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Skolēniem iespēja iejusties studenta lomā pasākumā “Studenta kurpēs”
25.03.2022. 18.45 Ziņa
Latvijas Universitātes studenti aicina ikvienu skolēnu “pielaikot studenta kurpes” un vienu dienu iejusties studenta ādā, apmeklējot lekcijas un uzzināt, kā noris studiju dzīve Latvijas Universitātē. “Studenta kurpēs” notiks no 19. līdz 29. aprīlim. LU pasākums “Studenta kurpēs” ir lieliska iespēja vidusskolēniem vienu dienu iejusties studenta lomā un piedalīties studiju procesā, lekcijās, laboratorijas darbos, kopā ar studentu iepazīt fakultāti, pusdienu vietas, bibliotēku, uzzināt, kādas prasmes nepieciešamas, studējot attiecīgajā studiju programmā un kādas iespējas radoši izpausties ārpus studijām. Tā ir arī ļoti laba pieredze LU studentam – uz vienu dienu kļūt par, iespējams, topošā studenta mentoru, kliedēt vidusskolēna bažas vai bailes un sakrāt labos karmas punktus, parādot, cik daudzveidīga var būt studenta dzīve! Arī 2022. gads ir izaicinājumu pilns, jo daļā fakultāšu lekcijas notiek attālināti, taču, neskatoties uz attālināto režīmu, studentiem aicinājums organizēt
Skolēniem iespēja iejusties studenta lomā pasākumā “Studenta kurpēs”
29.03.2022. 17.35 Ziņa
Latvijas Universitātes studenti aicina ikvienu skolēnu “pielaikot studenta kurpes” un vienu dienu iejusties studenta ādā, apmeklējot lekcijas un uzzināt, kā noris studiju dzīve Latvijas Universitātē. “Studenta kurpēs” notiks no 19. līdz 29. aprīlim. LU pasākums “Studenta kurpēs” ir lieliska iespēja vidusskolēniem vienu dienu iejusties studenta lomā un piedalīties studiju procesā, lekcijās, laboratorijas darbos, kopā ar studentu iepazīt fakultāti, pusdienu vietas, bibliotēku, uzzināt, kādas prasmes nepieciešamas, studējot attiecīgajā studiju programmā un kādas iespējas radoši izpausties ārpus studijām. Tā ir arī ļoti laba pieredze LU studentam – uz vienu dienu kļūt par, iespējams, topošā studenta mentoru, kliedēt vidusskolēna bažas vai bailes un sakrāt labos karmas punktus, parādot, cik daudzveidīga var būt studenta dzīve! Arī 2022. gads ir izaicinājumu pilns, jo daļā fakultāšu lekcijas notiek attālināti, taču, neskatoties uz attālināto režīmu, studentiem aicinājums organizēt
The new University of Latvia planner is here!
12.08.2022. 12.27 Ziņa
Dear students and employees of the University of Latvia (UL), for a successful start of the new study year, all the valuable ideas and tasks will be remembered and implemented, if they are written down in the new planner! The planner contains the academic calendar, a convenient spread showing the monthly report, the weekly plan ensures a good overview and provides sufficient space to write down current work and tasks. The planner contains information about the university, and each working week will start with a new, useful insight. We hope that the planner will also reinforce belonging to UL community. A novelty – the planner is available in two languages – Latvian and English – to enable the students from abroad to use it. The planner also makes a good gift to foreign cooperation partners to be given when welcoming guests and going to conferences or exchange studies. The planner is available in three colours – classic blue, light blue and light green. UL planners can be purchased
The new University of Latvia planner is here!
24.08.2022. 14.04 Ziņa
Dear students and employees of the University of Latvia (UL), for a successful start of the new study year, all the valuable ideas and tasks will be remembered and implemented, if they are written down in the new planner! The planner contains the academic calendar, a convenient spread showing the monthly report, the weekly plan ensures a good overview and provides sufficient space to write down current work and tasks. The planner contains information about the university, and each working week will start with a new, useful insight. We hope that the planner will also reinforce belonging to UL community. A novelty – the planner is available in two languages – Latvian and English – to enable the students from abroad to use it. The planner also makes a good gift to foreign cooperation partners to be given when welcoming guests and going to conferences or exchange studies. The planner is available in three colours – classic blue, light blue and light green. UL planners can
Eligibility requirements
15.01.2019. 14.49 Saturs
The competition is open for countries from Europe and beyond. Each country is eligible to send one team consisting of up to 5 students and one leader; observers and/or visitors are also welcome.The host country is eligible to send a second team.Similarly to IPhO, the competition is designed for high school students. EuPhO is open to “students who have finished their school examinations in the year of the competition as long as they have not commenced their university studies. The age of the contestants should not exceed twenty years on June 30th of the year of the competition”.Educational system varies from country to country, and in some cases the boundary between a high school and a university becomes vague. Per current definition,we consider a school where students have more than one third of lectures (in average per year) on topics related either to physics or mathematics to be equivalent to a university. However,if there are students in your team who come from schools which do
Eligibility requirements
15.01.2019. 14.42 Saturs
The competition is open for countries from Europe and beyond. Each country is eligible to send one team consisting of up to 5 students and one leader; observers and/or visitors are also welcome.The host country is eligible to send a second team.Similarly to IPhO, the competition is designed for high school students. EuPhO is open to “students who have finished their school examinations in the year of the competition as long as they have not commenced their university studies. The age of the contestants should not exceed twenty years on June 30th of the year of the competition”.Educational system varies from country to country, and in some cases the boundary between a high school and a university becomes vague. Per current definition,we consider a school where students have more than one third of lectures (in average per year) on topics related either to physics or mathematics to be equivalent to a university. However,if there are students in your team who come from schools which do
Anniversaries of three scholarships administered by the UL Foundation – celebrating 5, 10 and 15 years of excellence
30.07.2020. 12.48 Ziņa
With the support of selfless patrons, more than 100 capable and promising students of the University of Latvia (UL) and other universities receive scholarships every year. This year marks significant anniversaries for three groups of scholarships founded by patrons from around the world. This year marks the 15 th anniversary of Kārlis Kaufmanis Memorial Scholarship, while 10 years have passed since the first AD VERBUM Scholarship was awarded to young researchers in the humanities, prospective translators and future pre-school teachers, whereas the Ramāns Family Scholarship for Special Education Teachers was established five years ago. Kārlis Kaufmanis Memorial Scholarship “For continued cultivation and prosperity of my beloved field of work – the science of astronomy – in Latvia,” thus wrote Prof. emer. Kārlis Kaufmanis (1910–2003) in his last will and bequest to the University of Latvia. The professor was a graduate of the University of Latvia, the oldest known Latvian
Connect to success! – Come to study at the University of Latvia!
13.06.2019. 13.15 Ziņa
Health” , and “Computer Science and Organizational Technologies” , as well as master's programme “Sport Science”. The full range of available study programmes is available on the UL “Connect to success” website , which also contains information about the study environment, academic staff and further opportunities offered by the UL. All the information about studies and application is provided at the UL Department of Student Services by email or telephone (+371) 67034444. The electronic application for studies will take place from June 25 to July 9 via the e-service portal July 2 to 9, the applicants will be able to approve the previously submitted electronic applications. Those, who won't have already submitted their applications for studies at the UL, will be able to submit and approve their applications in person. In the coming years, the University of Latvia Academic Centre in Torņakalns will grow into one of the most advanced study centres and student
Scientific Achievement 2009 – Project Developed by the Faculty of Computing
20.01.2010. 14.09 Ziņa
remarkably improved the usage of Latvian medical statistics data and the same could be achieved also in other fields,” said the project leader Dr.Sc.Comp. Prof. Guntis Bārzdiņš. The four-year project was developed at the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Latvia, as a part of the Latvian National Research Program "Scientific Foundations of Information Technology". Dozens of scientists have participated in the development of the project at various stages. The project included not only the applied technology “Semantic Latvia”, but also analysis of retrieval methods for natural language semantics, such as the set of tools for grammatical and semantic processing of the Latvian language which is now available also on-line under the name “SemTi Kamols”. Students take part in the research of themes related to this technology as well – ten Master’s papers have been written and five doctoral students are involved in this research. Translated by students
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