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The UL Faculty of Medicine users are invited to use OSMOSIS and Complete Anatomy
25.10.2023. 23.49 Ziņa
The UL Library has organized for the faculty and students of the Faculty of Medicine trial access to two Elsevier products – OSMOSIS and Complete Anatomy. OSMOSIS from Elsevier is an educational platform with a mission to empower the world's doctors and health professionals to have the best possible health learning experience. Different types of videos can be found on the platform, which are divided into sections and transcripts are available for the videos. For teachers, the analytical dashboard will help to see which students are most active in learning, show flashcard results, which topics have more errors and offer several useful learning materials. Complete Anatomy is an advanced 3D anatomy platform that systematically walks you through 3D anatomy models, virtual dissections, case studies and other interactive materials. The Library of the UL invites you to use the e-resource and express your opinion about OSMOSIS and Complete Anatomy here or by sending feedback
Nationball night tournament
27.01.2023. 15.09 Ziņa
Traditionally, LU sports night tournaments are organised by the LU sports Centre in cooperation with the LU Student Council. As you know, three times in a semester, LU students and staff have the opportunity to compete in various sports night tournaments. The nationball tournament will be one of LU's sports night tournaments this term. It will be a great opportunity for members of the course and simply good friends studying at the University of Latvia to participate in an interesting sports event in an unconventional atmosphere. The tournament will take place at Rimi Olympic Centre (Groston Street 6b), starts at 23.15, registration from 23.00. The application for participation in the tournament must be sent by 8 March. 23.59 to email Tournament organisers are urging every LU student to be active, organise a team and apply, doing so regardless of the level of mastery. Participation in the tournament is free of charge, but only LU students and employees are allowed
Sveicam mūsu fakultātes 2023./2024. akadēmiskā gada Latvijas Universitātes fonda stipendiju ieguvējus!
16.11.2023. 14.37 Ziņa
Alise Zita Zeidaka Baltu filoloģijas BSP 3. kursa studente Kristapa Morberga stipendija Džekija Eilande Austrumu-Rietumu starpkultūru studiju BSP 3. kursa studente Kristapa Morberga stipendija Anna Kristīna Trautmane Anglistikas, Eiropas valodu un biznesa studiju BSP 2. kursa studente Kristapa Morberga stipendija Timurs Ragozins Anglistikas, Eiropas valodu un biznesa studiju BSP 2. kursa students Lepojamies ar Humanitāro zinātņu fakultātes studentu panākumiem! Radošu garu un veiksmi arī turpmāk! Plašāk par 2023./2024. akad. gada stipendiātiem:
Project partnership
09.12.2022. 17.47 Saturs
ESSEC Business school (ESSEC)/FR is guided by the pursuit of academic excellence in teaching and research. Its distinctiveness stems from the pioneering spirit of the members of its community and its core values – humanism, responsibility, innovation and openness. ESSEC supports students in making their actions both meaningful and impactful, and seeks to enlighten the actions of businesses and organisations in a world transformed by the new industrial revolution, the environmental crisis, a new world balance and other major societal changes. The Social Innovation Chair was created in 2003, with the aim to train and sensitise students on the matters of social entrepreneurship. France, Cergy, 3 Avenue Bernard Hirsch, 95000
Iekāp studenta piedzīvojumos – “Studenta kurpēs” jau aprīlī!
27.03.2024. 17.26 Ziņa
Skolēn, vai esi domājis, kā būtu dzīvot studenta dzīvi? Tagad ir Tava iespēja “iekāpt” studenta piedzīvojumos, izbaudot vienu dienu studenta pasaulē, iepazīt studiju programmu un justies kā daļai no lielās Latvijas Universitātes (LU) studentu saimes. Straujiem soļiem tuvojas viens no iemīļotākajiem skolēnu pasākumiem “Studenta kurpēs”, kas norisināsies jau no 22. līdz 26. aprīlim. Pasākums “Studenta kurpēs” sniedz iespēju skolēnam vienu dienu iejusties studenta lomā, apmeklēt lekcijas, seminārus un praktiskās nodarbības, tādā veidā gūstot priekšstatu par savām nākotnes studijām, studiju vidi un infrastruktūru. Jau aizvadītie pasākumi pulcējuši vairākus tūkstošus skolēnu, kas pēc pasākuma savu nākotni izvēlējušies saistīt tieši ar LU. Rudens “Studenta kurpēs” piedalījās 1107 skolēnu no visas Latvijas, kopumā iepazīstot 366 LU studentu ikdienu. Skolēnu pieteikšanās norisināsies no 8. līdz 14. aprīlim , aizpildot anketu ! Universitāte aicina neatlikt pieteikšanos uz pēdējo brīdi
Iekāp studenta ikdienā – “Studenta kurpēs” jau aprīlī!
27.03.2024. 11.36 Ziņa
Skolēn, vai esi domājis, kā būtu dzīvot studenta dzīvi? Tagad ir Tava iespēja “iekāpt” studenta piedzīvojumos, izbaudot vienu dienu studenta pasaulē, iepazīt studiju programmu un justies kā daļai no lielās Latvijas Universitātes (LU) studentu saimes. Straujiem soļiem tuvojas viens no iemīļotākajiem skolēnu pasākumiem “Studenta kurpēs”, kas norisināsies jau no 22. līdz 26. aprīlim. Pasākums “Studenta kurpēs” sniedz iespēju skolēnam vienu dienu iejusties studenta lomā, apmeklēt lekcijas, seminārus un praktiskās nodarbības, tādā veidā gūstot priekšstatu par savām nākotnes studijām, studiju vidi un infrastruktūru. Jau aizvadītie pasākumi pulcējuši vairākus tūkstošus skolēnu, kas pēc pasākuma savu nākotni izvēlējušies saistīt tieši ar LU. Rudens “Studenta kurpēs” piedalījās 1107 skolēnu no visas Latvijas, kopumā iepazīstot 366 LU studentu ikdienu. Pasākuma laikā populārāko un pieprasītāko studiju programmu TOP augšgalā ierindojās “Ārstniecība”, “Tiesību zinātne” un “Psiholoģija
12.04.2021. 20.11 Saturs
JYU has Care and Reading Dogs to enhance the learning ability of students as well as to promote new pedagogical methods.
How to find partners to work on a common project
17.06.2022. 17.47 Saturs
Several student associations from FORTHEM universities are willing to work on civic engagement projects. Whether you are a single student searching for a student association or a representative of a student association, you can contact Alliance’s student associations from our database to set up a project together. You can also join projects proposed by students or associations who are looking for partners . You have a specific project in mind and you are looking for students or associations to join you? You can fill our civic engagement project proposals form in and we will publish your idea on our website so that people who are interested in your proposition can contact you and join your team Good to know: local FORTHEM office from your home university as well as your lecturers or your home university Career Service can provide you the contacts of local institutions and NGOs so you can see if they are interested in setting up a project with you.
Possibilities to Obtain Higher Education in Germany for Latvian Baltic German Students (1920–1934)
03.11.2021. 22.23 Saturs
Possibilities to Obtain Higher Education in Germany for Latvian Baltic German Students (1920–1934) [PDF] Rudolfs Rubenis University of Latvia, Latvia Abstract: With the formation of the Parliamentary Republic of Latvia in the early 1920s, higher education in Latvia underwent the changes that affected the Baltic Germans. The necessity to obtain higher education in the Latvian language was perceived with mixed feelings, and the interest in the establishment and development of the University of Latvia (UL) and involvement in the reorganisation of the Riga Polytechnic Institute (RPI) went hand in hand with the reluctance to accept the full Latvianization of higher education. In the circumstances, the students used contacts established by their student corporations and sought for higher education in Germany, where it could be obtained in German but later equated to the higher education obtained in Latvia. Thus, the aim of the article is to evaluate the possibilities for the Baltic
08.12.2022. 22.38 Saturs | 227-241 | PDF Factors Influencing Digital Competence: A Focus Group Study From the Perspective of the Medical College Students Sanita Litiņa 1,2 , Anika Miltuze 1 , Karīna Svētiņa 1,2 1 University of Latvia, Latvia 2 Red Cross Medical College of Riga Stradins University Abstract. Over the last decade, learning and working in medicine has been increasingly influenced by digital tools. Today’s medical students are growing up in a digital age where digital tools and devices are a regular part of professional life. The development of digital competence is crucial for healthcare education, as healthcare professionals will be the ones helping orientate patients in digital healthcare systems and tools. This study aims to explore the opinions and experiences of medical college students regarding the factors influencing digital competence. Four focus group discussions were organised, with 26 medical college students in total in various study
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