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Research Workshop in Business and Finance 2018
02.07.2018. 16.58 Ziņa
research question addressed (to include a brief statement of the topic and of the issue/ problem that motivates the research) [10%]; 2.theory and literature review [20%]; 3.research design, data, and methodology (including hypothesis) [30%]; 4.expected results and summary of the evidence of the study so far (if applicable: an outline of any preliminary findings) [20%]; 5.expected contribution and its significance in the field [10%]; 6.conclusions, and any remaining concerns or problems to be overcome [10%]. Contact: Kudinska ( ) Ivanda Jakovele ( )
Working hours of the Library of University of Latvia in summer
03.07.2020. 13.04 Ziņa
Geographica (1929-1938) . 3 UL Libray created databases : History and Publications of the Staff of Latvian University, Theses of the Latvian University, Students' degree papers of the Latvian University. During this time we provide remote consultations about accessing library resources. Please contact us every working day from 10.00 till 18.00. Telephone and WhatsApp – 28623551 or by e-mail .
Working hours of the Library of University of Latvia in summer
03.07.2020. 13.42 Ziņa
(1929-1938) . 3 UL Libray created databases : History and Publications of the Staff of Latvian University, Theses of the Latvian University, Students' degree papers of the Latvian University. During this time we provide remote consultations about accessing library resources. Please contact us every working day from 10.00 till 18.00. Telephone and WhatsApp – 28623551 or by e-mail .
01.07.2021. 15.44 Ziņa
,industry or society stakeholderswho want to get a better understanding of work processes and the mindset of their international partners are also welcome, as well asstudentswho are looking for a chance to improve their language skills and experience the European spirit. If you are looking for a tandem-partner or if you want to offer a job shadowing opportunity, please get in contact with us ( ) – any form of cooperation and interaction is welcome! Groups/tandems should be active for at least 6 months. Staff members may apply for ERASMUS+ short term mobility funds.
FORTHEM School Internships - What are they and how can you apply for them?
19.10.2021. 16.15 Ziņa
School internships organised in the FORTHEM Alliance cooperation are a new way for teacher students to gain multicultural experience during their studies. The FORTHEM Alliance's internships have mainly been carried out virtually, at least during the coronavirus pandemic, but now we are glad to offer school internships for teacher students! This activity will allow you to get to know a school in the area of another FORTHEM Alliance university and try teaching there. You will gain multicultural experience, practise the use of a foreign language and at the same time promote your studies - read more (Why do this internship) . How can you make this come true? The general application criteria for school internships can be found in the FORTHEM Alliance's Guidelines (Eligibility) but check your own opportunities for internships in your own university . Contact your FORTHEM Office and check your chances of implementing FORTHEM school internships Find an interesting school
MeCOPES – Mechanisms of coping with pandemic-induced individual economic shocks
01.12.2021. 14.57 Ziņa
The COVID-19 pandemic has increased economic and psychological burdens, especially for people working in the arts, culture, events or sports sector. We want to find out how these stressors influence long-term mental health and resilience. Therefore we need your support! Participate in our study and make an important contribution to our research! Filling out the survey will take you about 15 minutes. We will then contact you every two months over a one-year period to find out not only how you are doing right now, but also what the future holds for you. Our aims are to: gain a better understanding of the ways pandemics affect societies to prepare for potential future crises. look at how flexible people being employed in the creative industries are to face such a crisis learn how the state-imposed disease control strategies have affected people's overall wellbeing and economic situation. The results will serve as an exit point to help policy makers draft better
FORTHEM international start-up days at JGU Mainz from September 14th to 16th 2022
07.04.2022. 15.40 Ziņa
of June. Feel free to send us your questions in advance via mail. What will you get: Knowledge transfer from international experts in basic business concepts, creativity techniques, market analysis, key financials and modern ways of starting a business. Discussion with international students and experts in small groups. Practical application of the acquired knowledge including the chance to pitch your idea in front of a qualified jury. Participation is free of charge. For applicants outside Germany the travel and subsistence costs will be covered in the form of a scholarship agreement. Contact: Christine Göhring - More information here .
Project teams are preparing for the hackathon at the end of September in Latvia
07.08.2022. 20.39 Ziņa
. The training event will be organized as a hackathon, when people of different professions and experiences with similar interests and goals work intensively together for several days to achieve common goals. Typically, a hackathon is organized away from the general public to better focus on the issue being discussed. The work is planned in small groups, so that everyone has the opportunity to contact different people, share their opinion and jointly create diverse ideas in an informal and relaxed atmosphere. As a result of the event, all its participants will have acquired the necessary knowledge, skills and tools to independently offer effective help to the target groups in their educational institutions as trainers. After the event, the improved teacher support program will be available in digital format to a wide audience on the internet platforms of the partner countries.
Fourth Bilateral Scientific Workshop (Latvia-Taiwan) 2022
11.10.2022. 13.25 Ziņa
As agreed in the previous workshop, the next one must be organized in person. A 12-person delegation from National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU) arrived on October 6 at the Institute of Solid State Physics of the University of Latvia (ISSP UL), where Taiwan and the Baltic States Research Center on Physics (TBRCP) started its activities. At the workshop, they shared the most current research directions and found like-minded researchers here in Latvia. Dr. Jānis Spīgulis, Dr. Jānis Alnis, Dr. Jurģis Poriņš, Dr. Donāts Erts un Dr. Modris Greitāns were also invited as guest listeners to the workshop. The workshop was opened by ISSP UL director Dr. Andris Anspoks, Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs Dr. Andris Šternbergs, as well as NSYSU Prof. Mitch Chou, emphasizing the benefits of international cooperation. After the workshop, the NSYSU delegation was taken on a small excursion around the institute showing the spectroscopy laboratory in all its glory. Scientific discussions were
LU Bibliotēka un LibOCS ierosina diskusijas par sabiedriskās zinātnes (Citizens Science) attīstību
02.11.2023. 13.52 Ziņa
26. oktobrī kolēģi no LU Bibliotēkas un citām Latvijas Universitātes struktūrvienībām tikās ar kompānijas Scientific Knowledge Services (SKS) pārstāvjiem, lai pārrunātu sabiedrsikās zinātnes jeb amatierzinātnes (Citizen Science) attīstības iespējas Latvijas Universitātē, izmantojot BESPOC modeli. BESPOC jeb Broad Engagement in Science, Point of Contact ir modelis, kas palīdz attīstīt atbalsta pakalpojumus amatierzinātnes un atvērtās zinātnes (open science) veicināšanai ņemot vērā dažādus aspektus. Modeli var izmantot, ieviešot amatierzinātnes kontaktpunktu vai pakalpojumu klāstu gan institūciju līmenī, gan nacionalā līmenī. Tas ir veids, kā atvieglot zinātnisko darbību, veidojot ciešāku sadarbību un pieredzes apmaiņu starp ieinteresētajām pusēm, sakārtojot dažādus procesus amatierzinātnes projektu realizēšanai un iedzīvotāju iesaistīšanai pētniecībā, veicinot pētnieku mijiedarbību ar sabiedrību, popularizējot amatierzinātnes projektus un amatierzinātnes kustību kopumā
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