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3 myths about the University of Latvia
02.10.2019. 15.26 Ziņa
The University of Latvia (UL) has stood and evolved for a hundred of years, enrolling ever new aspiring students. But one thing has endured throughout the times – almost everyone in the UL family knows three profound myths that linger in the halls of the faculties. Students who really want to graduate from the University must not ascend or descend the central stairs of UL main entrance. The myth of stairs in student circles has been around for a very long time, and everyone in the UL family knows about it. Legend has it that a student who climbs the central staircase entering the main building of the University of Latvia, Raiņa bulvāris 19, will never graduate from this university and receive its diploma. Reasons can be various – failed exam, forgetfulness, laziness or other coincidences of life. On the eve of the Alma Mater centenary, we asked the specialists at the University of Latvia Museum why these epic stairs have gained the notoriety. We found that the story came about
Valija and Modris Galenieks: Heart in the Right Place
09.04.2020. 16.15 Ziņa
Valija and Modris Galenieks are compatriots who inspire and amaze with their life experiences, their endless love for Latvia and their willingness to support and help. The current article is dedicated to the Galenieks Family, congratulating Valija on her 80th anniversary. The Galenieks family conceived the idea of donating about five years ago in the advent of their 50 th wedding anniversary. They unanimously decided to forgo a grand celebration, but instead to support the most talented students of the University of Latvia (UL) and Riga Technical University (RTU) . In 2018, the couple set up the Galenieks Family Scholarship in collaboration with the American-Latvian Foundation “Friends of the University of Latvia” and the UL Foundation. Valija and Modris Galenieks emphasize: “In today's era of technology, education is decisive in personal lives, as well as for Latvia's future in order to compete with other countries worldwide.” One of the recipients of the first scholarship
Three myths about the University of Latvia
04.06.2020. 23.38 Ziņa
The University of Latvia (UL) has stood and evolved for a hundred of years, enrolling ever new aspiring students. But one thing has endured throughout the times – almost everyone in the UL family knows three profound myths that linger in the halls of the faculties. Students who really want to graduate from the University must not ascend or descend the central stairs of UL main entrance. The myth of stairs in student circles has been around for a very long time, and everyone in the UL family knows about it. Legend has it that a student who climbs the central staircase entering the main building of the University of Latvia, Raiņa bulvāris 19, will never graduate from this university and receive its diploma. Reasons can be various – failed exam, forgetfulness, laziness or other coincidences of life. On the eve of the Alma Mater centenary, we asked the specialists at the University of Latvia Museum why these epic stairs have gained the notoriety. We found that the story came about
ESI studentu inovāciju programma aicina piedalīties īsā izglītības kursā “Sociālā uzņēmējdarbība”
16.08.2023. 20.04 Ziņa
vairākām tēmām klasē un ārpus tās Pabeidzot kursu, katrs students iegūs 3 ECTS. Šis kurss ir atvērts visiem studentiem no partneruniversitātēm (RGSL, RTA & LMA) bez priekšnosacījumiem, lai iestātos. Studentiem no universitātēm, kas nav partneruniversitāšu skaitā ir jāiesniedz pierādījums, ka piedaloties kursā, tas netraucēs viņu parastajām studijām. Interesentiem, kuri pašlaik nav studenti, ir jābūt vismaz EKI 4. līmeņa kvalifikācijai. Kurss tiks īstenos klātienē, tā sākums būs 25. augustā un tas ilgs 1 nedēļu. Kurss tiks pasniegts angļu valodā. Sīkāku informāciju par kursu var atrast kursa aprakstā . Lai pievienotos kursam, lūdzu, aizpildiet sekojošu anketu . Plašāka informācija par ESI studentu inovāciju programmu un pieteikšanos citiem pasākumiem: Tīmekļa vietne: Facebook lapa: LinkedIn lapa: E-pasts: ESI programmu kopīgi īsteno vairāki
Latvian teams win silver at European Olympiad of Experimental Sciences
21.05.2021. 10.00 Ziņa
From 9 to 14 May, the European Olympiad of Experimental Sciences (EOES) took place online. The olympiad was attended by two teams from Latvia. Demonstrating their experimental skills and knowledge in physics, chemistry and biology, the students participated in a competition of 36 teams representing 18 different Countries of the European Union. Both Latvian teams won silver medals. Team A consisted of Mārtiņš Čaune, a student at RTU Secondary School of Engineering, Daniils Kargins, a student at Riga Secondary School No. 10, and Vladislavs Tiščenko, a student at Riga State Gymnasium No. 1. Team B was represented by Kristians Lelis and Ramona Poreitere from Riga State Gymnasium No. 1, as well as Nils Pauls Ozols, a student at Valmiera State Gymnasium. More information
The Botanical Garden of Latvia turns 90!
24.05.2012. 15.58 Ziņa
as expanded the open-air collections integrated in the former manor park. The garden was open for visitors as well as accommodated educational functions for the UL students of natural sciences. The garden also provided grounds for active scientific research, such as studying moss, flowering plants, fossil flora, heredity, systematisation, etc. In the Soviet times, the garden’s scope of expertise widened – all the USSR botanical gardens had to introduce new decoratively significant or useful species; the garden also had to explore possibilities of growing various wild plants or species that were foreign to Latvia. Therefore, various collections were introduced in the Botanical Garden: apricot, peach, dahlia, perennial plants, rhododendron and others. In the last years, the garden has turned to the local flora and, consequently, has created its Marsh Plant Exhibition as well as the Lichen and Moss Trail. Hortus Botanicus Universitatis Latviensis – 90 will be open for visitors in May and June
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