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FORTHEM welcomes new partners and strengthens its network with the university cities' administrations and chambers of commerce.
30.09.2021. 18.02 Ziņa
, an acronym for "Fostering Outreach within European Regions, Transnational Higher Education and Mobility", is one of 41 university networks funded by the European Commission under the ERASMUS+ program. "In the two years that our FORTHEM Alliance has been active now, the seven partner universities have already made remarkable progress toward becoming a transnational European University," emphasized Professor Stephan Jolie, Vice President for Learning and Teaching at Mainz University. "No other project at our universities has ever brought so many people from across Europe into contact with each other – be it in summer schools, team teaching, online courses, internships, academic speed dating, or in cooperation at the administrative and technical level. We really do have offers for all our university members." New FORTHEM partners in northern and southeastern Europe The FORTHEM Alliance set itself ambitious goals: the partners intend to increase the mobility of their students and staff while
LUCFI 2015/44/ERAF
10.05.2019. 00.56 Saturs
The access licenses for on-line access to journals from publisher "Nature Publishing Group" in accordance with the Technical Specification. Time of delivery as of the day entering into the Contract: 7 (seven) calendar days. CPV code: 48218000-9 Between 4 000 and 41999.99 EUR 27.11. 2015 08.12. 2015 10:00 1 Macmillan Publishers Limited The Nature Publishing Group, Brunel Rd., Basingstoke RG21 6XT, UK 09.12.2015 7 (seven) calendar days counting from the entering into the contract at 09.12.2015 29 089.00 Contact person: Jānis Pinnis, telephone: +371 67260545, +371 29680881, fax: +371 67132778, e-mail: Uzaicinājuma teksts / Text of the Invitation: Līguma teksts:
Iepirkums LU CFI 2018/2/ERAF
10.07.2019. 14.52 Saturs
by the State Regional Development Agency (SRDA). Please note: in order to submit the bid in EPS, prior registration is necesary. Information about reģistration to EIS available in SRDA or EPS webpage: Unfortunately english version not available yet, therefore please in case you need ant assistance, please contact SRDA (e-mail: ) Please note that the institute is not responsible for registration and use of this EPS, but is obliged to organise procurements in it.
Doctoral programme in Natural Science (Chemistry)
09.02.2024. 17.14 Saturs
the study requirements and successfully defend their thesis receive a Doctor’s scientific degree in chemistry awarded by the Chemistry Science Promotions Council, which brings in experts who specialise in the field of science related to the relevant degree." ERASMUS+exchange possibilities UL full-time students, regardless of their citizenship, have the opportunity to apply for the ERASMUS + exchange program for studies or/and traineeship. More information: ERASMUS + study mobility ERASMUS + traineeship moblity Admission requirements Master’s degree in Natural Sciences or higher education comparable to that As a part of the admission process applicants will be asked to participate in an online interview. Autumn Intake ( application start: 02 Jan 2023; studies start in Sept 2023) Full-time Contact persons for more information about the programme: Programme director Dr.chem. Artūrs Vīksna Programme secretary Iveta Ancāne t.67372570
Project Management
25.04.2024. 15.21 Saturs
infrastructure for the project is created, justified project proposals are formulated and project tasks, analyzed the structure of the organization and adapted it to the needs of project and program management, ensured the successful progress and coordination of the project management process, developed and maintained the specific documentation necessary for project management throughout the course of project development and implementation. In order to obtain a professional qualification and a professional master's degree in project management, the student must pass all the course tests required in the study program and defend two internship reports, as well as final exam - the development and defense of a master's thesis. Study period and classes time The full – time degree programme covers two academic years. Classes are 2-4 days per week: in the evenings of working days from 6.15pm till 9.30pm and on saturdays from 8.30am till 20.05pm. Programme structure The program covers issues
Mathematics and Data Science
25.04.2024. 15.21 Saturs
. English language proficiency . Autumn Intake (application start: 2 Jan 2024; studies start in Sept 2024) Full-time Contact person for more information Director of the Programme Prof. Jānis Valeinis E-mail: j Programme secretary Elīna Buliņa E-mail:
28.03.2020. 18.00 Saturs
was awarded an European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant for €1.66 million for his project ‘Nonlocality in Space and Time (NLST)’. December 2011: QCS research presented at QIP 2012 Members of the QCS project participated in the 15th International Workshop on Quantum Information Processing (QIP'2012) in Montreal, Canada, December 12 - 16, 2011, presenting a number of talks and posters. One of main highlights of the conference was the plenary talk "Span Programs for Functions with Constant-Sized 1-certificates" by Aleksandrs Belovs from University of Latvia. His paper was one of only 4 QIP submissions (out of more than 150) which were selected for plenary talks. QIP researchers were also involved in 2 (out of 9) featured talks: - André Chailloux and Iordanis Kerenidis, "Optimal Bounds for Quantum Bit Commitment" - Gilles Brassard, Peter Høyer, Kassem Kalach, Marc Kaplan, Sophie Laplante and Louis Salvail, "Merkle Puzzles in a Quantum World". Among 28 contributed talks, 6 involved QCS
CesR partners regional study visit in Latvia
01.10.2013. 02.20 Ziņa
the opportunity to observe the most visited tourism object in Latvia, experience its services and cooperation with other tourism service providers in this regions. Indirectly with help of mass media, the Turaida Museum Reserve has attracted both new businesses and persons from other countries. The Turaida Museum Reserve is a heritage site. The total number of tourists in 2012 - 220,744 visitors from different countries. The 42 hectares of grounds are replete with archaeological, architectural, historical and art monuments, all of which provide an account of the events from the eleventh century onwards. The events of the Turaida Museum Reserve are multi-faceted: besides setting up exhibitions, activities are geared towards the preservation of the cultural environment, the maintenance and shaping of the landscape, as well as diverse visitor-oriented activities. During the visit of the recreation center „Brūveri”, the owner Mr Uldis Dvinskis presented his array of tourism services and the concept
Plan Activities That Bring Joy and Satisfaction – UL Psychologist's Advice in Unsettling Times
02.04.2020. 13.06 Ziņa
These days, all of us, employees and students of the University of Latvia, have been uprooted from the customary rhythm of life and find ourselves as if in a different reality. Students voice concern about completing their study assignments in these altered conditions. Particular anxiety is expressed by those who have to complete their bachelor's and master's theses this spring. We have rapidly moved to distance learning, work and, yes, remote relationships. Some suggestions for all of us about the best ways to retain peace of mind at this time. If you feel anxious, concerned, confused, angry – remember that your feelings are normal reactions to change For most people, changes are worrying, they initially do not want to accept changes and resist them. We now have to alter our usual routine. Many young people may be facing this type of crisis for the first time in their lives. And yet, I urge you to reflect on past experiences and remember a challenging situation that caused concern
CesR partners regional study visit in Latvia
15.08.2020. 03.05 Ziņa
the opportunity to observe the most visited tourism object in Latvia, experience its services and cooperation with other tourism service providers in this regions. Indirectly with help of mass media, the Turaida Museum Reserve has attracted both new businesses and persons from other countries. The Turaida Museum Reserve is a heritage site. The total number of tourists in 2012 - 220,744 visitors from different countries. The 42 hectares of grounds are replete with archaeological, architectural, historical and art monuments, all of which provide an account of the events from the eleventh century onwards. The events of the Turaida Museum Reserve are multi-faceted: besides setting up exhibitions, activities are geared towards the preservation of the cultural environment, the maintenance and shaping of the landscape, as well as diverse visitor-oriented activities. During the visit of the recreation center „Brūveri”, the owner Mr Uldis Dvinskis presented his array of tourism services and the concept
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