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Piesakies stipendijām, ja esi 1. kursa students!
01.08.2022. 15.00 Ziņa
No 1. augusta līdz 28. augusta plkst. 23:59 ir iespējams pieteikties stipendijām bakalaura studiju 1. kursa studentiem 2022./2023. akad. gadā. Kopā pieejamas 8 stipendiju kopas. Šī akadēmiskā gada Latvijas Universitātes (LU) fonda 1. kursa administrētās stipendijas ir “Ceļamaize”, Latgales “Ceļamaize”, Ceļamaize “Rēzekne”, M. M. V. Petkevičs piemiņas stipendija, Konstantīna Čakstes piemiņas stipendija un Jelgavas, Valkas, Salaspils novada stipendijas. Stipendijai vari pieteikties, ja esi centīgs , aktīvs sabiedriskajā dzīvē un mācībās spējīgs , kā arī, ja vidējā svērtā atzīme ir lielāka par 7,5 ballēm . Stipendija “Ceļamaize” paredzēta LU 1. kursa pamatstudiju programmu studentiem, kuriem, pabeidzot vidusskolu, ir izcilas sekmes mācībās un augsti sasniegumi gan mācībās, gan citās aktivitātēs ārpus mācību darba. Latgales “Ceļamaize’’ stipendija paredzēta LU 1. kursa pamatstudiju programmu studentiem, kuriem, pabeidzot vidusskolu, ir izcilas sekmes mācībās un augsti
Piesakies stipendijām, ja esi 1. kursa students!
01.08.2022. 16.15 Ziņa
No 1. augusta līdz 28. augusta plkst. 23:59 ir iespējams pieteikties stipendijām bakalaura studiju 1. kursa studentiem 2022./2023. akad. gadā. Kopā pieejamas 8 stipendiju kopas. Šī akadēmiskā gada Latvijas Universitātes (LU) fonda 1. kursa administrētās stipendijas ir “Ceļamaize”, Latgales “Ceļamaize”, Ceļamaize “Rēzekne”, M. M. V. Petkevičs piemiņas stipendija, Konstantīna Čakstes piemiņas stipendija un Jelgavas, Valkas, Salaspils novada stipendijas. Stipendijai vari pieteikties, ja esi centīgs , aktīvs sabiedriskajā dzīvē un mācībās spējīgs , kā arī, ja vidējā svērtā atzīme ir lielāka par 7,5 ballēm . Stipendija “Ceļamaize” paredzēta LU 1. kursa pamatstudiju programmu studentiem, kuriem, pabeidzot vidusskolu, ir izcilas sekmes mācībās un augsti sasniegumi gan mācībās, gan citās aktivitātēs ārpus mācību darba. Latgales “Ceļamaize’’ stipendija paredzēta LU 1. kursa pamatstudiju programmu studentiem, kuriem, pabeidzot vidusskolu, ir izcilas sekmes mācībās un augsti
Piesakies stipendijām, ja esi 1. kursa students!
01.08.2022. 17.53 Ziņa
No 1. augusta līdz 28. augusta plkst. 23:59 ir iespējams pieteikties stipendijām bakalaura studiju 1. kursa studentiem 2022./2023. akad. gadā. Kopā pieejamas 8 stipendiju kopas. Šī akadēmiskā gada Latvijas Universitātes (LU) fonda 1. kursa administrētās stipendijas ir “Ceļamaize”, Latgales “Ceļamaize”, Ceļamaize “Rēzekne”, M. M. V. Petkevičs piemiņas stipendija, Konstantīna Čakstes piemiņas stipendija un Jelgavas, Valkas, Salaspils novada stipendijas. Stipendijai vari pieteikties, ja esi centīgs , aktīvs sabiedriskajā dzīvē un mācībās spējīgs , kā arī, ja vidējā svērtā atzīme ir lielāka par 7,5 ballēm . Stipendija “Ceļamaize” paredzēta LU 1. kursa pamatstudiju programmu studentiem, kuriem, pabeidzot vidusskolu, ir izcilas sekmes mācībās un augsti sasniegumi gan mācībās, gan citās aktivitātēs ārpus mācību darba. Latgales “Ceļamaize’’ stipendija paredzēta LU 1. kursa pamatstudiju programmu studentiem, kuriem, pabeidzot vidusskolu, ir izcilas sekmes mācībās un augsti sasniegumi gan
Piesakies stipendijām, ja esi 1. kursa students!
10.08.2022. 14.43 Ziņa
No 1. augusta līdz 28. augusta plkst. 23:59 ir iespējams pieteikties stipendijām bakalaura studiju 1. kursa studentiem 2022./2023. akad. gadā. Kopā pieejamas 8 stipendiju kopas. Šī akadēmiskā gada Latvijas Universitātes (LU) fonda 1. kursa administrētās stipendijas ir “Ceļamaize”, Latgales “Ceļamaize”, Ceļamaize “Rēzekne”, M. M. V. Petkevičs piemiņas stipendija, Konstantīna Čakstes piemiņas stipendija un Jelgavas, Valkas, Salaspils novada stipendijas. Stipendijai vari pieteikties, ja esi centīgs , aktīvs sabiedriskajā dzīvē un mācībās spējīgs , kā arī, ja vidējā svērtā atzīme ir lielāka par 7,5 ballēm . Stipendija “Ceļamaize” paredzēta LU 1. kursa pamatstudiju programmu studentiem, kuriem, pabeidzot vidusskolu, ir izcilas sekmes mācībās un augsti sasniegumi gan mācībās, gan citās aktivitātēs ārpus mācību darba. Latgales “Ceļamaize’’ stipendija paredzēta LU 1. kursa pamatstudiju programmu studentiem, kuriem, pabeidzot vidusskolu, ir izcilas sekmes mācībās un augsti sasniegumi gan
27.11.2023. 10.37 Saturs | 418-434 | PDF Science Students: Would ILike to Be aSTEM Teacher? Rita Birzina, Dagnija Cedere, Inese Dudareva, Jazeps Logins University of Latvia, Latvia Abstract. Teaching is anincreasingly important profession that contributes to thesustainable social and economic development of societies by providing quality education and promoting thedevelopment of pupils, while teacher shortages are themost widespread problem in Europe and worldwide. Therole of theSTEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) teacher is to facilitate theapplication of science, mathematics, technical and engineering knowledge to solve everyday or societal problems, making thelearning of science, technology, engineering and mathematics more meaningful. Fewer and fewer students choose to become teachers. This situation is particularly problematic in science education, so theaim of thestudy was to find out theviews of students in science faculties on thechoice
How much does it cost to participate in the FORTHEM collective short-term mobilities?
11.10.2022. 14.13 Saturs
The participation in the programme is absolutely free for any student that is enrolled to one of FORTHEM partner universities during the application process and during the actual mobility. In addition, you will receive a scholarship to help cover the approximate costs of your travel, accommodation and living expenses while abroad. There are different types of scholarships for students participating to a short-term mobility: the FORTHEM scholarship and third-party scholarships . Each mobility programme specifies the type of scholarship it grants. Students are responsible for finding their own accommodation and meals, but the hosting university can help by providing links and resources. Any additional expenses are not covered by FORTHEM Alliance. For more information about funding you can contact the local FORTHEM office at your home university.
The University of Latvia expresses resolute support of Ukraine
25.02.2022. 17.50 Ziņa
In solidarity with the Ukrainian people, Ukrainian universities, higher education institutions, students and lecturers, the University of Latvia expresses its support for democratic values, the right to life, freedom and territorial integrity. Rector of the University of Latvia, Professor Indriķis Muižnieks has sent a letter to cooperation universities in Ukraine, condemning Russia's military invasion of a sovereign European country and expressing profound concern the lives of people in Ukraine. In the letter, the Rector expresses relentless support of the university community and the entire Ukrainian nation. “We stand in solidarity with Ukraine in these deplorable times and fully support its efforts to defend its independence and territorial integrity. As a university, we aim to provide all the necessary support both to our students – Ukrainian citizens, as well as researchers of various Ukrainian scientific institutions, who are our cooperation partners. We are currently
The University of Latvia expresses resolute support of Ukraine
11.03.2022. 14.47 Ziņa
In solidarity with the Ukrainian people, Ukrainian universities, higher education institutions, students and lecturers, the University of Latvia expresses its support for democratic values, the right to life, freedom and territorial integrity. Rector of the University of Latvia, Professor Indriķis Muižnieks has sent a letter to cooperation universities in Ukraine, condemning Russia's military invasion of a sovereign European country and expressing profound concern the lives of people in Ukraine. In the letter, the Rector expresses relentless support of the university community and the entire Ukrainian nation. “We stand in solidarity with Ukraine in these deplorable times and fully support its efforts to defend its independence and territorial integrity. As a university, we aim to provide all the necessary support both to our students – Ukrainian citizens, as well as researchers of various Ukrainian scientific institutions, who are our cooperation partners. We are currently
13.07.2021. 18.57 Saturs
Your project should imply activities which intend to achieve some of the following sustainable development goals: migrant integration; inequality reduction in EU nationals; climate change; peace, justice and strong institutions in Europe; reduction of the digital divide; education; global citizenship; human rights. Student participants Every project must imply students from at least 3 FORTHEM partner universities. Students from all fields and levels of studies can participate in any project. You may already have some knowledge of your project, but this is not necessary. The most important is to be motivated and like to volunteer in an international context. One student association can be part of only one application. You can be part of only one awarded application, i.e., if a student is part of several applications that are accepted, they need to choose only one of them.
News about distance education
16.03.2020. 21.30 Ziņa
This announcement follows on the Declaration of Emergency Situation declared by the government of the Republic of Latvia on Thursday March 12, 2020, from the moment of the adoption of decision until April 14, 2020 (as amended on March 13, 2020 and March 14, 2020), a response to the health crisis caused by the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Studies The conditions set within the state of emergency will not impact measures adopted by the University of Latvia last week - In order to minimize the risks of Covid-19 infection for the University of Latvia staff, students, guests and visitors, the study process involving personal attendance of students and staff is suspended between March 13 and April 14. Pedagogical, scientific and research activities will continue uninterrupted, the only thing that is changing is the form of education
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