Atrasts 851 ieraksts
Iepirkums LU CFI 2018/34/ERAF
10.07.2019. 15.35 Saturs
/EIS/Publications/PublicationView.aspx?PublicationId=4&systemCode=CORE& Please note that the SRDA is responsible authority for registration and use of this EPS. Therefore in case you need any assistance in the EPS, please contact the SRDA (e-mail: ). The Tender Regulations and other procurement documents are available in: Atbilde precizējums Tehniskajā specifikācijā saskaņā ar EK skaidrojumu 03.10.2018. Pielikums Nr.2 (labots 03.10.2018.) Noslēguma ziņojums According to the European Commission recommendations (see no.8 in link below), the reference ENERGY STAR criteria has been removed, although the reference to ENERGY STAR has not been removed from the Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU and Latvian national legislation despite the fact that the ENERGY STAR Agreement between EU and USA expired in the beginning of 2018. Atbilstoši Eiropas Komisijas rekomendācijai (skat.8.punktu zemāk norādītajā linkā), norāde uz ENERGY STAR kritēriju ir izņemta
Ziņas EN
24.09.2023. 08.41 Saturs
processes in metallurgy. At the same time, it is impossible to produce AMC wire with classical metallurgical methods and a range of tools designed for working with liquid metal. Electromagnetic effects constitute unique tools that open up new possibilities for material processing. Furthermore, these effects include non-contact methods with the respective advantages. Researchers of the MHD Technology Laboratory of the UL Institute of Physics have conducted research to develop a new technological process for the metallurgical production of AMC, using electromagnetic methods. The developed process consists of three consecutive steps that allow the AMC material to be obtained metallurgically by using electromagnetic methods. The first step in the production of AMC – the particles are mixed into liquid aluminium alloy using a permanent magnet stirrer. It has been shown theoretically and experimentally that a rotating permanent magnet can produce an intense flow of liquid metal, which mixes
Epidemiology and Medical Statistics
05.04.2024. 15.45 Saturs
Undergraduate diploma (or higher)in health care, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, psychology, sociology, natural sciences, environmental sciences, food sciences, or other comparable higher education. English language proficiency . Admission criteria: 1. The grade obtained in final Bachelor’s exam 2. The grade point average of undergraduate studies 3. Online test to determine common knowledge level on public health-related issues in modern society The average grade in study courses must be 60% of the maximum. Autumn Intake (application start: 02 Jan2023; studies start in Sept 2023) Full-time Contact person for more information: Senior Expert of Study Development Mr. Ivars Pēkainis E-mail: Phone: +371 67033823, +371 25980910 Faculty of Medicine Jelgavas Street 3 - 330, LV–1004 The programme has been developed within the framework of the project "Design of Internationally Competitive Study Programmes Promoting the Development of the National Economy
29.10.2021. 03.30 Saturs
that will later be implemented. "Strategy for the Development of Quantum Optics and Photonics in NSP FOTONIKA-LV and UL" will be prepared and disseminated. The strategy will ensure that the research excellence of the institution will be achieved on a sustainable basis. 5. To network, communicate and disseminate (WP6). Good cooperation and networking with top-level research institutions and industry are required to create the institution's research excellence on a sustainable basis. An ERA Chair holder and his team will work on the establishment of new cooperation ties and strengthening old ones. Travel visits will support this – research institutions and companies will be visited, conferences and exhibitions attended. Two international conferences on "Quantum Optics and Photonics" will be organized in Latvia to gather shareholders (including industry), to raise discussion, to establish new contacts, and to report on the project. The project will be Managed (WP7) by the leadership team
Doctoral Study Programme “History and Archeology”
09.02.2024. 17.12 Saturs
Master's degree in the humanities, social sciences, educational sciences, and natural sciences, or equivalent higher education and entrance examinations. In the entrance interviews, in accordance with the admission criteria of the University of Latvia, both the novelty and topicality of the submitted doctoral thesis, the quality of the developed dissertation application, and the applicant's previous achievements and motivation are assessed. Previous achievements include master's study results, connection with work in historical research, publications and participation in scientific conferences. As a part of the admission process applicants will be asked to participate in an online interview. Autumn Intake ( application start: 02 Jan 2023; studies start in Sept 2023) Full-time Contact persons for more information about the programme: Programme director Dr.hist. Gvido Straube Programme secretary Dr.hist. Jānis Taurēns The programme has
20.12.2022. 19.35 Saturs
valodas – dzimto, ģimenes, resp., mājas, valodu (latviešu valoda) un dominējošo vides valodu (vācu valoda). Atkarībā no aptaujāto personu vecuma un valodu un kultūru pieredzes šinī procesā var būt iesaistīta arī krievu, angļu vai vēl kāda cita valoda. Atslēgvārdi: diaspora; valodas koda maiņa; koda jaukšana; koda variēšana; lingvistiskā attieksme; multilingvisms. Multilingual language mixing in thediaspora: Latvian in contact with German Summary Drawing on thedata from fifteen semi-structured interviews with first-generation Latvian emigrants living in Germany, this article explores language attitudes and linguistic behaviour of theso called Latvian “new diaspora”, which has emerged over thelast thirty years since Latvia regained its independence in 1991. In Germany, thenumber of Latvians has increased rapidly since 2011, when thecountry opened its labour market for immigrants from thenew EU member states, including Latvia. Since then, according to theGerman Federal Statistical Office
10.05.2024. 14.12 Saturs
the main stakeholders to maximise the benefits of the results obtained inthe projectfor maximum societal benefit. To use the results for their commercial exploitation to find and makenew concepts ofconductiveMXene-based membranes biomedical strategies available in the market. Description Task 4.1. Coordination and communication The PM will manage internal communication and organise quarterlyconsortium meetingsalternating between online and in person. The PM will facilitate ethical and legal approval (as required). Lead: UL willbe the EC point of contact and will establish communication procedures, organise and record all meetings; ALL partners will contribute to regularmeeting andprompt communications. Task 4.2. Progress monitoring and reporting The PM will monitor timelines for each deliverable and suggestreprioritisation ifrequired. They will organise reporting to the funders (M12 & M24). Efficient implementation of the reportingrequirements as defined inthe Grant Agreement
2014. gads
07.04.2016. 22.39 Saturs
and Contacts of Baltic and Finnic languages and literatures” . Tartu: Tartu universitāte, Igaunija. 44. Veisbergs A. (co-author) Bear’s Ears. Rīga: Zinātne. 45. Veisbergs A. Translation in Latvia during the German Occupation Period (Trends and Policies in 1941-1945) . Abstracts. Translation und das “Dritte Reich” . Berlin: Humboldt Universitaet. 26. lpp.46. Veisbergs A. Literārā valoda un normas lingvistiskajā praksē: Eiropas pieredze un tradīcijas . Literārā valoda, standartvaloda, normas. Rīga: LVA. 7.-21.lpp.47. Veisbergs A. Translation Policies in Latvia during the German Occupation . Vertimo Studijos. 17. 31- 44. 31. ISSN 2029-703348. Veisbergs A., Ločmele, G. Translation Quality, Translator Visibility, Paratexts. Translation, Quality, Costs. Proceedings of the 6th Riga Symposium on Pragmatic Aspects of Translation. (Eds, A. Veisbergs). Riga: The University of Latvia Press. 97.-117.lpp
Baltu filoloģija XXX (1/2) 2021
07.01.2022. 16.03 Saturs
Baltu filoloģija ir recenzējams izdevums ar starptautisku redakcijas kolēģiju / Baltu filoloģija is a fully refereed journal with an international panel of referees. Redaktors / Editor: Pēteris Vanags (Latvijas Universitāte, Stockholms universitet) Redaktora vietnieki / Associate Editors: Lidija Leikuma, Edmundas Trumpa (Latvijas Universitāte) ISSN 1691-0036 Redakcijas adrese / Editorial Address Baltu valodniecības katedra Humanitāro zinātņu fakultāte Latvijas Universitāte, Visvalža iela 4A, Rīga, LV-1050, Latvia e-pasts: Baltu filoloģija XXX (1/2) 2021 (PDF) SATURS — CONTENTS Raksti — Articles Ernesta KAZAKĖNAITĖ. Nepamet mums grēkus mūsu jeb latviešu tēvreize pasaules aprakstos un tēvreižu krājumos Rakstā aplūkoti astoņi 16. gs. Rietumeiropas citvalodu izdevumos atrodami latviešu tēvreizes publicējumi: Lācija aprakstos, Beļsku hronikās, Tevē
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