Atrasts 23651 ieraksts
26.11.2023. 23.02 Saturs | 616-631 | PDF Integrating theStudy of Family History in theProcess of Learning theLatvian Language Kristiāns Jakubovskis 1 , Anna Vulāne 2 1 Zemgale secondary school, Latvia 2 University of Latvia, Latvia Abstract. Latvian language and literature, like thehistory of thenation and country, is anessential basis of national and cultural development, and animportant part of civic education. One of theproblems we face daily is related to thefact that many of young people do not perceive theLatvian language as avalue, and do not want to learn some part of thecurriculum, because it seems to them too far from reality, useless and irrelevant. To create more interest in language learning content, it should also include topics that may be personally meaningful to students or should be viewed in acontext that is engaging to them. Thepurpose of thepaper is to justify theneed to include thestudy of family history in thelearning content of the
Walpurgis Night in Museums
26.04.2010. 17.32 Ziņa
Three museums in Riga offer to enjoy A Museum Horror Path and get new feelings before celebrating Walpurgis Night and welcoming the spring on April 30, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Literature and Music Museum (Pils laukums 2), UL Museum of History (Raiņa Boulevard 19) and Riga Film Museum (Peitavas Street 10/12, entrance from Alksnāja Street, across Daugava Gallery). Touching and trying on are strictly forbidden! Death-mask gallery Literature and Music Museum invites visitors to look on writers’ death-masks and to find out what is written on their grave ribbons and all of it in the basement closed to the public until now! Dark punishment cell’s secrets Take a two century back time journey in the UL Museum of History on Walpurgis eve and experience being a student in the 19th century when visiting historical punishment cell located in the UL attic. Fear hath a hundred eyes – take a look into them! This is an invitation to see excerpts from Leonids Leimanis’ movie „Šķēps un roze
HIVE congratulates its partner Riga Stradiņš University (RSU) on receiving Partnership Building Award by Vertically Integrated Projects Consortium
05.07.2023. 17.07 Ziņa
university, and this high award is a proof that we have chosen the right way. Incorporation of VIPs in the study process is instrumental for integration of research and studies, thus educating a new generation of researchers who gain practical skills in planning and conducting of research projects already in their early study years”. The RSU introduced VIPs in 2019 as a new and innovative supplement to its study process, integrating research and studies. Participation in VIPs is a great opportunity for students to gain in-depth practical skills and knowledge necessary for conducting their own research. VIP teams are multidisciplinary and vertically integrated – it means that first year students, master-degree and post-graduate students from different programmes can work together as a team for several semesters under the guidance of experienced researchers.
Latvijas Universitāte, Latvia
12.04.2021. 21.17 Saturs
The University of Latvia, founded in 1919, has been the national, leading and most influential higher education institution in Latvia for a century. In terms of the total number of students, the University of Latvia is also the largest university in the country – 15,250 local students and 888 foreign students. Today it is a place where the brightest academic minds, innovative research and exciting studies meet. It is the largest wide-profile university in Latvia, which has an important place not only in the development of the entire education system, but also in the overall growth of the country's economy. The UL is developing rapidly - in the coming years one of the most modern student and research centres in Northern Europe will be established in Torņakalns - the Academic Centre of the University of Latvia. In 2015, the House of Nature opened its doors. The House of Science was opened in 2019. Studies and research in natural sciences and medicine are based there. In the coming
LU politikas studenti diskutē ar vēstniekiem
15.04.2021. 16.08 Ziņa
2021. gada 13. aprīlī Latvijas Universitātes Politikas zinātnes nodaļas studentiem tika piedāvāta unikāla iespēja piedalīties diskusijā ar Latvijas vēstnieci Vācijā ar Ingu Skujiņu, Vācijas vēstnieku Latvijā Kristiānu Heltu. Diskusiju organizēja Konrāda Adenauera fonds Baltijas valstīs sadarbībā ar Latvijas Universitātes Politikas zinātnes nodaļu. Politikas zinātnes nodaļas studenti diskusijas laikā tika iepazīstināti ar vēstnieka darba specifiku, ar tā priekšrocībām un nozīmīgākajiem izaicinājumiem. Studentiem arī bija iespēja iztaujāt vēstniekus par aktuāliem ārējās un drošības politikas jautājumiem. Tiem kā nākamajiem profesionāļiem jautājumu netrūka, tāpēc pusotra stunda pagāja nemanot. Šāda veida diskusijas ir ārkārtīgi nozīmīgs papildinājums pasniegtajiem lekciju kursiem, jo bagātina to laikā apgūtās teorētiskās zināšanas un sniedz atbalstu padziļinātas izpratnes veidošanai par politiskajiem procesiem kā nacionālā, tā arī starptautiskā līmenī. Turklāt tās sniedz iespēju
09.12.2022. 13.18 Saturs | 714-725 | PDF Subjective Perception of Literary Texts to Promote Text Comprehension intheFifth Grade Ilze Šūmane, Līga Āboltiņa University of Latvia, Latvia Abstract. The ability to read and perceive a text is one of the foundations necessary for a person to work with diverse texts in different life situations. Thus, the proficiency of reading competence in the last decade is a topical study object. Observations show that at the end of the first stage of primary education (at the end of the third grade), students demonstrate technically good reading skills, that is, they can clearly read written texts, follow the boundaries of sentences and read in appropriate intonation. To promote reading competence successively in the second stage of primary education, reading skills must be continuously improved by using various texts, in addition to fiction. As an art of word, literature creates, encourages and develops different experiences of each
Outputs of a PhD Course on the European Policy of Foreign Language Teacher Education
03.11.2021. 22.15 Saturs
Outputs of a PhD Course on the European Policy of Foreign Language Teacher Education [PDF] Ismail Hakki Mirici Hacettepe University, Turkey Abstract: The European Commission has developed several standard documents for foreign language education including teacher education and opened access for the common use of all European counterparts. This study is based on a PhD course aiming at increasing awareness of and fostering deep research about foreign language teacher education policy in Europe. The study aimed to scrutinize the opinions of the PhD students in the field of English Language Teaching (ELT) about the European foreign language teacher education policy. In the study, the case study research design was adopted, utilizing qualitative data. The participants of the study were selected via total count sampling model and covered all of the PhD students ( N= 9) taking the course entitled “Foreign Language Teacher Education Policy in Europe” with the code: IDO710 within the ELT
09.12.2022. 13.29 Saturs
of sustainable team in an educational institution. The data were collected by the content analysis of the education management hierarchy structure reflected on 33 homepages of educational institutions; content analysis of 62 students’ teaching practice assignments on the education management hierarchy structure; 12 interviews with school administration on the state of the art of sustainable team. Research sample was 107 educational institutions: 23 primary schools, 66 secondary schools, and 18 state gymnasiums with broad geographical representation – the schools in the capital, cities, small towns, and countryside. Sustainable team achieves institutional goals and cultivates a culture where collaboration, appreciation, and teamwork are valued. According to the data of the study, there is amisunderstanding of the notion of a sustainable team in educational institutions in Latvia. There is also a lack of evidence of students as meaningful players in how the education management hierarchy is seen
27.11.2023. 09.41 Saturs | 264-274 | PDF The Case of Redesigning theCurricula of Preschool Education Study Programme Karmen Drljić, Sonja Rutar, Sonja Čotar Konrad Faculty of Education, University of Primorska, Slovenia Abstract. According to society 5.0. and theS ix pillars of theRecovery and Resilience Facility EU plan, Slovenia developed National Strategy for Higher Education to 2030, that encourage thedigital transition of higher education institutions (HEI). Therefore, from thebasic definition of digital competences, we define digital comeptencies of teachers of HEIs as theability to use digital tools purposefully in thelearning process in order to (1) provide aquality learning experience, (2)empower theuse of digital technologies in teaching and learning and thus foster thedevelopment of digital competencies of students and (3) create opportunities for their use in authentic learning situations (Redecker& Punie, 2017). Based on DigCompEdu model– educators
LU studentu zinātniskā konference “Initium”
28.07.2021. 16.00 Ziņa
“Scientia est potentia!” jeb “Zināšanas ir spēks!” – ar šādu moto Latvijas Universitātes Studentu padome (LUSP) organizē studentu zinātnisko konferenci “Initium”, kas notiks šī gada 27. – 28. novembrī . Par šī gada konferences dalībnieku var kļūt jebkuras augstskolas bakalaura, maģistra vai profesionālās augstākās izglītības programmās studējošais, kurš vēlas iepazīstināt ar savu studiju procesā vai ārpus tā veikto pētījuma rezultātiem un, iespējams, iegūt savu pirmo zinātnisko publikāciju. Darbi tiks pieņemti četrās sekcijās: Scientiae Naturalis (Dabas zinātnes) Scientiae Humanitates (Humanitārās zinātnes) Scientae Medici et Valetudines (Medicīnas un veselības zinātnes) Scientiae Sociales (Sociālās zinātnes) Referātu tēmu pieteikumu iesniegšana paredzēta līdz 2021.gada 27.septembrim, aizpildot konferences mājaslapā veidlapu un iekļaujot tajā savu anotāciju. Vairāk par konferences norisi, pieteikumu iesniegšanu un citiem saistošiem jautājumiem var uzzināt
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