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At the most significant event of the UL Foundation almost 100 scholarship recipients were welcomed
28.11.2019. 17.05 Ziņa
The University of Latvia (UL) Foundation is a philanthropy organization focusing, concentrating and accumulating all those people and patrons who want to support the University of Latvia and have shown a willingness to participate in its development. On the 2nd of November, 93 UL and other universities students who received patrons’ scholarships in academic year 2018/2019 were welcomed. This year, the event took place in a new format, bringing together several areas supported by UL Foundation: scholarships for outstanding students and also supported projects that aim to improve the study environment. The Chairman of the Board, professor Ivars Lācis , opened the ceremony with the academic readings of three ambitious projects supported by the patrons of UL Foundation. Professor Mārcis Auziņš presented the project "Latvian Formula 2050. Scenarios of Development" . It combines work of academic researchers, entrepreneurs and financiers, as well as decision makers, who have discussed
It’s February – the anniversary month of the Institute.
01.02.2022. 16.04 Ziņa
Last year, during the anniversary month, we remembered the beginnings of the Institute - the construction of the building at Ķengaraga Street 8, the opening of the Institute, and looked at how these events were reflected in the press of that time. This year we decided to continue the new tradition and look at the history too. This time, our attention was on students and young researchers at our Institute. And so – on pages 1 and 3 of the issue No 74 of the newspaper "Padomju Jaunatne” (“ Soviet Youth ") of April 15, 1979 (the full version of the article available from the Latvian National Digital Library (, it is stated that “nowadays, the university’s institute is unthinkable without students. And there are plenty of them at the Institute.” The Institute had a Council of Young Scientists, which had established a “Candidate Minimum School” and organized lectures for future science candidates. The Council of Young Scientists was chaired by Linards Skuja, a postgraduate
With the help of the University of Latvia Foundation and Mikrotīkls, the equipment for the laboratory workshop of the Physics department will be supplemented
11.01.2021. 14.35 Ziņa
At the end of the year,UL Foundation announced that the UL’s perennial patron “Mikrotīkls” LLC has accepted the funding of UL Faculty of Physics, Mathematics andOptometrics(UL FPMO) Physics department’s previously submitted project for acquiring the funds for supplement of equipment for the Laboratory workshop of the Physics department with equipment which would enable the students of physics laboratory to make remote work much more convenient. Due to the spreading of Covid-19, the learning circumstances are limited,includinggaining of practical skills and laboratory workin person. Thatis why,alreadysincespring theteachingstaff, includinglaboratory and practical supervisors,are forced tocome up with solutionsforworking remotely. The main goal of “Development of physics practical studies based on moderneducationalprinciples” project is to change UL FPMO practice’s laboratory workshops, making them more available remotely for students while studying. If looking at the bigger
Vēstures un filozofijas fakultātes studenti saņem LU fonda mecenātu stipendijas
15.01.2020. 21.27 Ziņa
Pēc teju 400 pieteikumu izvērtēšanas jau novembrī noslēdzās Latvijas Universitātes (LU) fonda mecenātu stipendiātu atlase. Šogad LU un citu Latvijas augstskolu studentiem piešķirtas 94 stipendijas, no kurām piecas saņēma arī centīgākie LU Vēstures un filozofijas fakultātes (VFF) studenti. Tomass Stepiņš – jaunais filozofs ar plašu pētniecisko interešu loku. Kā vienīgais stipendiāts no 1. kursa šogad stipendiju „Ceļamaize” saņem LU VFF 1. kursa filozofijas students Tomass Stepiņš . Stipendija „Ceļamaize” ir radīta 2006. gadā, lai sniegtu motivējošu atbalstu LU pamatstudiju 1. kursa studentiem, kuriem, absolvējot vidusskolu, ir gan augstas sekmes mācībās, gan sasniegumi ārpusskolas aktivitātēs. Papildus filozofijai Tomu aizrauj arī vēsture, literatūra un māksla, un Toms pats arī atzīmē, ka viņa pētniecisko interešu klāsts ir plašs. Stipendijas „Ceļamaize” iegūšana Tomam nozīmē ne vien novērtējumu un finansiālu neatkarību, kas ļauj pilnvērtīgi pievērsties studijām, bet arī
PATRON OF THE MONTH. The company founded by UL graduates stimulates UL student excellence
12.06.2019. 13.32 Ziņa
The University of Latvia (UL) is the leading science university in Latvia. Hand in hand with UL funds, patrons support and promote UL researchers at both local and international levels, and the results are outstanding. Research and technology company of medical biology, as well as the long-standing and trusted patron “Biosan”, have awarded a scholarship to molecular biologist Dita Gudrā. In collaboration with the UL Foundation, “Biosan” a creative competition for students and faculty members of the University of Latvia was organized, giving the most promising researcher a one-time EUR 1,500 scholarship to attend a high-profile and large-scale international scientific conference . The aim of the scholarship is to promote and support the research of doctoral students in the field of life and medicine in the University of Latvia and internationally. The winner of the competition, the new researcher Dita Gudrā , will bring Latvia and her alma mater title into the world with a new
PATRON OF THE MONTH. The company founded by UL graduates stimulates UL student excellence
27.11.2019. 19.44 Ziņa
The University of Latvia (UL) is the leading science university in Latvia. Hand in hand with UL funds, patrons support and promote UL researchers at both local and international levels, and the results are outstanding. Research and technology company of medical biology, as well as the long-standing and trusted patron “Biosan”, have awarded a scholarship to molecular biologist Dita Gudrā. In collaboration with the UL Foundation, “Biosan” a creative competition for students and faculty members of the University of Latvia was organized, giving the most promising researcher a one-time EUR 1,500 scholarship to attend a high-profile and large-scale international scientific conference . The aim of the scholarship is to promote and support the research of doctoral students in the field of life and medicine in the University of Latvia and internationally. The winner of the competition, the new researcher Dita Gudrā , will bring Latvia and her alma mater title into the world with a new
LU Medicīnas fakultāti šovasar absolvēs 532 studenti
20.06.2013. 13.35 Ziņa
Latvijas Universitātes Medicīnas fakultāti (LU MF) šovasar absolvēs un diplomus saņems 532 ārsti, medmāsas, farmaceiti un radiogrāfi. Pirmais vasaras izlaidums veselības aprūpes speciālistiem LU Lielajā aulā notiks 26. jūnijā, bet otrais – 28. jūnijā. Izglītības un zinātnes ministrijas Akreditācijas komisija maijā atkal uz sešiem gadiem akreditējusi visas LU MF visas studiju programmas, tāpēc ikviens esošais un topošais students var būt droši, ka pēc studiju beigšanas saņems starptautiski atzītu diplomu. LU MF šogad ziemā jau absolvēja – 441 jaunais veselības aprūpes nozares speciālists. Kopā ar vasaras absolventiem - 532, fakultāti 2012./2013. gadā būs beiguši – 973, tādejādi LU MF ir viens no lielākajiem absolventu skaitiem. LU Medicīnas fakultātes dekāne prof. Ingrīda Rumba-Rozenfelde: „Fakultātes prioritāte ir studiju kvalitāte, tāpēc darbs pie studiju programmu pilnveidošanas ir nepārtraukts. Jau 15 gadus fakultāte apvieno labākos un progresīvākos Latvijas medicīnas un farmācijas
Academic information
08.07.2020. 13.23 Saturs
four and six. Candidates who fail in a course (semester) examination can generally try to sit again* during the session or afterwards. In principle, an examination cannot be repeated more than twice. In the case of failure, the student has to repeat a study year. The student is given a deadline to pass the examinations before the beginning of the next academic year. * The Faculty keeps the right to collect the fee from exchange students for retaking the exam. See: Pricing list . Final Examinations Final examinations are usually arranged as joint examinations covering several subjects, which are relevant to the main field of study. Assessment of Knowledge Theoretical examinations are held in a written or oral form. In some fields e.g. in medicine, practical examinations are important. Students are examined by a single examiner or by an examination board. If the student is successful in all the examinations of the session, he/she is allowed to continue the following semester
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