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UL and Lithuanian University of Health Sciences signs memorandum to advance scientific cooperation and exchange of scientists and students
17.11.2017. 13.41 Ziņa
On Friday, November 10, the Rector of the University of Latvia (UL), Prof. Indriķis Muižnieks and the Rector of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU) Remigijus Žaliūnas signed a memorandum of cooperation, which contributes to a stronger partnership, particularly in cardiology. The Director of the LSMU Institute of Cardiology, Head of the Department of Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery, Chairman of the LSMU Senate Rimantas Benetis and LSMU Rector R. Žaliūnas for more than 20 years cooperate with the Chairman of the UL Strategic Council Andrejs Ērglis in the sphere of cardiology. On November 10, this collaboration was attested by the memorandum. Signature of the document was preceded by an operation, performed by R. Benetis and A. Ērglis together on the evening before.With their signatures, both universities agree to advance the scientific partnership–provide the exchange of lecturers, researchers and students, as well as participate in common research projects
Call for participation in Workshop for young scholars and postgraduate students
21.02.2017. 11.16 Ziņa
The Center for Gender Studies at the University of Latvia is pleased to open a call for participation in the interdisciplinary workshop for young scholars and postgraduate (M,PhD) students Digital Diaspora: Gender, Identity, Belonging which will be held on June 20-21, 2017, at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Latvia (Visvalža 4a, Riga). The workshop director: Dr. Marija Semjonova (Coordinator of the Center for Gender Studies), The rise of digital communications and improved travel technologies has facilitated migrations and diasporas, that change and give complex meanings to places, that move us to rethinking the notions of home and self. In these contexts of mobilities and connectivities, the concepts of gender, race and diaspora are intensively addressed with regard to nation, national identity and belonging. The aim of the two-day workshop is to investigate the relations between transnational networks, diasporic flows/spaces and practices
The Rūsis family donates USD 5,000 to create a scholarship for students of nursing at the University of Latvia
17.08.2020. 19.09 Ziņa
The donation of Latvians Roberts and Dagnija Rūsis living in America will enable two students of the professional study programme “Nursing” at the University of Latvia (UL) Faculty of Medicine (FM) to receive Rūsis family scholarship in the amount of EUR 2 100 every academic year for the next 10 years. Healthcare plays a key role in the daily life of society. Patrons Dagnija and Roberts Rūsis have confirmed their wish to support the studies of merciful nurses in Latvia by donating 50000 dollars for the establishment of a family scholarship. Thus, the Rūši family scholarship will support master's degree students of nursing at the UL Faculty of Medicineto cover the costs of studies, teaching aids and living expenses. The scholarship fundwas establishedwith the administrative support of the "Friends of the University of Latvia "and the ULFoundation. Patroness Dagnija Rūsis (née Āboliņa) received a diploma of a nurse at the St. Mary Nursing School at Saginaw, Michigan State, USA
Frankofonijas un franču valodas pasniedzēju diena HZF aizvadīta
12.12.2019. 18.06 Ziņa
28. novembrī visā pasaulē tika atzīmēta starptautiskā Frankofonijas un franču valodas pasniedzēju diena. Arī Humanitāro zinātņu fakultātē norisinājās pasākums par godu šim notikumam, turklāt vēl nebijušā formātā – to rīkoja HZF studenti, un tas pulcēja vairākus desmitus skolēnu un skolotāju no izglītības iestādēm, kurās apgūst franču valodu. Pasākuma pirmo daļu vadīja franču filoloģijas bakalaura studiju programmas studentes, kas vasarā devās Erasmus+ jaunatnes interešu izglītības braucienā uz Franciju, kur piedalījās astronomijas un vides zinību kursos. Tā kā šajos kursos uzsvars tika likts uz jauniešu ieinteresēšanu apkārtējās vides un izplatījuma izziņā, arī šeit apmeklētājiem tika stāstīts par Saules sistēmas planētām, to īpašībām un atšķirībām. Tam sekoja darbs grupās – uzzīmēt kādu no šīm planētām un to prezentēt. Šī aktivitāte noslēdzās ar liela Saules sistēmas modeļa kopīgu izveidošanu. Pasākuma otrajā daļā Romāņu valodu un kultūru studiju maģistra studiju programmas
Uzsākta Rakstu mājas būvniecība; studenti nepacietībā gaida pievienoties dabaszinātņu studentiem Torņkalnā
10.03.2022. 18.57 Ziņa
2022. gada sākumā Torņkalnā uzsākta Rakstu mājas būvniecība Latvijas Universitātes (LU) Akadēmiskā centra (AC) teritorijā. Būtiski, ka ar šīs ēkas atklāšanu dabaszinātņu studentiem Torņkalnā pievienosies arī Biznesa, vadības un ekonomikas fakultātes (BVEF), Sociālo zinātņu fakultātes (SZF), Humanitāro zinātņu fakultātes (HZF), Pedagoģijas, psiholoģijas un mākslas fakultātes (PPMF), Teoloģijas fakultātes (TF) un Vēstures un filozofijas fakultātes (VFF) studenti. 2015. gadā ar Dabas mājas atklāšanu daļa LU studentu uzsāka studijas Torņkalna Akadēmiskajā centrā, savukārt 2019. gadā tika atklāta Zinātņu māja. Abās šajās ēkās šobrīd mitinās Medicīnas fakultātes (MF), Fizikas, matemātikas un ptometrijas fakultātes (FMOF), Ķīmijas fakultātes (ĶF), Bioloģijas fakultātes (BF) un Ģeogrāfijas un Zemes zinātņu fakultātes (ĢZZF) studenti. Tikmēr pārējo fakultāšu studenti studē savu fakultāšu ēkās dažādos Rīgas rajonos. SZF studente Sabīne Liepniece uzskata, ka Rakstu mājas atklāšana būs kā
PATRON OF THE MONTH. Donors from all over the world help LU students to take the first steps in their studies
29.10.2020. 13.37 Ziņa
and sustainable construction. This principle underlies all the daily processes and general work culture at “Arčers”. The implementation of intelligent construction in the company is ensured by its highly qualified employees, and the company promotes sustainability in various aspects both regarding the construction process itself, as well as expanding and strengthening its intelligent team of specialists. Young talents have a special role to play in achieving this goal. Future champions – Lāsma, Nauris and Paula Katrīna In academic year 2020/2021, the support of patron “Arčers” was won by three aspiring young people – prospective journalist Lāsma Ločmele , future e-commerce and logistics management system specialist Nauris Osis ambitious physicist Paula Katrīna Purmale . Scholar Lāsma Ločmele , a 1 st year bachelor’s programme student at the University of Latvia Faculty of Social Sciences is gratified to receive the scholarship: “This is a great honour to become a recipient of scholarship
The University of Latvia will continue to support Ukrainian researchers and students
18.12.2023. 18.32 Ziņa
The University of Latvia (UL) will continue to provide financial support to Ukrainian citizens studying at UL who have left Ukraine or cannot return to Ukraine, as well as to Ukrainian research staff at the university. In solidarity with the Ukrainian people, UL grants 100% waiver to Ukrainian students of tuition fees for the spring semester of the academic year 2023/2024, as well as 100% rent concessions at UL dormitories. The university invites Ukrainian scientists to continue their research, which has been interrupted by the war, in Latvia by granting support funding until 31 December 2024. The support is granted from the UL’s centralized funds as co-financing for the budget of a UL institution, making a settlement of the actual costs once a quarter. The support is granted for the employment of Ukrainian research staff in UL institutions. “We continue to stand united with the Ukrainian people! The university has established close and productive cooperation with several
Student Council of the University of Latvia
02.06.2021. 20.15 Saturs
About The Student Council of the University of Latvia is an independent, collegial institution that defends the rights and interests of the students at the UL. The students take an active part not only in improving the study process, but also in making the student opinion count in the Senate and different working groups of the UL administration. It also organises the major student events, such as Aristotelis, Sports, etc. Contact : Deniss Celuiko .
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