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Līdz uzņemšanas noslēgumam LU studentu Biznesa inkubatorā palikusi nedēļa. Piesaki savu komandu jau tagad!
24.01.2022. 17.20 Ziņa
dalībai inkubatorā aicina tā vadītāja Māra Birzniece. Ja Tev ir biznesa ideja, bet nav komandas vai nav komandas, bet ir lieliska ideja, piedalies “Komandu Matchmaking” tiešsaistes pasākumā jau šo ceturtdien, 27. janvārī, plkst. 18.00! Pasākuma laikā tev būs iespēja atrast sev jaunus komandas biedrus vai pievienoties kādai jauno uzņēmēju biznesa idejai, kurai nepieciešamas tavas prasmes. Pasākumam reģistrējies šeit . (Reģistrācija pasākumam - obligāta!) Lai atvieglotu komandu izveidi, esam izveidojuši platformu SBI.LV , kurā jau pirms “Komandu Matchmaking” pasākuma vari aprakstīt savu biznesa ideju un atrast cilvēkus ar savai komandai nepieciešamajām prasmēm vai iepazīties ar citu dalībnieku idejām. Ja tev nav savas idejas, bet vēlies pievienoties komandā, izveido profilu, norādot savas prasmes. Ņem vērā, ka inkubatorā tiks uzņemtas komandas, kuras veido divi līdz četri dalībnieki, un komandas sastāvā jābūt vismaz vienam LU studentam. Inkubatorā tiks uzņemtas 30 komandas un katrs
08.12.2022. 23.01 Saturs | 360-368 | PDF Attitudes of English Students WhoseSkills are Peer-Assessed Aurelija Daukšaitė-Kolpakovienė Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania Abstract. Peer-assessment (PA) has been used in all study cycles for over three decades. In foreign language classes, for example, it has mostly been applied to assess writing rather than other skills. However, this study focused on PA of oral skills and aimed to learn about university students’ attitudes towards their experience of being peer-assessed in their English classes online during the pandemic when PA was used as a way of formative assessment (the grades suggested by peers were not a part of final course grades). The study involved 49 Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) students (Lithuanians) studying general English at upper-intermediate level online in 2021. They were first and second year (first cycle) students aged 19 to 20. The research was both qualitative and quantitative. It used
The Faculty of Humanities expresses its support for Ukraine and vehemently condemns Russia’s aggression
05.03.2022. 18.19 Ziņa
The international and multicultural academic community of the Faculty of Humanities is joining with thousands of members of academic communities around the world to vehemently condemn the unprovoked act of war by Russia. Our thoughts are with our Ukrainian students in Latvia and their families in Ukraine and those having to flee their homes to ensure their safety. We are deeply concerned about the safety of our colleagues, students and their family members in our partner universities and research institutions in Ukraine. We concur with the statements issued by the University of Latvia and rector of the University of Latvia professor Indriķis Muižnieks UL condemns Russia's aggression in Ukraine and is ready to provide support to Ukrainian students and researchers ( , The University of Latvia expresses resolute support of Ukraine and reiterate our support to the people of Ukraine. The Faculty of Humanities supports international collaboration, and we strongly believe
09.12.2022. 11.17 Saturs
in four previous study semesters, and had parents with lower education compared to students who had not participated in individual consultations, indicating the importance for such individual support mechanisms for the students facing difficulties; 2) Students with lower parental education level had lower average grades in four previous semesters, lower verbal reasoning and nonverbal reasoning abilities, self-management and problem-solving skills; 3) Girls had higher average grades in all four consecutive semesters and higher problem-solving and self-management skills, compared to boys; 4) Pandemic affected students’ decisions about continuing studies after the 9 th grade mostly for those students who had thought about changing the school or the location of school. Keywords: distance learning, inequality, continuing education, skills, grades, gender Author Note The research reported here is supported by European Regional Development Fund under the activity “Post-doctoral Research Aid
Exploring Students’ Perceptions on Acquisition of Transversal Skills During an Online Social Simulation
03.11.2021. 22.11 Saturs
and media study programs. The empirical part draws on a set of qualitative data. All together 32 students in two universities participated in the testing of an original simulation scenario that was created in an Erasmus+ Strategic partnership project. The results indicate that students in both simulation exercises mostly applied their negotiation, strategic thinking and planning skills. During the second simulation, self-evaluation forms filled before and after the event helped the students to realize which transversal skills they need and want to develop further. Our results demonstrate that students felt pressured to intensively collaborate and coordinate with their group members, other groups and the teachers as during both testing sessions technical disruptions were experienced. We conclude that an online social simulation is a productive interactive learning and teaching method that helps to sensitize students towards their transversal skills and stimulate self-reflection. We also argue
LU studenti parāda labus rezultātus Latvijas 28. Universiādē slēpošanā
02.03.2018. 15.56 Ziņa
Vakar, 1.martā norisinājās Latvijas 28.Universiādes sacensības slēpošanā. Lielākās izmaiņas šogad saistās ar sacensību vietas norisi. Pēc vairāku gadu pārtraukuma slēpošanas Universiāde atgriežas Rīgā un norisinājās Lucavsalas slēpošanas trasē. Sacensībās varēja piedalīties ikviens Latvijas augstskolas students vai 2017.gada absolvents. Latvijas Universitāti pārstāvēja Aleksandra Amirova, Madara Zaķe, Silvestrs Sebris, Edgars Bričonok un Mārtiņš Ozols.Sacensības norisinājās gan dāmu, gan vīru konkurencē. Ātrākie slēpotāji tika noskaidroti divās disciplīnās - „Skiatlonā” un “Sprinta stafetē” . “Skiatlonā” sacensības notika gan klasiskajā, gan brīvajā stilā. Sieviešu disciplīnā Madara Zaķe ieguva 6. vietu ar rezultātu 10:48, Aleksandra Amirova palika 13.vietā ar rezultātu 15:48. Vīriešu disciplīnā Edgars Bričonok palika 5.vietā (7:43), Silvestrs Sebris 10.vietā (8:25) un Mārtiņš Ozols 14.vietā (9:45). Arī otrajā disciplīnā “Sprinta stafetē”, studenti sacentās gan vīru, gan dāmu
152 new specialists will graduate from the UL Faculty of Business, Management and Economics this winter
01.02.2021. 16.21 Ziņa
This winter, 152 new specialists will graduate from the University of Latvia Faculty of Business, Management and Economics, 119 of them in bachelor's and 23 master's study programmes, but 10 in the first level higher education programme. 15 foreign students from the USA, the Republic of Korea, Austria, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan will graduate from the English language programmes. The virtual winter graduation ceremony will take place on February 4 at 16.00 on the Zoom platform and Facebook live stream. Dean of the faculty prof. Gundars Bērziņš: “The strategic goal of our faculty is to attract an increasing number of foreign students, increasing the proportion of foreign students from year to year. Currently, the number of foreign students at UL FBME makes up about 15% of the total number of students. We are proud that despite the difficulties that Covid-19 has created, this year's winter graduation will be especially multicultural, covering a very wide geography of graduates
Nu, fuksi? Fukšu balle - iesvētības!
12.10.2010. 22.10 Ziņa
Pirmkursniek, 14.oktobrī Tev jābūt fakultātē Visvalža ielā 4a plkst. 17.30 uz iesvētībām! Turpinājums Studentu klubā! Katra studiju gada rudenī vecāko kursu studenti uzņem pirmkursniekus studentu saimē ar pārbaudījumu pasākumu – iesvētībām. Par pilntiesīgu studentu var kļūt tikai iesvētītie, tāpēc nāc un piedalies! Pēc iesvētībām atpūties Studentu klubā nakts ballē.
Practical Seminar at the EU Institutions and NATO in Brussels and Luxembourg, 2010
11.04.2013. 19.36 Ziņa
The European Studies Master’s Programme has a tradition to participate every year in a practical study week in Brussels and Luxembourg. This year is not exclusion, the first year students who are willing to go and have practical lectures in EU institutions conducted by EU representatives will have this opportunity from 22nd till 26th of November of 2010. Within the framework of study tour, students will be given the unique possibility to visit the EU key institutions and NATO premises in Brussels. Besides, this is a great opportunity to meet with representatives of each institution and participate in discussions of current topics and problems with international experts. Each year students are given the opportunity to visit and participate in seminars at the Information Centre of EU, where it is possible to acquire different kind of information about the EU and its activities available in all 23 official languages; European Commission, where participants visit and have meetings
Practical Seminar at the EU Institutions and NATO in Brussels and Luxembourg, 2010
16.08.2020. 23.55 Ziņa
The European Studies Master’s Programme has a tradition to participate every year in a practical study week in Brussels and Luxembourg. This year is not exclusion, the first year students who are willing to go and have practical lectures in EU institutions conducted by EU representatives will have this opportunity from 22nd till 26th of November of 2010. Within the framework of study tour, students will be given the unique possibility to visit the EU key institutions and NATO premises in Brussels. Besides, this is a great opportunity to meet with representatives of each institution and participate in discussions of current topics and problems with international experts. Each year students are given the opportunity to visit and participate in seminars at the Information Centre of EU, where it is possible to acquire different kind of information about the EU and its activities available in all 23 official languages; European Commission, where participants visit and have meetings
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