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LU Bibliotēka aicina piedalīties starptautiskos tīmekļsemināros par sabiedrisko zinātni (Citizen Science) Baltijā
13.03.2024. 19.16 Ziņa
institūcijām, kas apsver īstenot līdzīgas sabiedriskās zinātnes iniciatīvas; ilustrēt BESPOC jeb Broad Engagement in Science, Point of Contact modeļa ietekmi, kas nodrošina risinājumu centrāla sabiedrsiskās zinātnes atbalsta pakalpojumu; iepazīstināt pieredzes bagātus sabiedriskās zinātnes praktiķus un Eiropas akadēmiskās bibliotēkas ar BESPOC modeļa realizācijas gaitu un iegūt ekspertu viedokļus un ieteikumus turpākai attīstībai arī pēc projekta īstenošanas. Papildinformācija par īstenoto projektu pieejama projekta vietnē . Projekts tiek realizēts ar Eiropas Savienības “Erasmus+” stratēģiskās partnerības programmas (LibOCS projekta Nr. 2021-1-EE01-KA220-HED-000031125) atbalstu.
LU bibliotēka aicina piedalīties starprtautiskos tīmekļsemināros par sabiedrisko zinātni (Citizen Science) Baltijā
13.03.2024. 19.30 Ziņa
institūcijām, kas apsver īstenot līdzīgas sabiedriskās zinātnes iniciatīvas; ilustrēt BESPOC jeb Broad Engagement in Science, Point of Contact modeļa ietekmi, kas nodrošina risinājumu centrāla sabiedrsiskās zinātnes atbalsta pakalpojumu; iepazīstināt pieredzes bagātus sabiedriskās zinātnes praktiķus un Eiropas akadēmiskās bibliotēkas ar BESPOC modeļa realizācijas gaitu un iegūt ekspertu viedokļus un ieteikumus turpākai attīstībai arī pēc projekta īstenošanas. Papildinformācija par īstenoto projektu pieejama projekta vietnē . Projekts tiek realizēts ar Eiropas Savienības “Erasmus+” stratēģiskās partnerības programmas (LibOCS projekta Nr. 2021-1-EE01-KA220-HED-000031125) atbalstu.
21.09.2012. 16.28 Saturs
and interrelated processes of legal, cultural and socio-economic integration in Europe and the Baltic Sea Region. The first edition of the Conference publications has already been published. However, due to very successful plenary "Business - University Partnership" another edition of the Conference publications regarding the topic "Business- University Partnership: Social and Economic Environment" is being prepared. See the timeline and submission guidelines for the second edition. For organizational questions please contact:
Submit your abstract to VisPEP 2024
21.11.2023. 14.25 Saturs
perception, and spatial vision) The hosting institution for this event is the Faculty of Physics at the University of Warsaw. Furthermore, a special issue dedicated to the research presented at VisPEP 2024 is planned for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. Abstract submissions are currently open and will be accepted until December 31, 2023 . To submit the abstract and access more information, please visit the website: . Should you have any questions, feel free to contact us at . We look forward to seeing you at VisPEP 2024 in Warsaw!
26.03.2019. 14.53 Saturs
with provisional results from your school. You will need to submit an obtained diploma afterwards. Note! Applicants, who submit documents for temporary residence permit after August 20 th , have to choose express examination of documents for 10 days. If the residence permit obtaining process continues longer than expected, LU makes a decision on the commencement of study options in this or next academic year. If you have questions regarding application procedure, academic or practical matters, feel free to contact us
Latvian Language Courses
22.01.2024. 12.13 Saturs
The University of Latvia offers to study Latvian language in 4 levels: Practical Latvian for International Students I(Beginners) – 6 ECTS (4 credits) course code Valo1465 Latvian language (Lower Intermediate) – 6 ECTS (4 credits) course code Valo2383 Practical Latvian fo International Students I (A2) - 6 ECTS (4 credits), course code ValoT221 For students who are intersting on Latvian language courses B2 and C1 level, please contact Mrs. Margarita Spirida directly ( PracticalLatvian language for International Students II (B2) (Upper Intermediate) – 6 ECTS (4 credits) course code Valo2475 Latvian language (C1) (Advanced) – 6 ECTS (4 credit points) course code Valo3304 These Latvian language courses are mainly provided for incoming exchange students of the University of Latvia. Others who are interested to learn Latvian language can apply as tuition paying visiting students if there are free places in the group. Each course level lasts
Taisnīgs līdzsvars starp privātumu un drošību kibertelpā: stingru datu aizsardzības standartu izveide Eiropā
11.01.2021. 15.05 Saturs
Projekta X ceturksnī (01.07.2020.-30.09.2020.) veiktās darbības: Sagatavots zinātniskais raksts "The Global Flood of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps: Sailing with Human Rights and Data Protection Standards against the Wind of Mass Surveillance" un iesniegts publicēšanai starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences “Globalization and Its Socio-Economic Consequences”, ko rīko Žilinas universitāte un kas notiks virtuāli no 21. līdz 22. oktobrim, rakstu krājumam. Sagatavots raksts "Apturi Covid-19 ar vai bez digitālām tehnoloģijām: tālāk par privātuma un datu aizsardzības prasībām", kas 6. oktobrī publicēts žurnāla “Jurista Vārds” speciālajā izdevumā “Dati kā tehnoloģiju laikmeta resursi: izmantošana un aizsardzība”. Raksts pieejams: Veikta sadarbības un pētniecības vizīte pie projekta sadarbības partnera Tartu Universitātes un Tallinas Tehnoloģiju Universitātes
Prof. Aivaras Kareiva
10.09.2019. 00.46 Saturs
of Strasbourg, Georgetown University and others). He supervised successfully 27 PhD students at Vilnius University, several postdocs and many foreign trainees. A. Kareiva participated or conducted several Research projects on optics and lasers with funding from NATO, the National Grant from Lithuania, the European Sixth Framework Programme, COST Action and Horizon 2020. Contacts: Aivaras Kareiva ( – VU Team Leader Phone: +370 52193110; +37061567428
Private companies
19.11.2021. 13.01 Saturs
- benefits from open research infrastructure and training programs - business partners in our regions through FORTHEM - special access for your employees to our online courses You can also propose to us different tasks to solve or suggest any other innovative form of cooperation. For more information on how to become our associated partner, contact one of our local FORTHEM offices .
Getting connected – FIT FORTHEM tandem and job shadowing opportunities
04.01.2023. 15.02 Saturs
Working together in an international and European environment can be very productive and stimulating if one is aware of the cultural differences and how to bridge them. What better way is there for a good understanding of how things work in other organizations and countries than mutual exchange with your international colleagues? If you are looking for a tandem-partner or if you want to offer a job shadowing opportunity, please get in contact with us ( ) – any form of collaboration and interaction is welcome. By forming trans-institutional and trans-sectoral tandems and working groups of experts in the same or complementary fields in Research & Innovation (management) we can build a strong and resilient network for upcoming challenges of the future. Target group: project managers , managers of departments, core facilities, research infrastructure or international offices at one of the FORTHEM partner organizations, researchers interested in R
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