Atrasti 23644 ieraksti
Manuscripts discussing seminars are arranged for students
09.10.2023. 22.57 Ziņa
In order to discuss the ideas of new publications, as well as manuscripts that have already been prepared, evaluating their structures, content, statistics and other aspects in order to improve the quality of the article, in the form of regular meetings are arranged "Seminars - Discussing of Manuscripts". During the workshops, we will jointly try to make recommendations for improving the manuscript, as well as analyze the article from the perspective of various specialists (gastreonetrolog, statistician, microbiologist, etc.). Manuscript discussion is led by I.Daugule and L.Tzivian. To apply for discussion of manuscripts, as well as to participate in the discussion can anyone interested. The next meeting will be 07.12.2018. University of Latvia, Academic Center for Natural Sciences (DAC, Jelgavas street 1, room 211) at 3.00 pm. Seminars will be held - on Fridays, once every two weeks, times and venues will be clarified.
General lecture for all interested students and researchers. CRYSTAL code and abilities of modern methods of quantum chemistry
24.09.2017. 22.34 Saturs
CRYSTAL features also are planned.Topics of the lectures:1. Introduction. Tensorial properties evaluated with CRYSTAL; elastic, piezoelectric, photoelastic hyperpolarizabilities (25.09. at 13.00 in ISSP 1. auditorium)2. Simulated vibrational spectra and how to compare with the experiment. IR and Raman intensities evaluated analytically. (26.09. at 13.00 in ISSP 1. auditorium)3. Towards large low dimensional systems in 0D, 1D, 2D and 3D; parallel and massively parallel versions of the CRYSTAL code. Examples. (27.09. at 13.00 in ISSP 1. auditorium)4. General lecture for all interested students and researchers. CRYSTAL code and abilities of modern methods of quantum chemistry (28.09. at 13.00 in ISSP 2 nd floor auditorium)
Piedzīvo lielākos studentu svētkus – “Aristoteli” – jau šonedēļ!
31.08.2023. 15.22 Ziņa
3. septembrī, dienu pirms studiju sākuma, Raiņa bulvārī 19 notiks tradicionālie Latvijas Universitātes (LU) studentu svētki “Aristotelis”, kur kopīgi jaunie un esošie studenti, mācībspēki un citi LU saimes draugi ieskandinās jauno studiju gadu. LU Studentu padome aicina ikvienu apmeklēt šos grandiozos studentu svētkus, kas norisināsies jau 57. reizi! Oficiālajā daļā, kas plkst.18.00 sāksies Doma laukumā, tiks teiktas svinīgas runas, skandināti fakultāšu saukļi, dziedātas dziesmas un iepazīti jaunie studiju biedri, šajā pasākuma daļā ieeja ir bez maksas. Pēc tam visi dosimies gājienā līdz Universitātei Raiņa bulvārī 19, kur no plkst. 21.00 līdz pat rīta gaismai mūs sagaida kārtīga izdejošanās, pārsteigumi un dažādas aktivitātes. Vakara gaitā uzstāsies vairāki Latvijā atzīti un mīlēti mūziķi – grupas "Carnival Youth", "Labvēlīgais tips", "Tranzīts" un citi mūziķi.Uz pasākuma vakara daļu biļetesir jāiegādājas Jaunajiem studentiem "acis jātur vaļā" arī pirms “Aristoteļa
Two-year ESI Student Innovation Programme draws to a close
26.01.2024. 17.59 Ziņa
The two-year-long ESI Student Innovation Programme will come to a close in December. Its goal was to develop competencies in socially responsible and environmentally sustainable business practices among future entrepreneurs. A total of 801 students from 16 educational institutions took part. Over the course of the two years, courses, incubators, webinars and other activities were carried out with the aim of developing students’ skillset, confronting them with real industry problems, providing access to leading professionals, as well as offering cutting-edge training to equip them with insights into strategic priorities at national and European Union levels. The programme was divided into four thematic blocks, where students were exposed to different aspects of entrepreneurship – education, incubation, inspiration and post-incubation support. As most events were organised in English, 31% of the participants were foreign students. As part of the education block, participants could
International week at the UL FEM (10.02. -11.02.)
20.01.2015. 11.42 Ziņa
Throughout 10.02. – 11.02. the UL FEM will be organizing an event called International week, where students can learn more about the various possibilities of both working and studying abroad, that are provided by the UL FEM. Both studies and praxis abroad are a valuable and unforgettable experience for any student. For this particular reason the UL FEM, in cooperation with ESN Riga and students who have participated in a variety of exchange programs, will be organizing an International week event, where students will be able to inquire about the possibilities of working and studying abroad.During this event students will not only be able to gain information about programs such as LPP/ERASMUS, CAMPUS EUROPAE, ISEP, ERASMUS MUNDUS and other exchange programs, but also hear what other students have to say about their experience abroad. Students will be able to gain additional information about the numerous partner-universities and their curriculum. Additionally, foreign UL FEM students
Can I transfer from another university? How do I apply as a transfer student?
19.11.2019. 11.34 Saturs
To be able to transfer from another university: You have to be a student of Dentistry in your current university; You have to have acquired at least 60 ECTS and a whole year in your current studies; Your current subjects must coincide (overlap) with the LU subjects in contents at least 70%. Meaning – most of the subjects you have already done or are studying need to be similar and containing the same or larger amount of credit points than the ones envisioned by the LU study plan. 1 Latvian credit point = 1.5 ECTS. You can only transfer up to the 3rd year of studies. The application for transfer students can be found on . The application deadlines are the same for full-time first year and transfer students. Students from other universities in Latvia can apply for transfer until the registration week of the following semester (until the last week of August usually). The documents needed to apply for transferring are the same as for full-time first
Can I transfer from another university? How do I apply as a transfer student?
19.11.2019. 11.31 Saturs
To be able to transfer from another university: You have to be a student of Medicine in your current university; You have to have acquired at least 60 ECTS and a whole year in your current studies; Your current subjects must coincide (overlap) with the LU subjects in contents at least 70%. Meaning – most of the subjects you have already done or are studying need to be similar and containing the same or larger amount of credit points than the ones envisioned by the LU study plan. 1 Latvian credit point = 1.5 ECTS. You can only transfer up to the 3rd year of studies. The application for transfer students can be found on . The application deadlines are the same for full-time first year and transfer students. Students from other universities in Latvia can apply for transfer until the registration week of the following semester (until the last week of August usually). The documents needed to apply for transferring are the same as for full-time first
Iepazīstot nākotnes studijas: viena diena “Studenta kurpēs”
29.04.2024. 19.20 Ziņa
Kā ir būt studentam? Kā notiek lekcijas un semināri? Kam pievērst uzmanību jau vidusskolas laikā? Par skolēna un studenta pieredzēto “Studenta kurpēs" stāsta Anna Nikola Sirotkina, Rīgas Zolitūdes ģimnāzijas 10. klases skolniece, un Latvijas Universitātes (LU) studiju programmas “Starptautiskā ekonomika un komercdiplomātija” 3. kursa students Bruno Binovskis. Skolniecei Annai Nikolai šī bijusi pirmā pieredze pasākumā “Studenta kurpēs” un dienu Universitātē vina vērtē ardesmit no desmit. Skolniece studenta lomā iejutās sešas stundas un esot ļoti cītīgi sekojusi līdzi, bijusi arī iespēja klausīties studentu prezentācijas, kas arī visvairāk Annu Nikolu iedvesmojušas. "Pēc redzētā noteikti vairāk strādāšu pie savām publiskās uzstāšanās prasmēm,” akcentē Anna Nikola. Pasākuma dienā skolēns ar studentuneesot saskārušies ar grūtībām vai izaicinājumiem. “Dienas laikā skolniecei ļāvu piedalīties ne tikai lekcijās un semināros, bet arī parādīju dažādas vietas un telpas mūsu fakultātē
Studentiem ar apgrūtinātiem sociālajiem un materiālajiem apstākļiem iespēja pieteikties sociālajai programmai
06.09.2019. 17.11 Ziņa
studiju kursos (ja pretendents iepriekš nav studējis LU, jāiesniedz Studentu servisa izziņa ar pretendenta uzņemšanas rezultātiem, kas izteikti 10 ballu vai 1000 punktu skalā); 3. kritērijam atbilstošus papildu dokumentus: izziņa par atbilstību trūcīgas vai maznodrošinātas ģimenes vai personas statusam; invaliditātes apliecības kopija; apliecība sociālo garantiju nodrošināšanai; VSAA izziņa par apgādnieka zaudējuma pensiju; daudzbērnu ģimenes kartes kopija. Atlaidi īres maksai ir iespēja saņemt līdz 10% studentu no kopējā LU dienesta viesnīcu īrnieku skaita. Dokumentus var iesniegt LU SP birojā, Raiņa bulvārī 19, 144.telpā ar norādi „Sociālajai programmai” vai nosūtīt pa pastu Latvijas Universitātes Studentu padomes birojam, Raiņa bulvāris 19, Rīga, LV-1586 ar pasta zīmogu līdz pēdējam Sociālās programmas pieteikšanās datumam, vai nosūtīt tos elektroniski, parakstītus ar drošu elektronisko parakstu, uz Pieteikumus izvērtē Pieteikumu izvērtēšanas
Studentiem ar apgrūtinātiem sociālajiem un materiālajiem apstākļiem iespēja pieteikties sociālajai programmai
17.09.2019. 15.35 Ziņa
studiju kursos (ja pretendents iepriekš nav studējis LU, jāiesniedz Studentu servisa izziņa ar pretendenta uzņemšanas rezultātiem, kas izteikti 10 ballu vai 1000 punktu skalā); 3. kritērijam atbilstošus papildu dokumentus: izziņa par atbilstību trūcīgas vai maznodrošinātas ģimenes vai personas statusam; invaliditātes apliecības kopija; apliecība sociālo garantiju nodrošināšanai; VSAA izziņa par apgādnieka zaudējuma pensiju; daudzbērnu ģimenes kartes kopija. Atlaidi īres maksai ir iespēja saņemt līdz 10% studentu no kopējā LU dienesta viesnīcu īrnieku skaita. Dokumentus var iesniegt LU SP birojā, Raiņa bulvārī 19, 144.telpā ar norādi „Sociālajai programmai” vai nosūtīt pa pastu Latvijas Universitātes Studentu padomes birojam, Raiņa bulvāris 19, Rīga, LV-1586 ar pasta zīmogu līdz pēdējam Sociālās programmas pieteikšanās datumam, vai nosūtīt tos elektroniski, parakstītus ar drošu elektronisko parakstu, uz Pieteikumus izvērtē Pieteikumu izvērtēšanas
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