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Ko nozīmē doties Erasmus+ Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskajā fakultātē?
09.06.2023. 20.53 Saturs
Kas ir apmaiņas studijas? Apmaiņas studijas nozīmē, ka Latvijas Universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes (turpmāk – LU JF) students dodas vienu vai divus semestrus studēt uz kādu no LU JF partneraugstskolām. Students, esot prombūtnē, saglabā savu studenta statusu LU JF. Ja students studē LU JF maksas grupā, tad turpina maksāt studiju maksu kā iepriekš, tomēr nemaksā studiju maksu ārzemju augstskolā, kur atrodas apmaiņā. Erasmus apmaiņā var sākt doties no bakalaura studiju programmas 2. kursa (3. semestra). Erasmus nevar doties pēdējā studiju semestrī, kad ir jāraksta noslēguma darbi. Kādas ir Erasmus+ studijas soli pa solim? Pirms došanās Erasmus+ ir jāiztur fakultātes atlase, tad ir nominācija, kam seko pieteikšanās procedūra partneraugstskolā. Ja partneraugstskola ir apstiprinājusi, tad students saņemts Acceptance letter . Tad, pirms došanās prom, studentam ir jāparaksta Erasmus+ finansējuma līgums LU Mobilitātes nodaļā. Erasmus+ laikā ir apmaiņas studijas, kur jāiegūst
Short-term mobilities 2021/2022
16.02.2022. 12.48 Ziņa
The call for applications for the next short term mobility period from March to August, 2022, ended on December 6, 2021. There are two types of short-term mobilities. The collective short-term mobilities provide an opportunity to take part in a week-long activity (up to 5days) as part of a group of international students meeting in person on site at one of our 7universities. A total of 17collective short term mobilities are going take place from March to August 2022; the list of collective short-term mobilities is available on our website. In addition, 29students are planning to take part in individual short-term mobilities as part of a personal study project. In total, more than 400students from the 7partner universities are going to participate in at least one short-term mobility in the next 6months. Each student shall receive a grant to finance their travel and living costs. If you wish to have a taste of what is to be expected, you can have a look at the testimonials
Support for Ukraine
13.07.2022. 19.21 Ziņa
European citizens now face daily reminders of this terrible war on Ukraine. Teams at each of the FORTHEM alliance universities have implemented measures to use their institution’s infrastructures to help students and colleagues affected by this conflict. The FORTHEM partners have reallocated funds to the University of Opole to set up language courses for Ukrainian students. They are also helping the orphanage of Iwano-Frankiwsk located in the west of Ukraine. All nine FORTHEM universities are collecting monetary donations. Building upon their longstanding partnership, the state of Rhineland-Palatinate will spend this money on goods needed by the Ukrainians, while the Voivodeship of Opole will organise the transportation of these goods to those affected by the war. Additionally, students from the universities of València, Jyväskylä and Mainz have created a Civic Engagement Project to implement a donations campaign on GoFundMe and raising awareness on social media. Read more
Erasmus+ KA3 project
02.06.2020. 16.02 Saturs
, involving partner universities, local ESN sections and other local youth organisations to work with the project findings and recommendations , to instigate interaction between local youth of underrepresented groups and international students with mobility experiences. In order to measure the impact of these activities, a social impact measurement tool will be developed to draw conclusions and recommendations that can be disseminated across the European higher education and youth sectors. This project is an important step toward making international mobility opportunities more inclusive , enabling students from all backgrounds to study, work or volunteer abroad. The ultimate goal of higher education in general, and studying abroad in specific, is to shape a generation of Europeans that transcend traditional cultural beliefs, who embrace cultural differences and endorse mutual intercultural understanding to shape a united society that offers space to everyone. More information about
International Society of Quality of Life research (ISQOL)
28.03.2022. 18.07 Saturs
- informational support, possibility for up-to-date knowledge becoming ISQOLS members. For students and staff with ISQOLS membership: receiving ISQOLS newsletters on newest progress in QOL studies; reduced yearly conference fees and possibility for free participation in relevant pre-conference workshops. In the case of international studies on QOL, Lab students will have a possibility to apply for cooperation (agreed with the President of ISQOLS, Mr. Ming-Chang Tsai and Executive Director, Mr. Jill Johnson):
Latvian language (Advanced) – 4 credit points; course code Valo3304
20.09.2018. 13.54 Saturs
The present study course is designed for the exchange students from abroad, who are studying at the UL, and have acquired Latvian language skills at B2 level. Objectives of the course include perfecting spoken and written language skills, extending knowledge in the sphere of morphology, syntax, lexis, phraseology, textology, style and language culture items of Latvian. The course envisages developing a comprehension about the language variants in written Latvian, as well as communicative, pragmatic and sociocultural language competence. The course has been developed in accordance with the set European Framework of Language (level C1). Results Students are expected to improve communicative, language, linguistic and sociocultural competence. They are able to express themselves rather fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. They are aware of and can assess the significance of the language means, which ensure grammatically correct
Piesakies LU studentu Biznesa inkubatoram līdz 27. oktobrim
17.10.2019. 20.13 Ziņa
Līdz 27.oktobrim visi Latvijas Universitātes (un arī citu augstskolu*) studenti neatkarīgi no studiju līmeņa un fakultātes, ir aicināti pieteikt savas idejas un komandas dalībai LU studentu Biznesa inkubatora jaunajā sezonā. Pieteikšanās elektroniski - aizpildot anketu Pēc divām nedēļām - 22. oktobrī notiks Matchmaking night, kur topošie un esošie jaunie uzņēmēji varēs atrast sev komandas biedrus un pat biznesa idejas, ar ko startēt dalībai inkubatorā šosezon. Laiks un nauda Vispirms LU studentu Biznesa inkubators piedāvā saviem dalībniekiem pārbaudīt biznesa idejas dzīvotspēju 3 mēnešu pirms-inkubācijas programmā, kas ir balstīta uz Stīva Blanka (Steve Blank) izstrādātas metodoloģijas. Šogad jaunie uzņēmēji, kuri veiksmīgi izies pirmo etapu un piedalīsies inkubatora organizētajā “Demo Dienā” februāra sākumā, varēs pretendēt uz naudas balvām, pateicoties ERAF līdzfinansētājam projektam Nr." Latvijas Universitātes inovāciju granti studentiem
Education @ Paris
10.03.2023. 14.38 Saturs
1)Sorbonne University opened in 2021 a master's programme dedicated to Quantum Information. The programme is divided into two main specialties in the first year (physics and computer science) with a common core in the second year. The computer science first year programme is dedicated to teaching recent research results in quantum algorithmic, quantum cryptography, photonic quantum computing and quantum information theory, while the physics one includesgeneral training in algorithmic complexity theory and in information theory (Shannon theory). The joint second year programmeaddresses both software and hardware state of the art lectures on quantum information, allowing for a complete overview of the domain and providing students with a unique joint background. 2) The Graduate School of Quantum Technologies at Université Paris Cité trains students through a solid knowledge base in the fields of quantum information and technology. With the developed skills, students will be offered
The lecture online series (13.12.2023–27.12.2023)
03.06.2024. 18.04 Saturs
Dr. Viktoriia Korniienko from the Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy of the University of Latvia presented a lecture titled "Biomaterials – Production and Application" as part of the project "Electro-Conductive Polymeric 3D Scaffolds as Novel Strategies for Biomedical Applications" under the HORIZON-MSCA-2022-SE-01 ESCULAPE 101131147. Her insightful contribution shed light on groundbreaking strategies for biomedical applications. The lecture was a pivotal component of a broader online series conducted from 13 to 27 December 2023 for the chemistry students at Sumy State University, focusing on the creation and research of materials in biomedicine, which is an invaluable educational opportunity. These sessions, dedicated to the creation and exploration of materials in the field of biomedicine, aimed to equip students with the latest methodologies in material creation, study, and application for biomedical purposes. The lectures underscored the importance of interdisciplinary
Līdz nedēļas beigām var pieteikties darbībai LU Studentu Biznesa inkubatorā
23.10.2019. 13.38 Ziņa
Līdz 27. oktobrim visi Latvijas Universitātes (un arī citu augstskolu*) studenti neatkarīgi no studiju līmeņa un fakultātes, ir aicināti pieteikt savas idejas un komandas dalībai LU studentu Biznesa inkubatora jaunajā sezonā. Laiks un nauda Vispirms LU studentu Biznesa inkubators piedāvā saviem dalībniekiem pārbaudīt biznesa idejas dzīvotspēju 3 mēnešu pirms-inkubācijas programmā, kas ir balstīta uz Stīva Blanka (Steve Blank) izstrādātas metodoloģijas. Šogad jaunie uzņēmēji, kuri veiksmīgi izies pirmo etapu un piedalīsies inkubatora organizētajā “Demo dienā” februāra sākumā, varēs pretendēt uz naudas balvām , pateicoties ERAF līdzfinansētājam projektam Nr." Latvijas Universitātes inovāciju granti studentiem". Labākajiem pirms-inkubācijas dalībniekiem piedāvās iespēju turpināt attīstību inkubācijas programmā nākamos 6 mēnešus un saņemt stipendiju 200 EUR (bakalaura un maģistra studentiem) un 228 EUR (doktorantūras studentiem) apmērā. Viss iekļauts Visiem
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