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UL Library provides support for remote study and research process
26.03.2020. 13.52 Ziņa
UL Library offers remote access to 35 subscribed and 122 academic open access databases for study and research purposes. Online subscribed databases: ClinicalKey , Dawsonera e-grāmatas , EBSCO Central & Eastern European Academic Source, EBSCO nacionālā pakete, EBSCO PsycARTICLES , Emerald eJournals Premier , Euromonitor International - Passport GMID , European Pharmacopoeia Online 9.0 , Financial Times , International Journal of Smart Education and Urban Society , Journal of Chemical Education , Journal of Arabic Literature , JSTOR , Jurista Vārds , LETA Arhīvs un , , MarketLine , Nodokļu likumu komentāri , OECD iLibrary, Orbis , Oxford Journals Online , Physical Review Journals+ Physical Review Online (PROLA) , Proquest Dissertation and Theses Global , ProQuest Ebook Central Academic Complete Collection ( If you haven’t created your personal account up until now, please contact librarian via e-mail to request it
FORTHEM R&I Services & Policy Office
26.07.2022. 19.35 Saturs
The FORTHEM R&I Services & Policy Office serves as central contact point for information, questions and services related to Research and Innovation within the FORTHEM Alliance. You have a great innovative project idea and look for funding possibilities or partners to collaborate with? Get in contact with us. We guide you to the information you are looking for and help you find the right contact person for your R&I request.
14.12.2021. 14.52 Saturs
From 31 January 2019 till 30 January 2021 a team of researchers from the Scientific Institute of Pedagogy of the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art of the University of Latvia in cooperation with partners from Bulgaria, Cyprus and Belgium has implemented the project “ MyHUB - a one-stop-shop on inclusion practices, tools, resources and methods for the pedagogical staff at formal and non-formal educational institutions ” (604454-EPP-1-2018-1-LV-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN). Project partners have collected materials and good practices tested in international practice for implementing inclusive education at different educational levels. Annotations of materials are already available in English, Latvian, Bulgarian, Greek and Dutch in the MyHUB repository . The MyHUB Handbook contains an information on the principles of inclusive education and the situation in the project countries. In a video presented above, Sarmīte Tūbele , a professor at the University of Latvia and a member
The brochure about the business environment in Latvia
17.05.2012. 22.35 Ziņa
environments and its influencing factors in France. “I am very glad about the perspectives for this cooperation. For me the cooperation with University of Latvia is one of the most interesting and enriching programme we have and that I'm decided to contribute as much as I can , that it continues to grow and become a very longstanding and rich partnership” says professor Hoffman.Students are glad and satisfied with participation in such a project: „I believe that this was a great opportunity to co-operate with French students in order to achieve a common goal and secondly, it allowed us to gain new contacts and also share different experiences, admits 3rd year student of International Economics and Commercial Diplomacy Margarita Zaboļejeva – Zotova. On the other hand, as Ieva Brice points out, „the cooperation with University of Lyon was very exciting – as a result very useful material about the business environment was created and our work was appreciated. This gives an additional stimulus
Assoc. prof. Baiba Bela "Political Dimension of Transnationalism: Diaspora Engagement in Public Diplomacy in Latvia"
07.11.2022. 20.28 Ziņa
by high population mobility – more than 10% of Latvian nationals live outside its borders. To date, the representation of Latvia's interests in international organisations, the shaping of the country's image and the strengthening of international influence have been implemented through classical instruments of foreign policy and diplomacy. In recent years, however, the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (largely thanks to the initiatives and pressure of professionals living abroad) has decided to develop targeted and systemic cooperation with professionals working in international organisations in order to acquire the necessary knowledge and contacts to advance Latvia's interests and to perform foreign policy tasks more successfully, as well as to provide support for the international careers of Latvian nationals. This paper will focus on Latvia’s diaspora professionals working in international organisations, on their experiences of cooperation with state institutions and networking
Photonics-related hydrogen harvesting idea wins in the Hydrogen X Future Hackathon
23.10.2023. 17.28 Ziņa
Team H2ONICS, with the idea of developing powerful ultraviolet radiation sources to produce hydrogen more efficiently and cost-effectively, won the international Hydrogen X Future Hackathon organized at the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia (ISSP UL). The main goal of the Hydrogen X Future Hackathon was, together with leading Latvian companies and organizations, to highlight hydrogen and other renewable energy sources as alternative, high-potential energy sources to existing ones, thus promoting a carbon-neutral course in Latvia, Europe, and the world. The importance of this topic was demonstrated by the dozens of highly motivated hackathon participants who worked hard for three days on innovative and future-oriented ideas, finding potential solutions, gaining valuable knowledge, and expanding their network of contacts thanks to experienced mentors and industry professionals - experts representing hackathon partners. During the three days of the event
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