Atrasts 851 ieraksts
Year 2021-2022 – time of breakthrough innovation and new discoveries
11.01.2022. 12.25 Ziņa
, system design fundamentals, skills for using Microsoft Power BI platform and other knowledge that not only improves digital skills but also provides insights and practical skills on innovative approaches, free of charge. This year, courses and applications will continue and a unique virtual internship will be offered. Every student can use this time of opportunities to realise their potential, ambition and to persistently put their ideas into practice! The Innovation Centre of the UL will be full of inspiring meetings, opportunities to develop knowledge, events, prizes and motivation from the best mentors and lecturers in 2022. The UL invites students and faculty members to get actively involved and take advantage of the wide range of opportunities offered by the Innovation Grants project until April 2022! If you have any questions please contact the project manager Anta Klepecka by e-mail: . Additional information is available on the web-site of the Innovation
A new course is offered in the Spring 2024
13.11.2023. 16.08 Ziņa
A new course is offered in the Spring 2024. A new course, taught all in English, is offered in the Spring 2024 in the UFR Langues et Communication thanks to the Université de Bourgogne’s partnership with FORTHEM Alliance( ): “Visual and digital cultures”. You will find below, and on the website of the FORTHEM Alliance , some further information and the necessary instructions to register. -This course is open to FORTHEM students . The duration of the class is 12 hours for the semester and is worth 2 ECTS credits . The course is taught online (on the Teams platform): it will start on Monday January 15 th 2024, and will meet every Monday night, 5pm-6pm (CET). -This course is composed of 2 short classes taught by two different professors: for each short class, there will be an evaluation in “contrôle continu” (during the semester).You will find attached the syllabi and general schedule. - This class will welcome 10 international students (all
A new course is offered in the Spring 2024 – “Visual and digital cultures”
14.11.2023. 13.39 Ziņa
A new course, taught all in English, is offered in the Spring 2024 in the UFR Langues et Communication thanks to the Université de Bourgogne’s partnership with FORTHEM Alliance( ):“Visual and digital cultures”.You will find below, and on the website of the FORTHEM Alliance , some further information and the necessary instructions to register. -This course is open to FORTHEM students . The duration of the class is 12 hours for the semester and is worth 2 ECTS credits . The course is taught online (on the Teams platform): it will start on Monday January 15 th 2024, and will meet every Monday night, 5pm-6pm (CET). -This course is composed of 2 short classes taught by two different professors: for each short class, there will be an evaluation in “contrôle continu” (during the semester).You will find attached the syllabi and general schedule. - This class will welcome 10 international students (all levels accepted), and registration
German Philology (sub-programme of academic program Philology)
25.04.2024. 15.08 Saturs
the opportunity to apply for the ERASMUS + exchange program for studies or/and traineeship. More information: ERASMUS + study mobility ERASMUS + traineeship moblity Admission requirements General secondary high school diploma. The average grade of the secondary education document in all subjects must be at least 6 (on a 10-point scale). German language proficiency English language proficiency Enrollment criteria (for students competing for the state-financed study place) 1. The grade in English (30%); 2. The grade in German (50%); 3. Grade point average (20%); Please note! Only EU/EEA/Swiss citizens and EU long-term resident status holders can competefor a state-financed study place. As a part of the admission process applicants will be asked to participate in an online interview. Autumn Intake (application start: 2 Jan 2024; studies start in Sept 2024) Full-time Contact person for more information Director of the Programme Prof. Ineta Balode E
Innovative Business Transfer Models for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Baltic Sea Region - KAforHR
24.11.2022. 15.02 Saturs
darba vietu veicināšanu. Projekta mērķis ir veicināt sadarbību starp partnervalstu tirdzniecības kamerām, universitātēm un MVU, lai veidotu partnerību cilvēkresursu un darbavietu inovāciju jomā. Projekta ietvaros tiks izstrādātas apmācības, kuras attīstīs kompetences darbavietu inovāciju jautājumos. Kā arī projekta ietvaros tiks veikti pētījumi un izstrādāts duālās izglītības bakalaura studiju kurss. KAforHR projekta BROŠŪRA Contact/ Kontaktinformācija: Denīze Ponomarjova Project Manager (+371) 28241115
Navigating Security in the Baltic States: The West's Stance on Its Borderlands
28.11.2023. 11.56 Saturs
them. Self-study: For participants who applying for Summer School (UL Track) will be sent a description of the task, which will have to be prepared before arriving in Riga Students will be able to successfully complete the course and obtain 6 ECTS through submitting a paper within a month after the course ending. This course is also part of a joint programme with the Utrecht University (The Netherlands).Students are able to join one or both of the joint summer programmes and earn 10 ECTS for the track (recommended combination: European Encounters: Diversity and Integration from West to East - Track Download the Syllabus Survival guide Contact person for more information: Aleksandra Kjakste +371 67034712 Mobility Division, University of Latvia
Master's degree programme Sport Science
25.04.2024. 15.24 Saturs
higher education; Academic or professional Bachelor’s degree in sports science or sports pedagogy; Professional medical doctor degree or Bachelor's degree in health care The average grade in study courses must be 60% of the maximum. English language proficiency. Enrollment criteria Entrance examinations will consist of Oral Interviews during which the applicant's motivation, previous achievements are tested As a part of the admission process applicants will be asked to participate in an online interview. Autumn Intake (application start: 02 Jan 2024; studies start in Sept 2024) Full-time Contact person for more information Faculty of Biology, Riga, Jelgavas Str. 1 Tel. +371 67033920 Director of the Programme: Līga Plakane, e-mail: Info e-mail:
FORTHEM scholarship
02.11.2022. 11.54 Saturs
university can help by providing links and resources. Any additional expenses are not covered by FORTHEM Alliance. For more information about funding students can contact the local FORTHEM office at their home university.
Wireless network for low-energy wireless sensors introduced at the University of Latvia
07.09.2020. 18.04 Ziņa
use of the LoRaWAN network in other parts of the world, such as agriculture in the United States, where the goal was to reduce water consumption in vineyards, which was accomplished. The LoRaWAN network has also been used for wildlife tracking, radiation pollution measurements, river monitoring, as it is more suitable than other available solutions, and provides longer operation of equipment when running on batteries. Within the framework of the project, it is planned to establish eight base stations in Riga and outside the city. They will be open to use by the UL students, researchers and other interested parties for research purposes. In case of questions, everyone interested is invited to contact the project manager Jānis Bikše, writing to . Begin to use the new features now! About the University of Latvia Foundation Since 2004, the UL Foundation provides an opportunity to patrons and cooperation partners to support both the University of Latvia and other
VIDEO: Latvijas pētnieku ieguldījums COVID-19 seku mazināšanā
16.03.2021. 18.13 Ziņa
(Potential use of breath VOCs sensors in artificial ventilation machine for COVID-19 patients) Immanuels Taivans, Svjatoslavs Kistkins, Dmitrijs Bļizņuks, Jevgēnijs Teličko, Artis Svaža, Vadims Geža, Valdis Pīrāgs - Efektīva metode COVID-19 pacientu arstēšanai (Efficient COVID-19 treatment method) Leo Seļāvo, Audris Arzovs, Valeria Khlous, Rainers Knīss, Kalvis Suniņš-Biedris, Krišjānis Nesenbergs, Alise Grāmatniece, Aija Vilde, Zane Linde-Ozola, Jana Pavare, Uga Dumpis - Kontaktu trasēšana infekcijas risku mazināšanai (Contact tracing for mitigation infection risks) Jānis Virbulis, Jevgēņijs Teļičko, Maija Sjomkāne, Andris Jakovičs - Modelis un mērsistēma COVID-19 inficēšanās risku samazināšanai telpās (Model and measurement system for reduction of indoor COVID-19 infection risk) Guntis Arnicāns, Laila Niedrīte, Leo Seļāvo, Darja Solodovņikova, Jānis Zemnickis - Iekštelpu sensoru datu izmantošana Covid-19 infekcijas risku pārvaldībai (Use of indoor sensor data for Covid-19
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