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11.novembrī notiks studentu organizēts seminārs "Efektīva laika plānošana"
10.11.2021. 20.48 Ziņa
Aicinām piedalīties studentu organizētajā seminārā ”Efektīva laika plānošana”, kas notiks 11. novembrī no plkst. 19:00 līdz 20.00 tiešsaistē ZOOM platformā.  Semināru vadīs LU Tukuma filiāles PBSP "Sākumizglītības skolotājs" studentes Evita Lūrina - Jūlmane un Baiba Bagdone. Semināra mērķis ir palīdzēt strādāt efektīvāk (bet ne vairāk), sakārtot prioritātes un gūt balansu ikdienā. Šajā seminārā dalībnieki tiks iepazīstināti ar laika plānošanas metodēm un principiem efektīvai darba organizēšanai Informācijas laikmets ir mainījis mūsu ikdienu, mums jāorientējas daudz lielākā informācijas apjomā, mums ir jāpieņem vairāki lēmumi īsā laikā, stress un nogurums ir neizbēgams. Ja dzīvē ir sajūta, ka laiks rit ātrāk, un darbi ir jāizdara vairāk, un saprotam, ka nespējam vienlaikus tikt galā ar tik daudziem uzdevumiem. Ja ir radusies vēlme iemācīties plānot savu laiku un atrast laika slēptās rezerves, uztrenēt savu laika izjūtu, nevis mocīt sevi ar neizpildāmiem termiņiem, pievienojaties
01.06.2023. 15.50 Saturs
influences the expression of transversal skills, it is necessary to assess the student degree of transversal skill development in a specific subject. Therefore, the study assessed transversal skills of secondary school students in mathematics. Student transversal skills were measured from two perspectives: teacher assessment and student self-assessment. The mean values of pupils’ self-assessment were significantly higher than that of teachers. However, the analysis of the results shows the similarities between teacher assessment and student self-assessment as transversal skills that are evaluated higher are the same. Both teachers and students have highly evaluated their analysis and collaboration skills. Also, transversal skills that are evaluated as least developed by teacher and students are the same. Both teachers and students have evaluated their problem-solving skills and creativity as the less developed among all measured transversal skills. Although average values of teacher assessments
08.12.2022. 23.20 Saturs | 547-559 | PDF Implications of Student Linguistic Repertoires for Teaching English inUniversity Tatjana Bicjutko, Liga Belicka University of Latvia, Latvia Abstract. Despite the emphasis on the promotion of pluricultural/plurilingual skills clearly stated in the European Union (EU) policy (EC 2007, 2018), there is no evident concern for plurilingual awareness in many universities. Although studies on active multilingualism initially dealt with general education (see, e. g. European Centre of Modern Languages activities), there has been a growing research and initiatives with the focus on tertiary education system and the emphasis on methodological interventions. Since intercultural education has long been an EU priority (EC 2002), it is pertinent to address linguistic repertoires of students currently enrolled in the tertiary programmes and their implications for teaching foreign languages. Thus, the research object is linguistic
Company Internships
15.09.2020. 16.35 Ziņa
The Call for Company Internships within the FORTHEM alliance is open! This is one of the Outreach activities planned by FORTHEM, open to all FORTHEM students and with the purpose to promote internships abroad. Up to 70 internship places are offered to students in 2020, giving them a chance to get an insight into organisations from our partner countries. Each university of our alliance provides up to 10 places. The successful candidates will not only work at companies located in the surroundings of our seven universities. Furthermore, they will be pioneers in a new company network, which is likely to develop after this first Company Internships call. Funding for the internships will be based on the ERASMUS Traineeship program. COVID-19 pandemic has been taken into account and so far, some virtual internships are being offered. Pandemic also may affect student mobility; in applying internships, students need to follow the guidelines given by the sending university in order
Company Internships
22.10.2020. 12.39 Ziņa
The Call for Company Internships within the FORTHEM alliance is open! This is one of the Outreach activities planned by FORTHEM, open to all FORTHEM students and with the purpose to promote internships abroad. Up to 70 internship places are offered to students in 2020, giving them a chance to get an insight into organisations from our partner countries. Each university of our alliance provides up to 10 places. The successful candidates will not only work at companies located in the surroundings of our seven universities. Furthermore, they will be pioneers in a new company network, which is likely to develop after this first Company Internships call. Funding for the internships will be based on the ERASMUS Traineeship program. COVID-19 pandemic has been taken into account and so far, some virtual internships are being offered. Pandemic also may affect student mobility; in applying internships, students need to follow the guidelines given by the sending university in order
We are participating in the Icebreakers'20 festival with a discussion on biobanks
24.10.2023. 12.52 Ziņa
On Friday, October 9 the Student Business Opportunities Festival Icebreakers'20 took place in virtual format at the Science House of the Academic Center of the University of Latvia. The Business Opportunity Festival for students and young professionals "Icebreakers" is a gathering place for students and young professionals, where fromuniversity researchers, scientists and innovative entrepreneurs they can learn the latest about innovative business opportunities, as well as get current information about various industries. The main theme of this year's festival was "New Reality", emphasizing the changing and unpredictable environment in which everyone could find opportunities. Representatives of our institute also participated in this festival with a discussion "Biobanking and Big Data". During the conversation was discussed what is a biobank, what data is stored there. Big data creation, storage, HPC program and bioinformatics. Opportunities for students to participate
First Graduation of Bachelor Study Programme “International Economics and Commercial Diplomacy” at the University of Latvia
13.06.2011. 14.57 Ziņa
This summer, June 29, the students from the Faculty of Economics and Management of the University of Latvia will be the first to graduate the bachelor study programme „International Economics and Commercial Diplomacy”. Prior to the event, on June 6 from 10 am to 1 pm, it will be possible to watch defence speeches of the bachelors’ theses live on the UL portal from the UL Faculty of Economics and Management, Aspazijas Blvd. 5, room 322. The implementation of the Bachelor study programme “International Economics and Commercial Diplomacy” within the UL Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) began in September 2007. This study programme aims at preparing highly qualified specialists who would have in-depth knowledge in international economics and commercial diplomacy issues, make independent decisions and solve daily and strategic issues. After completion of the programme, the graduates are able to work at Latvian state institutions, the European Union and other
PAGARINĀTA PIETEIKŠANĀS. Studenti ar labām Baltijas valstu valodu zināšanām aicināti pieteikties stipendijai
22.11.2021. 18.56 Ziņa
Lai veicinātu Lietuvas, Latvijas un Igaunijas valstu valodu un kultūras studijas, jau piekto gadu tiek piešķirta Baltijas valstu universitāšu stipendija 2000 eiro apmērā studentiem, kas prot visas trīs valodas. Pieteikšanās stipendijai pagarināta līdz 2022. gada 31. janvārim. Galvenais priekšnoteikums stipendijas iegūšanai ir Baltijas valstu valodu zināšanas – zināt vienu no trim oficiālajām valstu valodām C1 līmenī, bet abas pārējās – vismaz A2 līmenī. Stipendiju students var izmantot studijām citā universitātē vai arī realizējot kādu citu ar studijām saistītu mērķi. Pieteikties stipendijai var visu studiju līmeņu studenti, tai skaitā ārzemju apmaiņas studenti, piedaloties atklātā konkursā. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa dalībniekam vajadzēs iepazīstināt ar sevi un uzrakstīt īsu eseju par kādu noteiktu tematu trīs Baltijas valstu valodās. Savukārt pēdējā kārtā tiksies trīs labākie kandidāti no katras universitātes, lai prezentētu sevi un savu piemērotību stipendijas iegūšanai. Tad arī tiks
PAGARINĀTA PIETEIKŠANĀS. Studenti ar labām Baltijas valstu valodu zināšanām aicināti pieteikties stipendijai
15.12.2021. 12.07 Ziņa
Lai veicinātu Lietuvas, Latvijas un Igaunijas valstu valodu un kultūras studijas, jau piekto gadu tiek piešķirta Baltijas valstu universitāšu stipendija 2000 eiro apmērā studentiem, kas prot visas trīs valodas. Pieteikšanās stipendijai pagarināta līdz 2022. gada 31. janvārim. Galvenais priekšnoteikums stipendijas iegūšanai ir Baltijas valstu valodu zināšanas – zināt vienu no trim oficiālajām valstu valodām C1 līmenī, bet abas pārējās – vismaz A2 līmenī. Stipendiju students var izmantot studijām citā universitātē vai arī realizējot kādu citu ar studijām saistītu mērķi. Pieteikties stipendijai var visu studiju līmeņu studenti, tai skaitā ārzemju apmaiņas studenti, piedaloties atklātā konkursā. Pirmajā kārtā konkursa dalībniekam vajadzēs iepazīstināt ar sevi un uzrakstīt īsu eseju par kādu noteiktu tematu trīs Baltijas valstu valodās. Savukārt pēdējā kārtā tiksies trīs labākie kandidāti no katras universitātes, lai prezentētu sevi un savu piemērotību stipendijas iegūšanai. Tad arī
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