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Local and exchange students meet at "Get Together"
14.12.2018. 17.33 Ziņa
Each year the UL hosts up to 600 incoming exchange students from all over the world for a semester or full academic year. In order to facilitate the incoming exchange students’ integration at the UL and encourage the UL students to take part in the exchange studies abroad, the International Mobility Unit of the UL had organized and event “Get Together” on December 7, 2018 with an aim to gather together future outgoing exchange students with current incoming exchange students of the UL. Students had a great opportunity to share experience and give advice regarding studies and life in Latvia and abroad. They took part in several activities, for example, an active game about stereotypes of various cultures, as well as the workshops on relevant topics related to studies abroad. The following countries were represented in the event – Latvia, Lithuania, Paraguay, Germany, Turkey, USA, Spain, Japan and Zimbabwe.Thank you all for participation!
9 Students from India visit the University of Latvia
16.05.2023. 16.55 Ziņa
9 Students from India visit the University of Latvia On 2nd May 2023, a team of 9 students of ERASMUS+EDUREFORM India visited Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art, University of Latvia. The day started with a warm welcome by Dr. Indra Odina, Dr. Anna Stavicka and their team. A brief introduction to the ERASMUS program and an outline of the “22 nd International Student Research Conference “was given to the students, which was followed by a tour to the University of Latvia. Further, Students were given a brief overview of the different departments they visited. Exploring the Old city of Riga Indian team of ERASMUS+EDUREFORM students explored the historical and cultural dimensions of the town of the old Riga city. The beautiful architecture of Art Nouveau was admired by the students. In addition to this, they got a chance to witness the celebration of "Latvian National Day" and “The Statue of Liberty”. The alluring ancient buildings and churches were appreciated
DF viesojas students no Kanādas
02.05.2011. 13.42 Ziņa
No 26. aprīļa līdz 20. jūnijam DF viesojas Waterloo universitātes (Kanāda) students Jānis Lazovskis. Viņš Waterloo universitātē studē matemātikas bakalaura programmā un Latvijā piedalīsies pētījumu projektā "Quantum Computer Science" ("Kvantu datorzinātne").
UL Students Participate in the Baltic University Programmes
08.01.2010. 11.39 Ziņa
of sustainable development. BUP students’ conferences are attended not only by those whose studies are related to the environment, but also by students of other specialities; thus, different opinions are voiced leading to a broader view of the specific issue. Moreover, it is shown that students who study other subjects, for example, economics, public relations, or chemistry, are also interested in global environmental problems, and in public activity towards sustainable development. Apart from knowledge, new experience and awareness, BUP students’ events provide an opportunity to obtain new friends from all countries of the Baltic Sea region. Such events show that there are people who share the same views also in other countries, and it promotes cooperation at international level in the implementation of common ideas. Translated by students of the professional study programme Translator of the University of Latvia.
The University of Latvia will continue to support Ukrainian students
14.07.2022. 15.48 Ziņa
The University of Latvia (UL) will continue to support Ukrainian students in the next academic year – the autumn semester, covering tuition fees from the funds of the university. At the UL governance meeting, the decision was passed to ensure full exemption of Ukrainian citizens – UL students from tuition fees in the autumn semester. The provision of individual support to students, teaching staff and researchers who apply to UL also continues. Each case is evaluated individually, looking for the best solutions for both parties. As the Rector of UL Professor Indriķis Muižnieks stated earlier, UL has a close and productive cooperation with several Ukrainian higher education institutions. “We contribute to ensuring the continuity of research of Ukrainian scientists and studies of young people. I am grateful to all students and employees of the university who support Ukraine's fight against aggression – with their civic attitude, social activity and also with donations," said I
336 exchange students have begun their studies in the University of Latvia
14.09.2017. 12.12 Ziņa
336 exchange students have begun their studies in the University of Latvia (UL) in the autumn semester of 2017, from which 69 will continue their studies in the university for the whole academic year, informs Ieva Ģerģe, the international coordinator from the International Mobility Unit. As every year, the most preferred UL faculties remain the same. The biggest number of exchange students (146) have decided to study in the Faculty of Business, Management and Economy, 45 students in the Faculty of Humanities, 40 in the Faculty of Social Sciences, and 37 in the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art.Exchange students have begun their studies in the UL with the help of different exchange programmes – “Erasmus+“(for the European students), “Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility” (for the students all around the world), as well by using bilateral agreements between the UL and other universities. During their one or two semester stay in Latvia exchange students not only study within
Call for students to participate in International Geopolitical Olympiad
24.01.2024. 18.26 Ziņa
Polish Geopolitical Society organisation are invite geopolitics enthusiasts students and PhD candidates to take part in the yearly International Geopolitical Competition. The event aims to find the best and most ambitious students in the field of geopolitics and reward them with an opportunity to integrate, discuss, and get known to scholars and other best students, as well as reward them with honorable titles and valuable prizes. The languages of the competition are Polish and English. More information
Faculty of History and Philosophy leaves its quarters in Brīvības Boulevard
21.01.2010. 14.51 Ziņa
Given the current situation with staff cuts and comparatively high rents, UL Faculty of History and Philosophy is moving to smaller and more cost-efficient premises in Old Riga. On December 22 the removal of Faculty of History and Philosophy plaque took place, followed by a collective walk to the new faculty quarters in Marstalu Street 28/30. The faculty plaque was removed by its dean, Professor Gvido Straube, who has been the dean of UL Faculty of History and Philosophy since 2001. Afterwards, 100 faculty students took a symbolic collective walk to the new faculty premises carrying along their chairs. The beginnings of the faculty can be found already in 1919 when the history programme was included in the Latvia Higher School (LHS) Faculty of Philology and Philosophy – its quarters were in the current main UL building in Raiņa Boulevard 19. Later it was divided into the Faculty of History and the Faculty of Philology, while in 1970 it was renamed as the Faculty of History
Tourism Students go to Switzerland to gain new experiences
27.11.2012. 19.20 Ziņa
In the end of the last academic year students and lecturers of Business Administration - Tourism and hospitality management study program of the Faculty of Economics and Management participated in study-research trip in Switzerland. The aim of this study trip was to carry out a research on the identification of Latvia’s brand as a tourism destination, as well as to find out the consumer characteristics of the Swiss people as potential tourists and overall there were surveyed more than 500 people. The other aim of the trip was the field research and analysis of the functioning, the positive and negative aspects of various tourism objects and tourism products in Switzerland. Students and the academic staff visited the conference department of Tourism office in Luzern, where they participated in a seminar and discussed several issues on the conference-tourism events and its development in this city. In the Rocks Resort hotel complex students had the chance to get to know the real life
New call for short-term mobilities for students
14.10.2022. 15.43 Ziņa
New call for short-term mobilities taking place from March to September 2023 is now open ! The new call for short-term mobilities for students is open until Tuesday, November 22nd 2022. Students can apply for a maximum of two mobilities (two collective OR one individual and one collective) which are organised between March and September 2023 . The programmes of the 10 collective short-term mobilities selected from the FORTHEM Alliance can be found on our website . All information about how to apply to the mobilities and the scholarships are also on the website.
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