and cultures, ways of communication. Quality education is aprecondition for successful development in thecontemporary society. Thelearning society has broadened themeaning of education, learning and knowledge. Currently many students choose to work abroad. In our rapidly changing situation, themain priority is theNew Man, who will live, work and be able to operate productively, contributing to aprocess of thedevelopment. Personal and professional competence is named as an important factor for every student and specialist not only
FORTHEM Virtual Exchange: Students’ Perspectives
21.06.2021. 18.22 Ziņa
Organised by the Arqus European University Alliance and hosted by Vilnius University from3 to 7May 2021, the first Arqus Academy Week (2021) featured many interesting discussions, lectures, workshops and other events. Bearing the motto “shaping the university of the future”, this debut has successfully engaged the communities of the seven universities in a discussion of a renewed vision for higher education. During an interactive panel, specific examples of how virtual exchange has been used by European University Alliances and global networks to offer both students and staff international and intercultural collaborative learning experiences were presented. Particular attention was paid to the approach to multilingualism and its application as a resource in virtual exchanges; in addition, concrete proposals for Virtual Exchanges that Arqus members could join were made. As FORTHEM has been active in cross-alliance idea exchange, our alliance had been invited to present some
The first Korean student to graduate from the University of Latvia
22.02.2021. 14.53 Ziņa
For the first time in the university’s history, a student from Korea has obtained a bachelor's degree at the University of Latvia (UL), reports the TV3 news programme "900 sekundes". Several years ago, the young man briefly visited Latvia for the first time, just passing through. The quick impression proved strong enough to return to Latvia and start his studies. In addition to his studies at the University of Latvia, twenty-three-year-old Korean Hwije Im is actively creating content on social networks. He has created a "Youtube" channel in Korean language, which tells about Latvia to foreign viewers. Hwije travelled extensively before commencing his studies, and visited the Baltic states, including Latvia in one of his travels. “I have visited more than 50 countries and travelled through Latvia. As soon as I arrived here, Latvia enchanted me and I decided to return here,” says UL student from Korea Hwije Im. Hwije Im chose to study at the University of Latvia Faculty of Business
The first Korean student to graduate from the University of Latvia
24.02.2021. 15.05 Ziņa
For the first time in the university’s history, a student from Korea has obtained a bachelor's degree at the University of Latvia (UL), reports the TV3 news programme "900 sekundes". Several years ago, the young man briefly visited Latvia for the first time, just passing through. The quick impression proved strong enough to return to Latvia and start his studies. In addition to his studies at the University of Latvia, twenty-three-year-old Korean Hwije Im is actively creating content on social networks. He has created a "Youtube" channel in Korean language, which tells about Latvia to foreign viewers. Hwije travelled extensively before commencing his studies, and visited the Baltic states, including Latvia in one of his travels. “I have visited more than 50 countries and travelled through Latvia. As soon as I arrived here, Latvia enchanted me and I decided to return here,” says UL student from Korea Hwije Im. Hwije Im chose to study at the University of Latvia Faculty of Business
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