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LU augsti novērtēta reitinga “U-Multirank” vērtējumā “Saikne ar darba vidi”
09.06.2020. 19.04 Ziņa
Latvijas Universitāte (LU) starptautiskajā augstskolu reitingā “U-Multirank” saņēmusiaugstu novērtējumu un ierindojas starp 25 pasaules labākajām augstskolām reitinga sadaļā “Saikne ar darba vidi” (“Contact to Work Environment”). “Saikne ar darba vidi” ir reitinga sadaļa, kas parāda, cik daudz universitāšu studiju programmās iekļauj praktiskās zināšanas un mācību prakses. Reitinga augšgalā ir tās augstskolas, kuras piedāvā saviem studentiem iegūt labāko praktisko pieredzi jau studiju laikā, piemēram, novirzienos, kas saistīti ar zinātni un inženierzinātnes priekšmetiem. Šajā reitinga sadaļā tiek vērtēti tādi kritēriji kā prakšu iekļaušana darbā, procentuālā studentu daļa, kuri veic prakses, ārpus universitātes speciālistu un ekspertu iesaistīšana mācību procesā, lai studējošie iegūto praktisko pieredzi u.c. “Latvijas Universitātes augstais novērtējums “U-Multirank” reitingā ir loģisks rezultāts tam darbam, kuru Universitātes mācību satura, pētniecības, sadarbības ar darba devējiem
PhD students invited to join World PhD Students Sustainability Network
16.02.2022. 16.30 Ziņa
Doctoral students of the University of Latvia is invited to join the World PhD Students Sustainability Network. This initiative is organised by the European School of Sustainability Science and Research in cooperation with various organisations as a network platform, which PhD students can use to explore the possibilities for cooperation. World PhD Students Sustainability Network is open to all doctoral students worldwide, working on matters related to sustainable development, at both an early stage and at an advanced stage of their work. Participation in network is free of any charges. The PhD students currently working on sustainable development matters will be the ones leading future trends in a 2030-2050 scale, when they will occupy key roles in academia, industry, and other sectors. It is therefore vital that they get the best possible training. One important component of this training is the interaction and exchange of information among their peers. Organizers of the network
International bryology seminar 2022; August 1 – August 7, 2022
27.07.2022. 20.03 Ziņa
/home/ ), where in forest habitats can be found Trichocolea tomentella and Crossocalyx hellerianus . Our last seminar field trip will be in Pilskalnes Siguldiņa Nature Reserve, where Dicranum viride are distributed in slope forests. The seminar is funded by the LIFE project LIFE FOR SPECIES “Threatened species in Latvia: improved knowledge, capacity, data and awareness” Project No.:LIFE19GIE/LV/000857 More information: Contact information Dr. Anna Mežaka, email: (Latvia) PhD Steffen Caspari, email: (Germany)
Voluntary work of UL Foundation scholarship holders in the UL Museum
07.02.2023. 16.54 Ziņa
in the rubric ZEM LUPAS "About the creation of the University of Latvia in press publications of September 1919". Paula Malnača, a first-year student in the Physics Bachelor's study program at the UL's Faculty of Physics, Mathematics, and Optometry, chose to help Fridrich Cander and the Latvian astronomy collection as the holder of the Aina Galēja-Dravniece "Ceļamaizes" scholarship. Paula not only gained some museum experience, but she also learned a lot about astronomy. The UL Museum values hardworking and energetic students and invites interested UL Foundation scholarship holders to assist in the future, fostering an altruistic culture among scholarship holders. The UL Museum encourages scholarship holders to connect their studies, interests, and individual skills to the content of volunteer work. Contact the UL Museum's director, Iveta Gudakovska, at
Riga TechGirls “Career Speed Dating 2023”
02.06.2023. 19.49 Ziņa
12:15 - Company presentation in 1 min pitch format 12:45 - Q&A session in speed dating format (5 min per person) 13:30 - Wrap up of speed dating 13:45 - Overview from RTG and networking 14:00 - Closing of event To participate: - Participants need to fill in this form by 1st of June: - Companies need to fill in this form by 1st of June: In case of questions please contact
SIRM | The 2nd Latvian Stakeholders Meeting - Discussion Session on Refugee and Migrant Needs Integration in Latvia
28.12.2023. 03.14 Ziņa
, limited job opportunities in regions, and other everyday life challenges. The State Employment Agency (SEA) data (as of December 2023) indicate that 7,000 out of the 23,375 registered Ukrainians are unemployed. Support tools such as free Latvian language courses, a one-time grant for starting work, housing support, and individual consultations have been important measures to support Ukrainians so far. However, additional instruments for the long-term integration of Ukrainians citizens is a direction for further support and policy instruments. Contact persons: Denize Ponomarjova, UL Project Manager, E-mail:, Phone: (+371) 28241115 Dāvis Vītols, UL Project Expert, E-mail:, tel. (+371) 26652750 More about the project:
106 applications received for the “Green HExagon” pre-Incubation program
28.02.2024. 14.17 Ziņa
to everyone. At the workshop you could find out what skills a true leader has, develop them and become a leader yourself! During the pre-incubation programme itself, participants will work on their leadership and soft skills, moreover, they will actively shape their entrepreneurial concepts with guidance from international professionals and mentors. The best participants will have the opportunity to attend bootcamp in Riga, Latvia and at the Demo day teams will compete for a grant of up to €5,000 to advance their innovative projects. Currently, all applications have been evaluated, and the accepted participants are already actively working on their idea. You can find out more information about “Green Hexagon” project and pre-incubation program here: Or contact the organizers at Project activities are funded by the European Union Erasmus+ project “Entrepreneurial teaching partnerships for fostering innovation and green startup development
106 applications received for the “Green HExagon” pre-Incubation program
29.02.2024. 01.16 Ziņa
to everyone. At the workshop you could find out what skills a true leader has, develop them and become a leader yourself! During the pre-incubation programme itself, participants will work on their leadership and soft skills, moreover, they will actively shape their entrepreneurial concepts with guidance from international professionals and mentors. The best participants will have the opportunity to attend bootcamp in Riga, Latvia and at the Demo day teams will compete for a grant of up to €5,000 to advance their innovative projects. Currently, all applications have been evaluated, and the accepted participants are already actively working on their idea. You can find out more information about “Green Hexagon” project and pre-incubation program here: Or contact the organizers at Project activities are funded by the European Union Erasmus+ project “Entrepreneurial teaching partnerships for fostering innovation and green startup development
The Baltic Digital Humanities Forum is nearing
16.04.2024. 16.19 Ziņa
. The second workshop, scheduled for the morning of April 26th, will focus on language technologies in higher education. It will highlight the Language Technology Initiative , a project coordinated by the University of Latvia, and discuss collaboration in higher education with language technology experts from Lithuania and Estonia. More details on the event can be found on the event's official website . Contact information: The Baltic DH Forum is a collaborative effort led by the program committee comprised of researchers from all three Baltic countries and organized in partnership with CLARIN ERIC and DARIAH-EU. The event is supported by the Language Technology Initiative (, funded by the European Union and the National Development Plan, the project "Towards Development of Open and FAIR Digital Humanities Ecosystem in Latvia" (VPP-IZM-DH-2022/1-0002) funded by the Latvian Council of Science and the Culture Capital Foundation of Latvia .
The project led by the UL to promote innovation and entrepreneurship of HEIs is concluding
18.06.2024. 18.46 Ziņa
of the National Contact Point of the Latvian Council of Science for “Horizon Europe”, while Natalie Cernecka, EIT Deep Tech Talent Initiative Manager, will inform about the EIT's in-depth technology initiatives and the opportunities they provide to higher education institutions. The start-up enterprises supported by the consortium, “Phosphorus Recovery”, “Fungo” and “Skinfuture”, will also join the participants of the event. The event will be concluded by a discussion that will clarify the consortium's common vision for the future of the project's sustainability and discuss future cooperation initiatives and opportunities. HIVE partners The project consortium, led by the University of Latvia, consists of the University of Coimbra (Portugal), Riga Stradiņš University (Latvia), Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Bulgaria), Czech University of Life Sciences (Czechia), University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt (Austria), TED University (Turkey), ESSEC Business School (France
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