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Individual short-term mobility
17.10.2022. 13.02 Saturs
Do you need to travel to one of our 9universities in the frame of your personal study project? You can apply for an individual short-term mobility programme which gives you the opportunity to spend up to 5 days on site and the FORTHEM Alliance will cover the approximate costs of your travel, accommodation and living expenses. Examples of eligible projects: carry out fieldwork, experimentation or research for a thesis (Bachelor, Master or PhD), create new ties with a student association in a partner university, work with a group of students in another university on a current or future project, … All students currently enrolled in one of our 9universities are eligible to apply. The next call for applications is open until November 22nd 2022 . All the information about the application procedure is explained here below. Application procedure
The University of Latvia and GlaxoSmithKline will cooperate in educating specialists
13.02.2013. 18.20 Ziņa
of the knowledge acquired during studies into real business practice. “GlaxoSmithKline is one of the leading and most innovative pharmaceutical companies in the world, whose achievements are based on science, and whose success greatly lies in the work of high-class professionals. It will be a great pleasure for the UL as the leading university in Latvia, in which education, research and practice go hand in hand, to cooperate with one of the best companies in its field. We all shall benefit from this cooperation: the students and academic staff of the UL, the company and our nation. It will help the UL to prepare highly qualified specialists, who will not only be able to contribute to the field of pharmaceutics, but also to the economic development of our country,” considers the UL rector, Professor Mārcis Auziņš. The UL has cooperation agreements with such companies as JSC ‘Latvijas valsts meži’, JSC ‘Grindex’, JSC ‘Latvenergo’ and others. Translated by students of the professional study
Pieteikšanās līdz 27.10! LU studentu Biznesa inkubators aicina uz jauno sezonu!
10.10.2019. 16.05 Ziņa
Līdz 27.oktobrim visi Latvijas Universitātes (un arī citu augstskolu*) studenti neatkarīgi no studiju līmeņa un fakultātes, ir aicināti pieteikt savas idejas un komandas dalībai LU studentu Biznesa inkubatora jaunajā sezonā. Pieteikšanās elektroniski - aizpildot anketu . Laiks un nauda Vispirms LU studentu Biznesa inkubators piedāvā saviem dalībniekiem pārbaudīt biznesa idejas dzīvotspēju 3 mēnešu pirms-inkubācijas programmā, kas ir balstīta uz Stīva Blanka (Steve Blank) izstrādātas metodoloģijas. Šogad jaunie uzņēmēji, kuri veiksmīgi izies pirmo etapu un piedalīsies inkubatora organizētajā “Demo Dienā” februāra sākumā, varēs pretendēt uz naudas balvām, pateicoties ERAF līdzfinansētājam projektam Nr." Latvijas Universitātes inovāciju granti studentiem". Labākajiem pirms-inkubācijas dalībniekiem piedāvās iespēju turpināt attīstību inkubācijas programmā nākamos 6 mēnešus un saņemt stipendiju 200 EUR (bakalaura un maģistra studentiem) un 228 EUR
European initiatives
16.05.2022. 19.35 Saturs
ERA4UKRAINE is a database for European grants and research projects Job database offers ERC funded research-teams and Horizon grants: #scienceforukraine is a community group of volunteer students and research scientists from academic institutions in Europe and around the world Offer and search for academic research positions: Ukraine uni foundation is a tool to share information about initiatives by various European universities to support students fleeing the war in Ukraine Website allowing to search for a Higher Education Institution to see their latest available information about the emergency shelter, health support, scholarship and application procedure during the war in Ukraine:
Kristīne Kitoka: The pandemic has had a significant impact on students' research lives
11.05.2021. 12.39 Ziņa
KristīneKitokais a 1st year student of the doctoral study program at the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Latvia and a recipient of the “Mikrotīkls” scholarship for doctoral students in the field of exact and medical sciences administered by the University of Latvia Foundation. The researcher's dissertation is being developed at the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis (OSI) in the Laboratory of Physical Organic Chemistryled byDr.chem. KristapsJaudzems. The doctoral dissertation is devoted to the study of the structural and aggregation mechanisms of pathological tau protein and amyloid-beta peptides byNMR spectroscopy. The aim of the work is to fill the gaps in the existing knowledge about the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AS) at the atomic level by applying multifaceted NMR methods. The expected results of the dissertation could allow to find a potential therapeutic goal in the treatment of AS. In the period since the start of the scholarship, the study of tau
FORTHEM Digital Academy course launch: Multilingual Learning Environments
12.08.2022. 15.41 Ziņa
for the conscious design and development of physical and virtual learning environments, known as schoolscapes. It invites students to build a spatial and social understanding of learning, which contributes to the development of original teaching practices focused on interaction, exploratory learning and customised learning environments. This Lab output stems from the course “Language in Learning Environments”, developed by Tamás Péter Szabó, which has been offered as part of the University of Jyväskylä’s JULIET program since 2017. A team of 21 people involving students and researchers from six universities have significantly reworked and expanded the course content and activities for the needs of the students of all FORTHEM Alliance universities. You can find more information about the course developing process in Wena Ho’s blog post . Registration to the course: In Jyväskylä: via Sisu system by 23 September 2022, under the code OJUA2041 (title: “Language in Learning Environments”) Other
17.02.2022. 14.12 Saturs
→ Visit the university website . → Information for exchange students . Also take a look at the video about the University of Agder:
Graduation period has begun at the University of Latvia
26.06.2012. 13.27 Ziņa
The graduation period has begun at the University of Latvia (UL). The happy days will continue until the 2nd of July, when Nursing Professional Bachelor Study Programme graduates receive their diplomas. This summer more than 4,000students from 13UL faculties will be honoured with their diploma at 33solemn graduation ceremonies.Just like previous years, this year the most of the graduating students are from Faculty of Economics and Management, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social Sciences and Faculty of Humanities. According to the tradition, most of the solemn ceremonies will take place in the heart of the Alma Mater– the Great Hall. You will also be able to see the new graduates taking photos of themselves at the University main entrance (at Raiņa bulvāris19) almost every day up to the 2 nd of July. The first graduation took place on the 8 th of June, when 32new graduates successfully completed the Latvian Interuniversity Academic Masters Study Programme “Nutrition Science”, while
UL highly rated “U-Multirank” rating “Contact to Work Environment”
10.06.2020. 15.58 Ziņa
The University of Latvia (UL) has received a high rating in the international ranking of higher education institutions “U-Multirank” in the section “Contact to Work Environment” among the 25 best higher education institutions of the world. U-Multirank is a unique, multidimensional and international ranking of higher education institutions. It compares university performance across teaching and learning, research, knowledge transfer, international orientation and regional engagement. It is the largest and most inclusive ranking showcasing the diversity in higher education around the world. “Contact to Work Environment” is a rating section that shows how much practical knowledge and internships are included in university study programs. At the top of the ranking are those universities that offer their students the best practical experience already during their studies, for example, in fields related to science and engineering. This section of the rating evaluates criteria
Tiešsaistes treniņos iesaistās gan studenti, gan darbinieki!
01.11.2021. 23.09 Ziņa
Ir aizritējusi pirmā nedēļa, kopš visiem Latvijas Universitātes darbiniekiem un studentiem ir lieliska iespēja piedalīties LU Sporta rīkotajā rīta vingrošanā, pusdienas laika aktīvajā pauzē, un 2 reizes nedēļā pieslēgties vakara tiešsaistes treniņiem. LU Sporta centrs priecājas par lielo darbinieku un studentu skaitu, kuri aktīvi piedalās tiešsaistes nodarbībās! Katru rītu tiešsaistes treniņos pulcējas vidēji 60 cilvēku, kuri ir apņēmības pilni, lai uzsāktu savu rītu aktīvi, ievingrinot tik tikko pamodušos ķermeni un iegūstot enerģiju turpmākajai darba dienai. Rīta vingrošanas galvenais mērķis ir izkustēties, izvingrināt ķermeni un, protams, pamodināt prātu, pirms gaidāmajām tiešsaistes studijām vai arī to vadīšanas, kuras lielākoties pavadām pie datora ekrāna, tāpēc vingrinājumi ir viegli izpildāmi un nav nepieciešams specifisks inventārs. Kad pirmā darba dienas daļa ir aizritējusi un laiks ir doties pusdienās, LU Sporta centrs plkst. 12:10 ir ieviesis pusdienas laika aktīvo
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