Atrasts 851 ieraksts
European Integration and Baltic Sea Region Studies (EIBSRS)
05.02.2020. 18.22 Saturs
as with the support of other partners have issued several collections of scientific articles and publications. Please, see the front covers and contents of the published books here , or contact us for more information. Enrolment Applicants from the University of Latvia, other higher educational institutions in Latvia, as well as ones from other countries are welcomed to apply to become members of the Doctoral School. Regular application usually takes place within the last week of August until the middle of September. Please send the fully filled, signed and scanned application form to email address . After the application is received, it will be reviewed by the Council of the Doctoral school, after which the applicant is informed with the final decision. Events The Doctoral School organizes guest lectures, seminars, regular discussions, conferences and Jean Monnet doctoral colloquia as a part of the European Commission Jean Monnet Life Learning Programme. The School also
Radio Dijon Campus
02.06.2021. 20.12 Saturs
About : Radio Dijon Campus is a local association in charge of the student radio on campus. Contact : Aurélien Moulinet .
Dual Award in Computer Science - obtain two degrees and British study experience here in Latvia!
10.06.2021. 13.11 Ziņa
The University of Latvia offers students the opportunity to start studies in the Dual Award bachelor's study programme in Computer science, which has been developed in cooperation with the University of Lincoln in the United Kingdom. The studies will be conducted in English, and at the end of the studies, graduates will receive degrees from both universities. The Dual Award programme in Computer Science has been developed using both universities' long-term experience to provide students with the knowledge and skills required in the labour market. The content of the bachelor's study programmes in computer science at both universities and the study results to be achieved were carefully compared and evaluated. As a result, students will have the opportunity to acquire the study courses offered by the University of Latvia and acquire study courses offered by the University of Lincoln. Students will also be provided with access to University of Lincoln faculty consultations, a library
Santa Usāne
22.04.2022. 12.25 Saturs
in Context of the EU Funds: A Case of Aluksne Region. Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference "ECONOMIC SCIENCE FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT", No.48, Jelgava, LLU ESAF, 9-11 May 2018, pp.62-69. DOI 10.22616/ESRD.2018.069. 2017 Daume, S., Zobena, A., Cross-Border Contacts and Cooperation Between Population of Latvia, Estonia and Russia: A Case of Aluksne Region. Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference “ECONOMIC SCIENCE FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT”, No.45, Jelgava, LLU ESAF, 27-28 April 2017, pp. 48-54. Pētniecības tēmas Pārrobežu sadarbība, lauku attīstība, teritoriju attīstība
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