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Delegation of the Faculty of Theology participates in an international forum in Tibet
02.08.2016. 01.02 Ziņa
between China and Central and Eastern European Countries (16+1) for closer cooperation in the field of education, as well as informed that Latvia will host the 5 th 16+1 Meeting of the Heads of Government in Riga, in November of 2016.LU representatives highlighted the need for Latvia to broaden its expertise and to participate into international research in order to develop knowledge and awareness about Tibet, its culture and religion. They expressed confidence that the contacts established during the Forum will facilitate cooperation between the academics of Latvia, China and other countries in research of Tibetan Buddhism and Buddhism in China in general.The Faculty of Theology has started to develop contacts with Chinese universities in order to cooperate in the field of religious studies with the support of the Embassy of China in Latvia. The Faculty of Theology is the only entity in Latvia that has an academic program for religious studies and is actively involved in supporting
Magnetic Latvia magazine
09.07.2019. 12.43 Ziņa
Magnetic Latvia magazine provides information on Latvia's business ecosystem, investments, start-ups, key events as well as local and international companies and their success stories in Latvia. The magazine is a great source of inspiration for those who are planning to visit Latvia for their next holiday trip and for those who are considering starting or expanding their business here, establishing contacts or simply getting to know Latvia. The magazine also offers information about our Insitute of Solid State Physics, its activities in the field of smart materials, the new cooperation platform Materize and the Deep Science Hackathon event. Electronic version of the magazine:
Lab contact information
06.10.2022. 14.13 Saturs
The Lab Website For more detailed information please consult the Lab Website . Alliance level Contact Person Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany Professor Virginia Gail Toy Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany Researcher Dr. Martina Kirilova Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany Researcher Ms. Selina Fenske University level Contact Persons University of Jyväskylä, Finland Senior Lecturer Ajay Patil University of Burgundy, France Associate Professor Emmanuelle Pucéat University of Burgundy, France Associate Professor Benjamin Pohl University of Opole, Poland Professor Agnieszka Dołhańczuk-Środka agna@ u ni
Lab contact information
19.05.2022. 12.17 Saturs
Alliance level Contact Persons University of Burgundy, France Professor Frédéric Debeaufort University of Burgundy, France Associate Professor Clémentine Hugol-Gential University level Contact Persons Johannes Gutenberg University, Germany Professor Eckhard Thines University of Jyväskylä, Finland University Teacher Jouni Välisaari University of Jyväskylä, Finland Professor Jan Lundell University of Opole, Poland Professor Jacek Lipok University of Opole, Poland Professor Izabella Pisarek University of Palermo, Italy Professor Paolo Inglese University of Palermo
Contacts/Local Organizing Committee
11.10.2017. 14.19 Saturs
Local Organizing Committee Prof. Iveta Kestere – University of Latvia, Chair of Local Organizing Committee Prof. Zanda Rubene – University of Latvia Kitija Valeina – doctoral student, University of Latvia Arnis Strazdins – doctoral student, University of Latvia Contacts Angelo Van Gorp for formal queries, e.g. regarding application, eligibility criteria. E-mail: For practical queries, e.g. regarding travel, venue, meals, accompanying persons etc. - Iveta Kestere - , Arnis Strazdins - or Kitija Valeina -
Welcome to my country - event for Erasmus students
14.10.2010. 13.03 Ziņa
An event of welcoming the exchange students is planned to take place on Saturday, 16th October, 6 p.m. at Dirty Deal Caffe (Maskavas Str. 12, Corpus 2, Spikeri). All exchange students, their buddies and other interesents are welcomed to participate, have a good time and establish new contacts among foreign and Latvian students.For the official part of the event, an introduction to the Lavian traditional culture is planned. Participants will have a chance to gain an insight into the Latvian traditions, national costumes, folk songs and dances, that will be presented by folk group “Kokle”.Afterwards, karaoke and informal dance till morning is planned, with musical atmosphere provided by DJ Lusis.The event is organized by the Student Body of LU SZF.
In Cambridge discuss technology and data analytics solutions for medical development
09.10.2023. 19.51 Ziņa
In Cambridge, UK, Microsoft together with its partners, hosted an international workshop on IT and analytical solutions: Intelligent Medicines: Future Decoded, which was attended by KPMI leading researcher Inese Poļaka. This seminar was attended by IT, medical and pharmaceutical industry and science representatives to discuss future medicine: treatment personalization, data analysis and safety, and patient involvement. The latest technologies and good practices in various research and companies were presented: patient status monitoring, detailed data acquisition and analysis, adaptation of diagnostics and observation of patients' lifestyle, use of new technologies (genetic, etc., analyzes in science and diagnostics), etc. During this event, new knowledge and contacts were gained, which will allow further development of KPMI research activities and competencies.
FORTHEM Short-Term Mobility Methodology for Studies: Summer School
21.06.2021. 18.15 Ziņa
From 17to 21May 2021, students from seven FORTHEM partner universities were given the opportunity to find out more about the methodology of epidemiological / psychological research, especially on the topics of quality of life and resilience. During the summer school, the students had the chance to cooperate with Lilian Tzivian and Signe Mežinska, professors at the University of Latvia, and Raffael Kalish, professor at the University of Mainz. The students regarded the event a success, as it was generally very informative, well-coordinated and structured. They also noted that it was a dynamic event, even though it took place online. The fact that the professors asked questions, encouraged everyone to participate and provided many practical examples was highly appreciated. The students also expressed interest in participating in future activities organised by FORTHEM, inspiring hope that maybe they will have a chance to meet in person and exchange contacts next time.
Conference Programme of the Panel "Conflicts and Cooperation in History"
13.03.2023. 15.21 Ziņa
On March 30 and 31, 2023 in Riga, Rūpniecības iela 10 a panel within the framework of the 81st international scientific conference of the University of Latvia will be organized by the Institute of Latvian History. The history of any region reflects the contacts and interactions of the different beliefs, needs and traditions of the people who lived there. When irreconcilably different points of view meet, this encounter manifests itself in the form of conflicts. Similar beliefs and goals, in turn, encourage the search for solutions through cooperation. At the 81st international conference of the University of Latvia, in the panel "Conflicts and Cooperation in History" organized by the Institute of Latvian History, we invite you to focus on the dynamics of mutual relations between individuals, groups of people, peoples and countries and the influence of said dynamics on the course of history in the period from the most ancient times to the present day. Conference programme .
Series of Roundtables “The Eastern Partnership vis-à-vis Latvia`s Policy Towards the EU`s Eastern Neighbourhood"
15.02.2013. 17.37 Saturs
-operation and Challenges in our Common Neighbourhood: Economic and Social Co-operation, Energy Security, Environmental Protection, Co-operation in the Framework of EU Projects to Reduce Socio-Economic Imbalances and Increase Stability; BELARUS – EU Reform Assistance with a Focus on Democracy, the Rule of Law, Free Market Reforms and Co-operation for Reducing Economic and Social Disparities . Provisional topics for the outgoing visits: MOLDOVA STATE UNIVERSITY - Encouraging the Social and Economic Development through Closer Relations between Academia, Governments and Businesses, as well as People to People Contacts to Further Support Partners' Individual Reform Efforts; YEREVAN STATE UNIVERSITY – Eastern Partnership for Promoting Democracy and Good Governance, Sectorial Reforms and Environmental Protection, Encouraging People to People Contacts and Supporting Economic and Social Development; UNIVERSITY IN UKRAINE, Kiev (to be confirmed) - Creating a Stable and Prosperous European Neighborhood through Closer
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