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A group of students from the Faculty of Humanities attended 2011 International Baltic Conference on Canadian Studies in Vilnius
13.10.2011. 14.12 Ziņa
The department of English Philology of Vilnius University, Lithuania and the Lithuanian Association for Canadian Studies were holding the conference "Nordic Configurations: Problems, Paradigms and Possibilities" from October 7 to 9, 2011. This interdisciplinary conference welcomed case studies, theoretical papers and comparative analyses that explore the issues linked to the North as seen from the perspectives of history, politics, society, culture, literature and any other discipline. A group of students from the Faculty of Humanities attending the conference share their experience. Gatis Eņģevīrs: I really enjoyed the trip. The conference itself was truly impressive. We had a great tour around the University of Vilnius campus which was a treat for me as I am really interested in arts. Both nights we went out to see the nightlife in Vilnius and met many peer students from all over Europe. I am grateful for being offered such an opportunity.Baiba Lazdiņa: As I have just recently
European Studies Master's Programme students report on EU-Canada Study Tour and Internship Programme 2012 - "Thinking Canada"
15.08.2020. 03.49 Ziņa
European Studies Masters Programme students Aleksandrs Dahs and Javier Jimenez Mendoza took part in EU-Canada Study Tour and Internship Programme 2012 - "Thinking Canada". "Thinking Canada" is an initiative of the European Network for Canadian Studies, funded generously by the European Commission - a four-week study tour to Canada for European students that will take place from 2 – 30 September 2012, followed for selected participants by two-month internships. It will commence with three days of briefings in Brussels on the EU and EU-Canada relations. To have an inside into the study tour look at the report prepared by Javier Jimenez Mendoza. <object style="width:420px; height:297px"><param name="movie" value="
FORTHEM meeting on Student involvement with Unite! and ECIU Universities
04.06.2021. 22.24 Ziņa
and find a common approach towards compensating and recognising students’ work in FORTHEM activities. Prof. Katrina Nordström from Aalto University, representing Unite! University, pointed out that there are two important national aspects that influence how easily students can be involved in the EUN-activities: the local academic culture and the level of independence expected from students the official role and mandate of student unions Prof. Nordström also noted that we should not lose sight of the primary ‘task’ of university students which is to study for the degree they have been enrolled in. In Unite! students are involved in all the ten work packages and in Unite! Academic Forum which takes decisions about study-related matters. Furthermore, Unite! Student Association has been launched in early 2021. Unite! highlights particularly the co-creation with students in concrete projects as a good tool for student involvement and a channel to influence Unite! activities
The first major FORTHEM meeting this year: students’ report
28.10.2021. 17.07 Ziņa
During its first major meeting this year, FORTHEM Alliance welcomed new partners and strengthened the network between its city administrations and chambers of commerce. The European University Alliance FORTHEM gathered in Germany on September 22-24, 2021. Representatives of the FORTHEM partner cities and their chambers of commerce and industry were invited alongside the seven university partners from all over Europe so that they could meet one another in person and exchange ideas. The students representing the Alliance (one person per university) met on September 23 for a workshop. Work was done in hybrid format so that one more student from Finland could join. Project coordinator Ludmila Samochwalow from the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) organised the workshop and discussed the programme, as well as the preparations and expectations with all the students online a week in advance. The work took place on Miro, an interactive board that the students had already got to know
Indian Students’ Diamonds During the Mobility Visit in Latvia
26.05.2023. 16.59 Ziņa
students were welcomed by the professors of Liepaja University. Students were fortunate to meet the Dean of the University, professor Linda Pavītola and shared their thoughts and expressed their gratitude. Some famous sightseeing of the Liepaja witnessed by the students includes – Northern Ports, St. Nicholas Church, Liepaja Northern Breakwater, Liepaja Beach, Concert Hall- Great Amber, Artillery Battery No.1 and Karosta Water Tower. This was followed by relishing amazing food of Liepaja. The trip was concluded by a visit to Liepaja Heritage to gain experience of ancient traditions, folk dance, lullabies and puppet shows of Latvia. It was amazing to be a part of this mobility programme. Students’ Views- “It was a great experience for all of us to attendphoneticsand phonology lecture delivered by Lecturer Anita Auzina. Some insights of English spoken by Indians, its peculiarities, and intonations were shared by Mahsa Moshfegyan and Rekha Jadhawar. It was a great pleasure to join
Lielākie studentu svētki “Aristotelis’55” jau šonedēļ!
01.09.2021. 18.43 Ziņa
Jau 55. gadu Latvijas Universitātes Studentu padome rīko lielākos studentu svētkus “Aristotelis”, lai jaunie un esošie studenti pavadītu neaizmirstamu un piedzīvojumiem bagātu dienu pirms studiju sākuma. Jaunā studiju gada ieskandināšana notiks 5. septembrī no plkst. 18.00 līdz nākamā rīta 02.30 LU Akadēmiskajā centrā brīvā dabā ar urbāna festivāla noskaņu. Pasākumam “Aristotelis’55” ir 2 daļas – oficiālā un vakara daļa. Oficiālajā daļā studenti ar karogiem, plakātiem un saukļiem kopā ar jauniegūtajiem un esošajiem studiju un fakultātes biedriem parādīs, cik lieli savas fakultātes patrioti viņi ir, kā arī būs iespējams dzirdēt vairākas svinīgas uzrunas un dziesmas. Oficiālā daļa paredzēta no plkst. 18.00 līdz plkst. 19.30. Vakara daļā ieeja ir ar biļeti, kuru var iegādāties pasākuma mājaslapā. Vakara izskaņā studentus iepriecinās pašmāju mūziķi - Keitija Bārbale, “Baložu pilni pagalmi”, “Pirmais kurss”, Patrisha un “Dzelzs vilks”, tāpat studenti šo notikumu varēs iemūžināt
Lielākie studentu svētki “Aristotelis’55” jau šonedēļ!
01.09.2021. 18.58 Ziņa
Jau 55. gadu Latvijas Universitātes Studentu padome rīko lielākos studentu svētkus “Aristotelis”, lai jaunie un esošie studenti pavadītu neaizmirstamu un piedzīvojumiem bagātu dienu pirms studiju sākuma. Jaunā studiju gada ieskandināšana notiks 5. septembrī no plkst. 18.00 līdz nākamā rīta 02.30 LU Akadēmiskajā centrā brīvā dabā ar urbāna festivāla noskaņu. Pasākumam “Aristotelis’55” ir 2 daļas – oficiālā un vakara daļa. Oficiālajā daļā studenti ar karogiem, plakātiem un saukļiem kopā ar jauniegūtajiem un esošajiem studiju un fakultātes biedriem parādīs, cik lieli savas fakultātes patrioti viņi ir, kā arī būs iespējams dzirdēt vairākas svinīgas uzrunas un dziesmas. Oficiālā daļa paredzēta no plkst. 18.00 līdz plkst. 19.30. Vakara daļā ieeja ir ar biļeti, kuru var iegādāties pasākuma mājaslapā. Vakara izskaņā studentus iepriecinās pašmāju mūziķi - Keitija Bārbale, “Baložu pilni pagalmi”, “Pirmais kurss”, Patrisha un “Dzelzs vilks”, tāpat studenti šo notikumu varēs iemūžināt
SAP invites students to the first Fresh Faces Careers Academy in Latvia
18.05.2021. 19.00 Ziņa
SAP – market leader in enterprise application software – together with its partner network, is inviting you to the first Fresh Faces Careers Academy in Latvia. SAP partners Altus Intelligence, Clarity and Helmes – IT-companies SAP is working with to implement its technology worldwide – are looking for talented employees. The Fresh Faces Careers Academy matches students with SAP partners with the goal of a signed job contract at the end of the program. Take this opportunity to get introduced to the world of SAP and kick-start your career in one of the biggest IT networks worldwide. Academy facts: We connect graduates with SAP partner companies with the goal of a signed job contract at the end of the program. Participating companies: Altus Intelligence, Clarity, Helmes You can apply no matter what you are studying/have studied if you are interested in IT , technology and business processes . If your application is successful, you will get access to an official SAP
DF students – viens no spēles "iRabbit" izstrādātājiem
22.08.2012. 13.10 Ziņa
Trīs brāļi no Latvijas izstrādājuši un sākuši starptautiskajā interneta veikalā "iTunes App Store" pārdot izklaidējošu spēli "iRabbit" ("iTrusis"), kur dažādas sarežģītības līmeņos jātiek galā ar truša barošanu. Viens no brāļiem, spēles izstrādātājiem, ir LU Datorikas fakultātes 4. kursa students Andris Knopkens. Spēli izstrādājuši trīs brāļi - galvenais programmētājs bijis Andris, atbildīgs par spēles grafisko noformējumu bija Dāvis - Saldus 2.vidusskolas 9. klases skolnieks, savukārt, Viesturs, kas 2010. gadā absolvējis Latvijas Universitāti, iegūstot datortīklu administratora specialitāti, izstrādājis mūziku un skaņas. „Spēli veidojām apmēram gadu, sākām 2011. gada 15. augustā un pieejama AppStore tā bija 2012. gada 16. augustā, protams, pa vidu bija studijas un citi darbi, tādēļ reāli spēles veidošanas laiks bija mazāks. iOS spēli veidojām pirmo reizi, bet vispār spēles biju programmējis iepriekš. Arī priekš otrā kursa kvalifikācijas darbā programmēju galda spēles. &quot
LU students Pauls Bertrams Klucis - divkārtējais Latvijas čempions daudzcīņā
02.02.2022. 14.24 Ziņa
Sestdien un svētdien, Valmieras Jāņa Daliņa stadiona vieglatlētikas manēžā, 29. janvārī, tikās daudzcīņnieki un soļotāji, kur aizsākās 51. Latvijas čempionāts telpās. Mūsu students Pauls Bertrams Klucis kļuva par divkārtējo Latvijas čempionu! Pauls šajās sacensībās uzlaboja savu rezultātu par vairāk nekā 600 punktiem, kopumā sasniedzot 5000 punktu robežu. Tieši šī piecu tūkstošu punktu robeža ir kā pirmais atskaites punkts ceļā uz nopietnadaudzcīņnieka karjeru. Paula rezultāti pa diciplīnām: 60m – 7.22 sek.; tāllēkšana – 6.56m; lode – 10.92m; augstlēkšana – 1.92 m; 60m/b – 8.63 sek.; kārtslēkšana – 4.65m un 1000m – 3:09.05. Kā saka pats Pauls - “Ļoti labi sanāca notrāpīt fizisko sagatavotību - sacensībās biju ļoti labā fiziskā gatavībā, labi jutos. Protams bija disciplīnas, kurās varēja būt labāks rezultāts, bet kopumā esmu ļoti gandarīts par šo startu!” Prieks un lepnums par augstiem sasniegumiem!
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