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Stenfordas studenti iepazīst jauno Latvijas Universitātes centru
25.07.2023. 14.38 Ziņa
Vienpadsmit humanitāro un sociālo zinātņu studenti no Stenfordas Universitātes šovasar atbraukuši no Kalifornijas piedalīties dažādās prakses iespējās Latvijā un Igaunijā. Divu dienu garumā visi studenti tikās Rīgā un apmeklēja vairākas nozīmīgas iestādes, to skaitā jaunās Latvijas Universitātes (LU) Akadēmiskā centra fakultātes telpas Dabas mājā un Zinātņu mājā. “Bija tik stilīgi, es pati ļoti labprāt te mācītos! Bet, ja nopietni, arhitektūra bija tiešām iespaidīga,” teica studente Katarīna Bučatskija . Tomēr viņa nav vienīgā no studentiem, kurš cer atgriezties Latvijā pēc šīs vasaras prakses. Students Pārkers Vatss vēl cer iegūt prestižo Fulbraita stipendiju un atgriezsties nākotnē uz studijām Latvijā. LU Akadēmiskā centra ekskursijā studenti iepazina lekciju telpas, konferenču zāles, jumta skatus, kā arī uzzināja par nākotnes attīstības plāniem. Viesošanās laikā grupa apmeklēja arī Okupācijas muzeju, Ārlietu ministriju, Mākslas muzeju un Nacionālo bibliotēku. Lielākā daļa
Radio NABA raidījums “Studentu pietura” papildina sastāvu – piesakies un esi komandā!
26.09.2022. 13.07 Ziņa
raidījumiem, gan to vadīšana un tikšanās ar viesiem studijā, sociālo tīklu ierakstu veidošana. Darbošanās radio lieliski attīsta laika plānošanas un runas prasmes, ir kā pamats dažādu projektu vadībai, kā arī neierobežo radošumu - šī būs īstā platforma trako ideju īstenošanai. Savu CV un izvērtāku pieteikumu līdz 10. oktobrim vari sūtīt uz e-pastu ar norādi “Pieteikums raidījumam “Studentu pietura””. Par raidījumu “Studentu pietura” Studentu pietura ir LR6 – LU Radio NABA programmas raidījums ar teju 20 gadu pieredzi. Stāsts ir par to kā dzīvo studenti - esošie, bijušie un topošie. Piedāvājam dažādus stāstus, tematus un spilgtas personības. Runājam gan par mācību procesu, gan arī to, kā pilnvērtīgi pavadīt brīvo laiku. Katru pirmdienu raidījumā aicinām viesoties cilvēkus, kas zina, ko teikt. Atskatāmies pagātnē un ieskatāmies nākotnē! Plašāka informācija: Elīna Krēmere Radio NABA raidījuma “Studentu pietura” satura veidotāja un vadītāja e-pasts: kremereelina
Col•lectiu d’Estudiants per la Facultat d’Economia Ètica
02.06.2021. 20.45 Saturs
About The Collective of Students for the Faculty of Ethical Economics (CEFDEE) is a local association that promotes ethics in the business world. It provides students with training sessions and fun activities to raise awareness of sustainability, the effects of offshoring, child labour, etc. Contact : Pau Sendra Pons .
Self-Assessment of English Reading Skills in Grade 6
03.11.2021. 22.09 Saturs
Self-Assessment of English Reading Skills in Grade 6 [PDF] Evija Latkovska 1 , Santa Aleksejeva 2 1 University of Latvia, Latvia 2 Mezciems Primary School, Latvia Abstract: One of topicalities in the field of education in the 21 st century is a necessity to share responsibility. Namely, students should learn to be more responsible for how and what they learn, whereas teachers should learn to share the ownership of the learning process with students, letting them be more involved in it as decision-makers. One way how teachers can encourage students become more conscious of the learning process is to engage them in self-assessment of their learning and learning outcomes. One of self-assessment tools in language education is the European Language Portfolio (the ELP). Apart from different ELPs for adults, there is a portfolio for students in Latvia: My Language Portfolio – The European Language Portfolio for young learners (age 7–12) in the paperback and digital versions
Iegūsti 8500 EUR vērtu atbalstu savas idejas attīstīšanai - līdz uzņemšanas noslēgumam vēl tikai 7 dienas!
11.10.2021. 14.36 Ziņa
iespēja pastāstīt savu ideju citiem un varbūt pat tajā pašā dienā iepazīties ar saviem jaunajiem komandas biedriem! Lai pieteiktos pasākumam, aizpildi formu ŠEIT . (Reģistrācija pasākumam ir obligāta!) Noteikti jau pirms pasākuma aicinām tevi pievienoties mūsu izveidotajā matchmaking platformā - SBI.LV ! Tur tev ir iespēja iepazīties ar citu cilvēku idejām, izveidot savu profilu un jau pirms pasākuma pievienoties kādai citai biznesa idejai. Ņem vērā, ka inkubatorā tiks uzņemtas komandas, kuras veido LU esošie studenti vai arī komandas, kurās, piedaloties vismaz diviem cilvēkiem, viens no tiem šobrīd studē LU, bet otrs ir citas augstskolas students vai arī studijas ir noslēdzis. Inkubatorā tiks uzņemtas 30 komandas un katrs pretendents tiks vērtēts pēc administratīvajiem kritērijiem (pieteikumā norādīta prasītā informācija un pieteikums ir iesniegts norādītajā termiņā), kā arī kvalitatīvajiem kritērijiem (biznesa ideja, komandas atbilstība un komandas motivācija). Ar programmas nolikumu
Are you interested in international collaboration?
23.09.2021. 19.01 Ziņa
FORTHEM Alliance encourages students to collaboratively develop volunteering and education projects with NGOs or other local associations. Create a European team, apply for funding and set up activities focused on development, solidarity and awareness! Within the project period you also have funding for a couple of physical meetings in one of your project locations (depending on the possible restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic). Read carefully through the call Contact student associations Check projects proposed by other students or associations Submit your project proposal to find partners Fill in together the project description form Submit your application !
Research Workshop in Business and Finance 2019
09.04.2019. 14.34 Ziņa
The Research Workshop is specially designed for doctoral students involved in the preparation of their PhD in Business and Finance as well as master students who plan to continue studies at the doctoral level. This Workshop brings the PhD and master students the chance to actively discuss their (potential) research issues, ideas and works-in-progress with senior researchers and receive constructive feedback from members of the research community. The Research Workshop will take place at the Faculty of Business, Management and Economics, University of Latvia on Friday, the 17th of May, 2019 (at 14:00). CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS The number of participants is limited to 10. Students who are selected to participate in the Research Workshop will be requested to submit a short report on their research proposal by the April 28, 2019 to During the Workshop the students will be invited to present their report (see Guidelines for the presentation
Four BAFF Scolarships For Practice and Research in the USA
06.02.2012. 16.51 Ziņa
The end of 2011 was the deadline for the third BAFF (Baltic-American Freedom Foundation) scolarship contest. Four of the UL researchers and students received the scolarships and will go to the U.S. in spring and summer. Professor Vita Zelce, the Faculty of Social Sciences, will go to the U.S., the George Washington University, to conduct a research dedicated to Russian- Latvian social memory and conflicts. The study is planned to be evolved into a scientific monograph. Professor intends to participate in scientific conferences devoted to Eastern Europe and to promote media and social memory enrichment. The researcher Boris Rjabovs, UL Institute of Astronomy, intends to explore sunspots at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, Physics Department Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research. Two UL students Juris Baldunciks, Faculty of Economics and Management, and Ulrika Beitnere, Faculty of Biology, have also received the scolarships.This spring and summer 24 representatives of the Baltic
“Smart City and decision-making” Symposium on 8-9 July
15.06.2021. 18.32 Ziņa
As part of the Digital Transformation Lab, the Smart City Chair at uB is organising a two day symposium on July 8 and 9, devoted to “Smart City and decision-making”. The first day of the conference will unfold under the aegis of the Alliance, and will consist of workshops and presentations by teachers and students about, inter alia, artificial intelligence and data protection. The Smart City Master second-year students will present their thesis, and we are looking for partner universities’ students who are willing to introduce us to their work on the 8th of July. The second day will be entirely dedicated to the symposium which programme is attached above. To register, please send us a short summary of about half a page of your work by the deadline of 22 June 2021. You will also be asked to provide a powerpoint presentation after the event. We are looking forward to collaborating with you, The event will take place online and you can also join us solely as a viewer and listener
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