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Thank you!
12.11.2018. 16.59 Saturs
The International Mobility Unit coordinator will contact you within 10 days after the deadline for applying for a place in the student hotel. Please note that the deadline for Autumn semester isJune 25; for Spring semester isDecember 25.You will receive the confirmation of the chosen student hotel and payment instructions.This message has been generated automatically. For further information please contact:
Laila's Story of Exchange Studies in Croatia
07.10.2020. 13.58 Ziņa
Laila Milakne, a student at the University of Latvia (UL) Faculty of Business, Management and Economics has spent 4 months studying at the University of Dubrovnik in Croatia. Here is the story of Laila's experience and memories rained while studying abroad. Laila made a decision to enter Erasmus + study mobility because she aspired to leave her comfort zone, try something new and challenging, to gain international experience, new impressions and contacts. “I had never heard of any adverse experiences with Erasmus + programmes, so when I received an e-mail about this opportunity, I immediately contacted the external relations coordinator, arranged a consultation, described the situation, received answers to my questions, and was definitely encouraged to make every effort to try it. Believe me, neither work nor any other circumstances can be an obstacle! IT'S MORE THAN WORTH IT! If you still have doubts, write privately to a student who has already been to the country or university
Staff Week for the Language Centers in October
14.07.2022. 13.25 Ziņa
A Staff Week bringing together teaching and administrative staff for the Language Centers of the Alliance is being planned for 11-13 October, 2022 at the University of Burgundy, Dijon, France. This first meeting of Language Centers will have for objective the in-person meeting and exchange between language center personnel from member universities, the sharing of information and best practices and the reflection on and planning of future joint projects and partnerships. In case of inquiries, please contact: ; Application deadline was September 21, 2022, but you can still use this registration form to find out if there are places available. You can also contact Max. number of participants: 20
30.05.2022. 13.16 Saturs
and in excess of 30 posters discussed, bringing together scientists from more than 30 universities and 20 different countries. Thanks to the close contacts and cooperation forged and sustained by the members of the Faculty of Law of the University of Latvia with universities in other countries, the conference and the papers, ideas and theses presented at it will have a lasting impact on the legal science and its development both locally and internationally. The thematic framework of the 8th International Scientific Conference was related to the new challenges the world is facing, and they do not concern solely the pandemic that has broken out all over the world, but also involve digital change, the new era of social networks and technologies that will change the fabric of society, and possibly even national policies. In keeping pace with these global changes, the science of law must also evolve and provide solutions for new challenges. The conference papers covered current and dynamically
Developing technology to enable robots to feel
06.03.2023. 18.50 Ziņa
Sestosenso is a EUR 4 million Horizon Europe project, in which scientists from the Institute of Solid State Physics of the University of Latvia (ISSP UL) have partnered with international researchers to help robots see and feel the surrounding environment without using, for example, the well-known video system. It is envisaged that in the future the robot would have a printable sensor system or skin according to the geometry and dimensions of the robot. The integration of such a sensorised skin with a robot would allow it to acquire the ability to see and feel what is happening around it, thus guaranteeing safe and effective cooperation between the robot and the human to perform different tasks. The goal of the Sestosenso project is to create a sensor system that would enable a robot to see objects and people in the entire space around it and feel contact with them. It could be deployed on a robot of any shape, and the robot would be able to understand its position in a changing
Courses offered by the Faculty of History and Philosophy
28.05.2024. 11.53 Saturs
Provisional study course offer for Fall 2024 For the registration to the study courses on Philospohy, please, contact Inta Briede (, for registration to the study courses on History, please, contact Sigita Šnē ( N.B. Courses are mainly offered on individual basis, namely, consultations on the chosen/offered topic given in English. International coordinators of the faculty : Department of History and Archaeology and Philosophy and Ethics– Ginta Ieva Bikše, e-mail
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