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Use your time wisely! Begin to study remotely on your way to Latvia!
21.05.2020. 18.50 Ziņa
Does it feel like the whole world is locked up? It's not! The University of Latvia is waiting for you! Apply, submit the documents, sign a study contract and start studying remotely. At the same time, you will also be able to arrange documents related to your arrival in Latvia. The University of Latvia invites foreign students to apply for studies at the University of Latvia also in cases when the restrictions introduced by the countries currently prevent entering Latvia or there has been a delay in receiving migration documents. The studies at the University of Latvia will also be provided remotely. The University of Latvia already successfully implements distance studies – the lectures take place on the Microsoft Teams platform, the students perform their work independently and regularly communicate with lecturers in video conferences. The crisis caused by Covid-19 has created various challenges, but studies must not be delayed. The University of Latvia continues admission
Application for scholarships has been completed!
04.10.2021. 17.42 Ziņa
The application for patron scholarships who are administered by the LU Foundation has now been concluded. We have received the largest number of applications ever - 443. 146 applications were received for freshman scholarships, but 297 applications were received for scholarships starting from Course 2. For freshman students together, it was possible to apply for 7 sets of scholarships. The largest contest was for the scholarship 'Ceļamaize', which together received 103 scholarship applications. Among from the 2nd year of bachelor`s scholarships, the largest contest was for Kristaps Morberg's scholarship, which together received 92 scholarship applications. There were many more scholarships from course 2, because it was possible to apply for scholarships available to students from both bachelor and masters and doctoral candidates. The winners of the scholarship from Course 2 will soon be identified! Good luck and endurance for all the candidates! ______________________ About
The University of Latvia Received Canadian Government’s Grant for International Academic Relations Programme
10.10.2011. 16.01 Ziņa
, the promotion of scientific research collaboration between universities in the Baltic States and Canada within the Programme.The participants agreed on a regular exchange of information and cooperation to organize the workshop on Canadian Studies in spring 2012 involving doctoral and post-doctoral students. In autumn 2012, the UL is to organize the Baltic workshop on Canadian Interdisciplinary Studies. CETS supports the implementation of Canadian Studies within the European Studies Master'sProgramme. It enables to assess EU relations with Third countries as well as to compare economic, social, regional, cultural, integration, etc. policies in the EU and Canada. The Course will be scheduled for both Latvian and foreign lecturers’ participation to introduce students with the Canada-EU issues. Canadian Studies as a part of the European Studies course of EU’s external policy is designed to increase students’ knowledge of the EU-Canada and Canada’s bilateral and multilateral relations.In 2011 from May
Online Presentation Event for the "Universities for Culture" Network Platform on 10 June 2024
05.06.2024. 20.05 Ziņa
We are thrilled to announce the launch of the networking platform "Universities for Culture" that will take place online on Monday, 10 June 2024. Attendees of this virtual event will be able to learn about the platform's features, the CAMINO Project's activities and get a glimpse into how the platform can facilitate cultural collaborations among universities, their cultural institutions, artistic groups, students and academics across Central and Eastern Europe. University representatives, cultural organizations, artists, researchers, students and community leaders are invited to join this online event to discover opportunities for cultural cooperation and participate in Q&A session. To learn more, please visit our FB event: We look forward to seeing you online!
Laura Pučeta: sepsis and septic shock are life threatening syndromes
11.05.2021. 12.41 Ziņa
the clinical picture in the hospital stage, received treatment and its compatibility, as well as the outcome of the hospital episode will be analysed. The received results will have to be prepared for reporting and publication, and meanwhile planning for the next stage of the study takes place.The second phase of the study will include an analysis of treatment’s late results and further healthcare of patients with sepsis and septic shock. What happens to these patients in the year after leaving the hospital will be explored, and the role of clinical course in late complications will be assessed. Laura says: “Doctoral studies have been happening through distance learning for a long time now, and it seems that we all - both students and teaching staff - have adapted to the current situation, aswell as mastered the necessary digital solutions. However, I’m not the only one who keeps reflecting on what presence (and being present) in space-time-person means to all of us. I have to add that, compared
Vakance - Mikro un nanoierīču laboratorijas vadītājs(-a)
02.05.2024. 15.20 Ziņa
of micro and nanofabrication techniques Proven experience in leading and coordinating research and mentoring a team of professionals and students of BSc, MSc and PhD level; Ability to attract external funding on national and international level; Experience in hiring students and researchers Excellent communication, presentation and social skills; Excellent command of English Desirable Experience participating in interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary research especially with biology Experience in field of microfluidics Previous experience in industry/start-ups will be considered as an advantage Selection process Please send your application to and include: a cover/application letter and a CV a publication list a list of obtained external research funding a pedagogic portfolio Start date: ASAP Salary: 4200 - 5880 € The Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia (ISSP UL) is an internationally recognized
Pasaules kausā bobslejā startē arī Latvijas Universitātes students
11.12.2019. 17.51 Ziņa
Nedēļas nogalē tika sākta jaunā Pasaules kausa sezona bobslejā. Divnieku ekipāžā kopā ar Ralfu Bērziņu startēja arī Latvijas Universitātē studējošais bobslejists Dāvis Spriņģis. Studijas viņš uzsāka šajā mācību gadā un mācās Pedagoģijas un psiholoģijas fakultātē par Sporta treneri. 7. un 8. decembrī sākās Pasaules kausa starti bobslejā divniekiem, kuri tika aizvadīti ASV, Leikplesidas trasē. Pirmajā dienā mūsu ekipāža uzrādīja sekojošus rezultātus: Pirmajā braucienā – 55.67 sekundes, kas deva 14. vietu; Otrajā braucienā – 56.27, kas deva braucienā 20. vietu; Kopsummā laiks 1:51.94, kas komandai kopvērtējumā deva 18. vietu. Otrajā dienā komandas rezultāti: Pirmais brauciens – 56.10 sekundes, kas deva 20. vietu summā; Otrajā braucienā – 55.92 sekundes, kas deva 17. vietu; Kopsummā laiks 1:52.02, kas komandu ierindoja 19. vietā. Dāvja Spriņģa komentārs par pirmajā dienā aizvadītajiem braucieniem: “Pirmais
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