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Skolēni iepazina HZF studentu ikdienu pasākumā “Studenta kurpēs”
28.04.2022. 11.30 Ziņa
No 19. līdz 29. aprīlim LU notika pasākums “Studenta kurpēs”, kurā skolēniem bija dota iespēja “pielaikot studenta kurpes” – vienu dienu iejusties studenta “ādā”. Šo iespēju – apmeklēt lekcijas kopā ar kādu Humanitāro zinātņu fakultātes studentu un uzzināt, kā notiek studijas konkrētā programmā – izmantoja vairāk nekā 40 vidusskolēnu no visas Latvijas. Skolēnus ar HZF studentu ikdienu iepazīstināja 26 fakultātes studenti no dažādām HZF bakalaura studiju programmām. Par to, kā gāja skolniecēm, kuras iepazina Baltu filoloģijas BSP studenta ikdienu, šajā ziņā. Baltu filoloģijas BSP 1. kursa studente Renāte ar studijām savā programmā iepazīstināja 11. klases skolnieces Ilzi no Valmieras un Inesi no Rīgas, savukārt 12. klases skolnieces Marta no Vecpiebalgas un Ilza no Cēsīm vienu dienu pavadīja kopā ar Renātes kursabiedreni Alisi. Vidusskolnieces piedalījās gan lekcijās, kas baltu filologiem vēl notiek attālināti, gan arī bija atnākušas ekskursijā uz fakultāti, lai izjustu fakultātes
The University of Latvia Foundation promotes charity also in Lithuania
27.12.2018. 14.07 Ziņa
University. The scholarship committee recognized achievements I had done during the years in high school, and that made me feel very proud of all the work done. This scholarship made me feel like everything I was working towards my future is finally within reach,” D. Aniukstyte shares her feelings. "I couldn’t be happier about the cooperation which has started between the University of Latvia Foundation and the Vilnius University Endowment. Philanthropy culture in the Baltics is still in its infancy phase and such collaboration will surely contribute to bringing it to the next level. I would like to truly thank the team of the University of Latvia Foundation and its patron Peter Alunans for the opportunity for the Vilnius University students to participate in “Alunans Family Scholarship” programme. I am looking forward for more mutual projects in the nearest future and close cooperation between the funds in various other means," adds Justinas Noreika , executive director of the VU
The University of Latvia Foundation promotes charity also in Lithuania
28.11.2019. 17.27 Ziņa
at the Vilnius University. The scholarship committee recognized achievements I had done during the years in high school, and that made me feel very proud of all the work done. This scholarship made me feel like everything I was working towards my future is finally within reach,” D. Aniukstyte shares her feelings. "I couldn’t be happier about the cooperation which has started between the University of Latvia Foundation and the Vilnius University Endowment. Philanthropy culture in the Baltics is still in its infancy phase and such collaboration will surely contribute to bringing it to the next level. I would like to truly thank the team of the University of Latvia Foundation and its patron Pēteris Alunāns for the opportunity for the Vilnius University students to participate in “Alunāns Family Scholarship” programme. I am looking forward for more mutual projects in the nearest future and close cooperation between the funds in various other means," adds Justinas Noreika , executive director
RESEARCHER OF THE MONTH: Ruvin Ferber speaking about physics, Laser Centre and science
29.05.2012. 14.17 Ziņa
and there are many ideas that we could implement. How do you evaluate the general working conditions at the University and Laser Centre? Speaking about the UL Physics and Mathematics Faculty, I can say that I am very happy with the favourable working conditions that have been created here. We have our own building and territory, a block for lectures and a block for laboratories, as well as dormitories – all in perfect condition, compact and located within easy reach. Not only does it significantly facilitate my work, but it also has a positive effect on the students– it helps create an appropriate social environment with its own customs and activities. There are, of course, many other institutions, with which we must cooperate and coordinate our actions, in which our professors work in parallel with us, but it is important that there exists such a centre, where not only lectures, but also practical and scientific work takes place, the corresponding studies in the laser laboratories are conducted, etc
Samorząd Studencki UO
02.06.2021. 20.31 Saturs
About Samorząd Studencki UO is a federation of the UO students' community. They provide social support and help students implement their own projects (sports activities, cultural events, research and development orientation). They also collaborate with other student associations: student TV ; student radio ; student newspaper ; sudents’ Scouts association ; Academic sports association ; students' Academic circle. Contact : Żaneta Niemczyk (president) and Dominika Strzelczyk (vice-president) - .
LU PPMF Studentu pašpārvalde aicina filiāļu studentus uz tikšanos
20.10.2021. 22.16 Ziņa
22. oktobrī Latvijas Universitātes Pedagoģijas, psiholoģijas un mākslas fakultātes Studentu pašpārvalde aicina LU filiāļu studentus uz attālinātu tikšanos, lai pārrunātu aktualitātes un turpmākās sadarbības iespējas. Piektdien, 22. oktobrī, no plkst. 18.30 Latvijas Universitātes Pedagoģijas, psiholoģijas un mākslas fakultātes Studentu pašpārvalde (LU PPMF SP) aicina septiņu reģionālo filiāļu studentusuz tikšanostiešsaistes platformā MS Teams. Tikšanās mērķi: iepazīstināt studentus ar PPMF SP pārrunāt aktualitātes uzklausīt studentu viedokļus par atbalsta nepieciešamību apspriest turpmākās sadarbības iespējas LU PPMF Studentu pašpārvalde ir LU PPMF studentu ievēlēta, neatkarīga, universitātes finansēta organizācija, kuras mērķis ir aizstāvēt LU PPMF studentu tiesības un pārstāvēt to intereses akadēmiskās, sociālās un kultūras dzīves jautājumos gan fakultātes, gan visas universitātes mērogā. Pašpārvaldē satiekas fakultātes aktīvākie studenti. Par LU PPMF SP uzzināt
The beach volleyball night tournament will be on March 23
30.01.2023. 12.30 Ziņa
On Thursday, March 23, the University of Latvia (LU) beach volleyball spring night tournament will be hosted at the Rimi Olympic sports Centre, O-Sands Square. It will be a great opportunity for members of the course and simply good friends studying at the University of Latvia to participate in an interesting sports event in an unconventional atmosphere. One of the most popular sports of LU sports night is beach volleyball. The LU beach volleyball night tournament, hosted by the LU sports Centre in partnership with the LU students Council, is interesting with mixed teams (1 woman and 1 man) taking part in the tournament. Applications for participation in the tournament must be sent by 22 March at 23:59 at email during enrollment, ALL participants will be required to present valid student licenses. The tournament will take place at Rimi Olympic sports Centre (Groston Street 6b), start at 23.15, registration from noon 22.45. Tournament organisers are urging every LU
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