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Novel innovation platform designed to meet industry needs
23.08.2021. 13.22 Ziņa
Innovation Newsnetwork has published an article about Materize - an innovation platform designed to establish a single point of contact between scientists and industry. In 2018, the Institute of Solid State Physics at the University of Latvia (ISSP UL) – the internationally-recognised leader in the materials sciences and cross-disciplinary topics in the Baltic States – created Materize. This is an industry collaboration innovation platform designed to establish a single point of contact where science can be beneficial to business and which also provides access to both the expertise and resources of the ISSP UL. Olga Bogdanova, Materize Sales Director, said: “Everything we do is targeted to connect clients with science and ensure we help to resolve all issues they are struggling with along the way.” By drawing on the experience of ISSP UL, Materize works alongside industry to develop internationally competitive research innovations in the fields of thin films, electronics, light
Enjoy an ERASMUS semester in Valencia! (last days for registration)
05.10.2022. 17.40 Ziņa
will be responsible for the selection and online nomination of the students , as well as for the creation of a waiting list, if needed. Afterwards, the UV will contact the nominees to complete the process. Deadline for student nomination is 21 October 2022. This FORTHEM Campus, organised with the collaboration of the Digital Transformation Lab, has as its main objective to address digital challenges in the context of the European Union. Everyone's access to technology has brought about substantial changes in human relations, both at a professional and personal level. Therefore, from an international and multidisciplinary perspective, it aims to analyse and investigate current and relevant issues related to the digitalisation process in which societies are immersed, especially after the Covid-19 health crisis. Please, check the application criteria and our available courses and then contact your local FORTHEM office. We wish to see you in Valencia!
Application Form: Company Internship
24.06.2021. 15.08 Saturs
Processing of Personal Data The FORTHEM alliance has adopted a GDPR notice for managing personal data within the alliance. As you will give some personal details when filling in the application form, your data will be handled according to the GDPR notice. If you have any questions about your data subject rights, you can contact the data controller mentioned in the GDPR notice.
Practical information
04.10.2022. 18.28 Saturs
Consult the UV academic calendar . Here you can find practical information about University Life at the Universitat de València! In the link above you can check how to get to each of the different campuses, consult the cultural events offered by the UV, information about accommodation, sports, internships, language courses as well as emergency and security contact information at the Universitat de València.
Application Form: School Internship
21.07.2021. 14.02 Saturs
Processing of Personal Data The FORTHEM alliance has adopted a GDPR notice for managing personal data within the alliance. As you will give some personal details when filling in the application form, your data will be handled according to the GDPR notice. If you have any questions about your data subject rights, you can contact the data controller mentioned in the GDPR notice.
Discipline Egg
31.01.2023. 13.04 Saturs
Komandas ideja un mērķis ir izveidot telefona bāzi ( phonestation ), kas palīdzētu cilvēkiem atturēties no telefona lietošanas, vienlaikus parūpējoties par to, lai telefons, atrodoties šajā bāzē, tiktu uzlādēts un attīrīts no baktērijām. Ieskaties, kā sokas mūsu dalībniekiem: Mājaslapa: TikTok - @disciplineegg Sazinies ar komandas pārstāvjiem:
Are you interested in international collaboration?
23.09.2021. 19.01 Ziņa
FORTHEM Alliance encourages students to collaboratively develop volunteering and education projects with NGOs or other local associations. Create a European team, apply for funding and set up activities focused on development, solidarity and awareness! Within the project period you also have funding for a couple of physical meetings in one of your project locations (depending on the possible restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic). Read carefully through the call Contact student associations Check projects proposed by other students or associations Submit your project proposal to find partners Fill in together the project description form Submit your application !
Added value of volunteering
14.04.2021. 20.34 Saturs
You will: directly contribute to sustainable development and indirectly take charge of your own future; gain professional experience by working for a good cause; gain competence in project management; work with various actors from civil society and develop your network of contacts; receive a certificate from the FORTHEM Alliance on behalf of all seven universities confirming your social commitment, participation in accompanying workshops and workload.
JES Jyväskylä Entrepreneurship Society
04.06.2021. 17.45 Saturs
Brief description of the idea for the project One of the main issues with going abroad for work is not having the basic knowledge about local communities, ecosystems and culture. There are a lot of young students that wish to work abroad - but do not have the channel to make it happen. This is something that our societies could come to aid. For more information download detailed description document . Contact: Oskari and Otso from Jyväskylän yliopisto , Finland.
Conference details
10.06.2024. 22.59 Saturs
CONFERENCE "Azerbaijan as a crossroads of science and poetry" Theme: Azerbaijan as a crossroads of science and poetry: possibilities of an interdisciplinary approach in the actualisation of cultural heritage. Date: 18–19 June 2024 Venue: on site with a possibility of participation online Venue: Oskara Kalpaka bulvāris 4, Riga, Latvia (and online) Contact: The conference is organised by the Department of Asian Studies of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Latvia.
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