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Doctoral programme in Natural Science (Geology)
09.02.2024. 17.15 Saturs
-based education are state-of-the-art knowledge in their specializations, research skills, a comprehensive scientific worldview and competence in development work, management and teaching. Doctoral students are prepared for employment as teaching or research staff members of the University or other research institutions, or highly qualified specialists in non-academic establishments. ERASMUS+exchange possibilities UL full-time students, regardless of their citizenship, have the opportunity to apply for the ERASMUS + exchange program for studies or/and traineeship. More information: ERASMUS + study mobility ERASMUS + traineeship moblity Admission requirements Master’s degree in Nature or Earth Sciences or other equivalent qualification As a part of the admission process applicants will be asked to participate in an online interview. Autumn Intake ( application start: 02 Jan 2023; studies start in Sept 2023) Full-time Contact persons for more information about the programme
10.07.2019. 14.36 Saturs
iepirkuma nr. LU CFI 2019/4/ERAF Iepirkuma nolikums (grozīts 01.03.2019.) Pielikums Nr.2 (precizēts 01.03.2019.) Noslēguma ziņojums ​​​​​​​ Līgums ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​ * Place for submission of bids: Electronical Procurement System's (the EPS) E-tenders subsystem administered by the State Regional Development Agency (the SRDA) that contracting authorities are obliged to use. In order to submit the bid in the EPS, prior registration is necessary and might take few days!!! More information about registration to EPS is available in the SRDA or the EPS webpage: . Please note that the SRDA is responsible authority for registration and use of this EPS. Therefore in case you need any assistance in the EPS, please contact the SRDA (e-mail: ).
24.11.2023. 19.05 Saturs |8-18 | PDF Network Analysis of Social Measures, Culture Dimensions, and Covid-19 Related Behavioural Choices Ģirts Dimdiņš, Edmunds Vanags University of Latvia, Latvia Abstract. Theaim of thestudy was to explore social measurements and COVID-19 -related behavioral choices from anetwork structure perspective. We tested network models by comparing network structures in 46 countries by cultural dimensions (Hofstede etal., 2010). Thepre-registered hypothesis was that thenetwork structure of variables predicting COVID-19-related behavioral choices will be robust across countries, regardless of themean differences of these variables between countries characterized by high vs low culture dimension indices. Behavioural choices toward COVID-19 situation were: physical hygiene, policy support, and physical contact. In network analysis we used several social/psychological constructs: social belonging, trait optimism, collective narcissism, moral
Current epidemiological safety regulations in UL as of October 25
05.11.2021. 17.25 Ziņa
symptoms of an infectious respiratory disease and that the person has not been in direct contact with persons subject to isolation, home quarantine or self-isolation; not to enter or remain at the UL premises with the symptoms of acute respiratory infection or in case of quarantine, isolation or self-isolation; to monitor one’s own health condition; if an acute respiratory infection with characteristics that correspond to Covid-19 occurs, it must be immediately reported to the head of the structural unit, immediate supervisor of work, study programme director, methodologist or lecturer of the current planned lecture or seminar. Upon experiencing the symptoms, the person must immediately leave the UL premises and contact a doctor; to promptly report any cases of infection with Covid-19 or risks related to the possibility of contracting Covid-19 to e-mail and telephone (+371) 26189898, as well as to provide the head of the labour protection system with all
25.05.2024. Jaunie albumi no Kanādas
24.05.2024. 19.12 Ziņa
Eye" (2023) . Grupa albumu atbalsta ar garu Kanādas un ASV austrumkrasta tūri 2024.g.maijā. Turpinājumā trešo reizi raidījumā Hamiltonas (ON) "indiepop" solomāksliniece "Ellis" (Linnea Siggelkow) ar otro LP "No Place That Feels Like" (2024) Gana klasisks žanra albums ar dažām labām dziesmām , kurām ir video . Apskatītais debijas LP "Born Again" (2020) bija augstajā 21.vietā 2020.g. LP Topā ar hitiem "Pringle Creek" un "Shame" . Dziesmu saraksts 1."The Hausplants" - "Reflections In Blue" 2."Dream/Loss" - "Waiting To Be" 3."Tinge" - "Eye Contact" 4."Virgo Rising" - "Tristan" 5."Ultramarine" - "Abyssal" 6."Like a Motorcycle" - "Cruel" 7."Like a Motorcycle" - "Down" 8."Beams" - "A.W.I.L." 9."Beams" - "Heat Potential" 10."Ellis" - "Forever" 11."Ellis" - "It`ll Be Alright" Audio/video "The Hausplants" - "Reflections In Blue" "Dream/Loss" - "Waiting To Be" https
LU Social Sciences faculty’s doctoral student, Oskars Gruziņš, discovers a rare photograph of the 1949 mass deportation of Latvians.
21.03.2019. 16.31 Ziņa
of the Occupation of Latvia by the daughter of Olga, Virgin Krebs, last year. Upon donation, she told the museum that her mother had been reluctant to talk about the deportation of her parents and sisters. Only in adulthood did Virgin learn bit by bit the fate of her relatives. Even after her aunts returned to Latvia, contact in the family was not easy, because the years spent in separation have done their own. ” The coordinator of the project "Children Born of War – Past, Present and Future" is the University of Birmingham (UK), and members include the University of Leipzig (Germany), the University of Augsburg (Germany), the University of Rouen (France), the University of Latvia, the University of Silesia in Katowice (Poland), the University of Klaipeda (Lithuania), the University of Greifswald (Germany), Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí (Czech Republic), the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for the Research on Consequences of War (Austria), Psychotrauma Centre South Netherlands (Netherlands
News about distance education
16.03.2020. 21.30 Ziņa
and Control of Latvia. If the state of emergency will be prolonged, the University of Latvia will provide final exams through e-study platform. Students abroad Please, contact the Mobility Division in case of any changes of your study status abroad. We highly recommend to register in the consular register to facilitate direct communication with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in case of the state of emergency in the foreign country. You can do it here: Library and Reading rooms The work of the University of Latvia (UL) Library from March 16, 2020 – April, 14, 2020: UL students are permitted to access the UL premises (libraries) after presenting a valid UL student identification card and only for the purpose of receiving books from the library during the opening hours of the UL libraries. Reading rooms are closed starting March 16. You are welcome to use the electronic resources provided by UL Library by connecting remotely with your
Searching for solutions for labour market mobility problems within the international Project „Centralbaltic Job Ferry”
16.08.2020. 23.27 Ziņa
the project lifetime there are four Partner Meetings and Steering Group meetings planned, as well as four seminars and eight training courses and the Final conference in Riga in the spring of 2013. These events will involve social partners, participants from responsible state institutions, NGOs, vocational education institutions on regional and well as national levels. For more information, please contact: Ms. Zane Zeibote, Project Manager, University of Latvia, Centre for European and Transition Studies, e-mail: ; phone: +371 29417214
Thorlabs, the world's leading manufacturer of innovative optical instruments and components, has acquired a sensor license developed by ISSP UL
13.04.2022. 17.56 Ziņa
by making it from very thin multiple layers. “Thorlabs GmbH has always been interested in expanding its portfolio of laser power and energy measurement instruments. Licensing of the TESS sensor technology provides an opportunity to serve the rapid development of short-pulse lasers towards ever higher repetition rates and the associated increasing demands on measurement technology. Thorlabs expects to have the first products with integrated TESS sensors available towards the end of 2022,” comments the Thorlabs Light Detection and Analysis group, located in Bergkirchen, Germany. This is an example of successful scientific project commercialisation, when innovative solutions and technologies have developed from an idea in the laboratory to a real-life application. "Not all discoveries and ideas can be brought to market," says Olga Bogdanova, Sales Director at ISSP UL, Materize, "several factors need to coincide in order for innovation to enter the market – demand for such innovation, how
Workshop: From Research to Startup - First Steps
15.11.2022. 13.51 Ziņa
: applications, markets, and next steps 17:00 – 17:30 Networking and snacks Benefits Learn about key aspects of research commercialization Get inspired by success stories of Latvian scientist-founders Receive answers to your specific questions Sign up for 1-on-1 sessions with experienced mentors Connect to like-minded peers and brainstorm together Target audience PhD, MSc, post-docs and other researchers interested in deep-tech startups Academic management and administration willing to facilitate spin-off creation NB! Number of places is limited, registration will be on first-come-first-serve basis Contact us Interested? Questions? Referrals? Email us at
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