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Hellenic Centre celebrates its tenth anniversary
07.11.2012. 14.09 Ziņa
perspective today”; she spoke about her experiences at the Pergamon Museum in Berlin and, in particular, about the unique exhibition dedicated to the ancient metropolis of Pergamon. The value of the lecture lies in its ability to combine the ancient with the modern, as well as to give an insight in exhibition pre-show work and challenges accepted by those who are in charge of precise and nuanced reconstruction of ancient realia. Professor Ilze Rumniece, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Ojars Lams, Head of the Department of Lettonic and Baltic Studies (the Faculty of Humanities) remembered how the idea of the Centre took shape, and spoke about the Centre’s TOP10 achievements. The Hellenic Center researchers have always managed to keep up with the nulla dies sine linea ( lat .- no day without a written line), as the saying goes, paraphrasing in their own manner- no year without a book. This is the best time to greet all those putting a creative sparkle in book issuing. On the evidence
Implementation of the New Sub-Program for Mathematics Teachers at the University of Latvia
03.11.2021. 22.15 Saturs
Implementation of the New Sub-Program for Mathematics Teachers at the University of Latvia [PDF] Maruta Avotiņa, Elīna Buliņa, Guna Brenda Pogule University of Latvia, Latvia Abstract: A qualified and knowledgeable teacher is a foundation of a good education, responsible for motivating a pupil to acquire new knowledge and apply it in different ways. By 2020, in Latvia, a teacher’s qualification could be obtained in various higher education institutions, which had dozens of study programs in different faculties, so it was difficult for school graduates to orientate in a large number of programs and requirements. Between 2018 and 2020, within the European Social Fund project “Education and Pedagogy” of the University of Latvia, a joint professional bachelor’s study program “Teacher” for several universities was developed. This program has several sub-programs – one of which is the sub-program “Mathematics Teacher” where in September 2020, the first students started their studies
Jaunie studenti aicināti pieteikties mentoru programmai un pirmkursnieku saliedēšanās pasākumam "Sējiens"
23.07.2021. 17.10 Ziņa
Sveiks, jaunais student! Tavs studiju līgums ir parakstīts un ir īstais laiks sākt gatavoties Aristotelim un iepazīt savus jaunos studiju biedrus! Pirmsaristotelis jeb Sējiens Šādu iespēju jaunajiem Datorikas fakultātes studentiem piedāvā Datorikas fakultātes pirmsaristotelis Sējiens! Sējiens notiks 3. un 4. septembrī, plašāku informāciju par pasākuma norisi saņemsi tuvāk pasākuma laikam. Veselas divas dienas tevi sagaida jauni piedzīvojumu un iespējas iepazīt fakultāti un savus kursa biedrus vēl pirms mācību sākuma. Dalība pasākumā ir BEZ MAKSAS. Pieteikties vari šeit: Ja rodas jautājumi par pasākuma norisi, vari droši tos sūtīt uz Arī tad, ja vēl neesi pārliecināts, vai varēsi piedalīties Sējienā, aizpildi pieteikumu, lai saņemtu plašāku informāciju un piereģistrētos kursa čatā. Mentoru programma Studiju sākums jaunajiem studentiem nav viegls periods – jauna vide, jauni cilvēki un draugi, priekšā tik daudz nezināmā, ka
Current Epidemiological Security Measures at the University of Latvia
08.09.2020. 13.41 Ziņa
-isolation; be vigilant of your health condition; if an acute respiratory infection with the symptoms of Covid-19 occurs, immediately report to the head of the main structural unit or work, the director of the study programme, methodologist or lecturer of the current planned lecture, leave the premises of the University of Latvia and contact a doctor; as far as possible, reduce the use of shared surfaces and objects, such as touch screens, computers, keyboards, etc. Do not transfer such devices, tools and equipment, including stationery, from one person to another; the UL recommends using the application “Stop Covid” ( Apturi Covid ). Organisation of study process The UL, in compliance with all epidemiological safety regulations, provides on-site studies at the UL. In order to exclude the simultaneous gathering of large groups of students in auditoriums and common areas, the studies in undergraduate study programmes must be planned with a time lag at the beginning of lectures. Studies
Solve real and modern problems, generating practical and necessary research applications – materials of the future!
26.03.2024. 18.34 Saturs
Break-through research at Institute for Mechanics of Materials Research involves the nanotechnologies, multifunctional performance of polymer composites and 3D printing. Institute implements interesting applied research projects, for example, a company-commissioned study for developing fire-resistant materials for sport aviation. The materials to be created will be used to produce gliders, which have a high risk of explosion of lithium batteries. The use of fire-resistant materials can save the lives of pilots. Applications All of the material research subjects have real-life applications. Nanotechnologies enable the use of a smaller content of materials to achieve the desired physical properties. Multifunctionality is applied through self-heating, self-healing, and structural health monitoring for wind energy, aerospace and automotive applications. 3D printing is widely used, creating complex shapes and reducing polymer waste. There are some challenges and issues for each
Novembris - Piemiņas plāksne “Par Latviju kritušie studenti
19.10.2020. 14.12 Saturs
Atzīmējot Latvijas valstij nozīmīgus vēsturiskus notikumus, par mēneša priekšmetu novembrī LU Muzejs ir izvēlējies godināt cilvēkus, kuri zaudējuši dzīvību cīņā par ideāliem, bet kuru pašaizliedzība un varonība ļāvusi šodien ikvienam no mums dzīvot brīvā valstī. 1918. gadā , tūlīt pēc Latvijas valsts dibināšanas, dažādu nesen sagruvušās Krievijas impērijas augstskolu studenti latvieši bija gatavi cīnīties par savas valsts neatkarību ar ieročiem rokās. 1918. gada decembrī, ņemot vērā šo studentu vēlmi, tika izveidota Atsevišķā (Studentu) rota . Īpaša nozīme Studentu rotas izveidē ir piecām senākajām latviešu studentu korporācijām – "Selonija", "Talavija", "Lettgallia", "Fraternitas Lettica" un "Lettonia". Sākotnēji militāri slikti sagatavotā un neapmācītā studentu vienība līdz ar Kārļa Ulmaņa vadīto pagaidu valdību 1919. gada janvārī atkāpās uz Liepāju . Šajā procesā aizsākās pirmās kaujas ar pirmajiem kritušajiem. 1922. gada pavasarī Latvijas Universitātes Mazajā aulā , Raiņa
Studentu pieteikšanās pasākumam "Studenta Kurpēs" jau sākusies!
27.03.2024. 15.05 Ziņa
Tuvojas pasākums “Studenta kurpēs”, kad Latvijas Universitātes (LU) studenti aicinās ikvienu skolēnu “pielaikot studenta kurpes” un vienu dienu pavadīs kopā, lai sniegtu ieskatu, kā norit studiju dzīve Latvijas Universitātē. Ikgadējais pasākums “Studenta kurpēs” notiks no 22. līdz 28. aprīlim! Kopā ar studentu skolēnam būs iespēja piedalīties studiju procesā – lekcijās un semināros, iepazīt mācībspēkus, fakultāti, studiju programmu, uzzināt, kādas prasmes nepieciešamas, studējot attiecīgajā programmā, un kādas ir iespējas radoši izpausties ārpus studijām! Tā ir arī ļoti laba pieredze studentam – uz vienu dienu kļūt par mentoru, parādot, cik daudzveidīga un aizraujoša ir studiju dzīve Universitātē. LU student, izmanto šo iespēju un piesakies būt par mentoru saviem nākamo gadu studiju biedriem! Studentu pieteikšanās jau ir sākusies un norisināsies līdz 19. aprīlim ! Lai pieteiktos, jāaizpilda anketa ! Skolēnu pieteikšanās norisināsies no 8. līdz 14. aprīlim , aizpildot anketu
Aristotle's "The Art of Speech. Rhetoric" in Latvian
01.07.2020. 13.14 Ziņa
The result of more than ten years of translation seminars for classical philology students and academic staff at the University of Latvia is the translation of Aristotle's “Rhetoric” into Latvian. The feat is unique for at least two reasons: first, the constitution of the group who worked on the translation kept changing over the years since it consisted of both students and lecturers. The second feature: the translators have opted for the "ecological" variant from the target language point of view, with the idea that the Latvian text does not use internationalisms or already traditional modern terms, but only words of the Latvian language. The ancient Greek text has been treated as it had been, potentially, at Aristotle's time – all Greek words live in the language with their respective semantics, and they should be represented by their equivalent Latvian words. The translation is complemented with a glossary which contains also the Latvianised terms. The aim of such a translation
Latvian Universities Ready to Welcome Ukrainian Academic Community
08.03.2022. 11.13 Ziņa
In solidarity with the Ukrainian academic community, several Latvian universities are offering refuge to faculty members, Ph.D. students, and their families, and inviting them to continue their war-disrupted research work in Latvia. Budget places and scholarships are also available. The Latvian Minister of Education and Science Anita Muižniece stressed the importance of ensuring continuity of studies and expressed her support for Ukrainian scientists and academic staff. Latvia is ready to offer work opportunities in related scientific institutions to ensure the continuity of research topics. The UL will provide all possible support to the Ukrainian students studying at the University, as well as the academic staff. The University of Latvia governance and the Senate have discussed further possibilities of assistance to Ukrainian scientists, offering them the opportunity to continue their research at the University of Latvia. Our Institute of Solid State Physics also offers support
Dabaszinātņu studentu un akadēmiskā personāla mobilitāte starp Latviju un Norvēģiju
17.09.2019. 12.59 Saturs
apmaiņa; kopējs granta pieteikums sadarbības ilgtspējai. Projektu līdzfinansēts no Eiropas Ekonomikas zonas finanšu instruments un Norvēģijas finanšu instrumenta 2009.-2014.gada perioda programmas LV05 „Pētniecība un stipendijas” līdzekļiem ----- Mobility of students and academic personnel of Life Sciences between Latvia and Norway Project No EEZ/NFI/2015/S/2015/031 Project implementation period : 01.10.2015.- 30.09.2016. Project total costs : 41 302 eur Lead partner : University of Latvia Cooperation partners : Institute of Clinical Medicine and Institute of Basic Medical Sciences as a part of University of Oslo The project anticipates a deep integration of students and academic staff into collaborative project between Biology Faculty of University of Latvia and two world-class research institutions, including Institute of Clinical Medicine and Institute of Basic Medical Sciences as a part of University of Oslo. The infrastructures and facilities available at University
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