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Digital Academy course open for Natural Sciences Master students
18.06.2022. 22.08 Ziņa
Are you a Natural Sciences Master’s student who is passionate about climate change? Do you want to learn more but prefer not to travel? The course "Sedimentary Records of Earth’s Past Climate" might be for you. Registration is open until 30th June. The course focusses on unravelling Earth’s paleoclimates and the effects of climate change on paleoenvironments - looking at the past to learn about the future. To achieve this goal you will examine a spectacular Jurassic-Cretaceous rock sequence with rich fossil content from the comfort of your home/university (or anywhere you would prefer to be). You will learn how to deal with and interpret various digital data and digitally collaborate with a field team in real time. The course is part of a Digital Academy organised by FORTHEM. Further details: The complete course, from 1 July - 31 August 2022, earns 5 ECTS, but you can also join just part of it, for fewer ECTS. There are online lectures and exercises to complete, when it best
Erasmus+ exchange programme
06.10.2022. 18.52 Saturs
You can go abroad in the frame of Erasmus+ exchange programme - every year new cooperation agreements are signed in different fields of studies between our 9 partner universities which permits you to choose among several possibilities. Good to know : it is possible to go abroad several times in the frame of Erasmus+ programme during your studies and your period abroad will be funded by Erasmus+ grant. Who can apply? All students enrolled in one of the FORTHEM Alliance universities . How can you apply? Contact your home university and follow their internal selection procedure to go abroad. Once selected by your home university, apply at the host university according to their application procedure. More information • Contact your home university International Relations Office or your local FORTHEM Office . • See the information material from each FORTHEM university An information session for the faculty-level coordinators of the FORTHEM universities was held on Monday 4
DF mācībspēki un studenti piedalījās projekta Start(IT) diskusijā par IT izglītības attīstību Latvijā
17.06.2016. 18.20 Ziņa
15. jūnijā norisinājās projekta Start(IT) rīkota diskusijā, kura piedalījās uzņēmumu, organizāciju un izglītības nozares pārstāvji, lai diskutētu par IT izglītības attīstības iespējām Latvijā. Diskusijā piedalījās arī DF dekāns prof. Juris Borzovs, DF docents Viesturs Vēzis, DF maģistra studiju programmas students Emīls Sjundjukovs (Emil Syundyukov) un DF absolvents Artis Ozoliņš.
17.02.2023. 12.50 Saturs
Arturs Vīksna Katedras vadītājs, profesors, vadošais pētnieks Vadims Bartkevičs Profesors, vadošais pētnieks Vita Rudoviča Asociētā profesore, vadošā pētniece Agnese Arāja Docente, vadošā pētniece Jānis Ģībietis Docents Zenta Balcerbule Lektore, pētniece Lauma Buša Lektore, pētniece Gunita Celma Lektore, pētniece Māris Bērtiņš Pētnieks, PhD students Vitālijs Lazarenko Pētnieks, PhD students Krišs Dāvids Labsvārds Pētnieks, PhD students Vladlens Grebņevs Pētnieks, PhD students Zane Bērziņa PhD studente Elīna Pasečnaja PhD studente Deniss Fedorenko PhD students Megija Neimane Vecākais
FORTHEM universities offer online courses- “Mindfulness and Creative Performance” and “Innovative Pedagogy for Addressing Diversity”
20.04.2022. 15.10 Ziņa
In April this year, two free-of-charge exchange courses started within the FORTHEM Alliance at the University of Latvia (hereinafter – the UL) in cooperation with the University of Opole. One of FORTHEM’s objectives is to create the Digital Academy, a common platform that could be linked with the existing e-study environments of the universities and which would offer various courses in English at all study levels and disciplines across all universities. Exchange courses are a highly important step in fulfilling the objectives of the FORTHEM Alliance; therefore, the course exchange between the UL and the University of Opole is among the first significant steps in this process. The interest in applying for the courses among the UL students was overwhelming: the maximum number of applications was reached on the very first day, meaning that unfortunately it was impossible to accept everyone interested. Due to the strong interest in the courses, the University of Opole created two
Online courses between University of Opole and University of Latvia
30.06.2022. 15.53 Ziņa
In April this year, two free-of-charge exchange courses started within the FORTHEM Alliance at the University of Latvia (hereinafter – the UL) in cooperation with the University of Opole. One of FORTHEM’s objectives is to create the Digital Academy, a common platform that could be linked with the existing e-study environments of the universities and which would offer various courses in English at all study levels and disciplines across all universities. Exchange courses are a highly important step in fulfilling the objectives of the FORTHEM Alliance; therefore, the course exchange between the UL and the University of Opole is among the first significant steps in this process. The interest in applying for the courses among the UL students was overwhelming: the maximum number of applications was reached on the very first day, meaning that unfortunately it was impossible to accept everyone interested. Due to the strong interest in the courses, the University of Opole created two groups
Sea Battle
06.05.2010. 15.06 Ziņa
In the middle of April for three days Erasmus students from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland and Sweden spent travelling through the Baltic Sea coast countries. In total 74 exchange students from Latvia were participating. “I really liked how the Sea battle brought so many people from all over the world together as one. It was almost like everyone was stranded on a deserted island, we all were friends,” says David, visiting student from USA, Utah State. Ferry Baltic Queen took Erasmus students from Tallinn to Stockholm. Several activities were taking place on the board. For example, students were playing “Crazy games” and “Speed dating” in Starlight palace. “Speed dating” was advertised to “find your true love” as it was said by this activity’s organizers on the ferry. Sanda, ESN – Riga coordinator says that “maybe true love wasn’t found, who knows, but at least we spent a good time together.” “I think it made it a lot easier for me to meet people, and it was a good way to have
LU Studentu biznesa inkubators uzsāk jauno semestri ar atvērtajiem pasākumiem
02.09.2020. 19.40 Ziņa
veidotajos pasākumos, izmanto iespēju pieteikties inkubatora programmā, strādā ar labākajiem mentoriem no Latvijas un attīsti savu biznesa ideju kopā ar mums! Īpaši aicināti iesaistīties arī LU filiāļu un citu augstskolu studenti, jo šī semestra programma norisināsies attālināti!” aicina LU studentu Biznesa inkubators. Seko LU studentu Biznesa inkubatora Facebook lapā un uzzini pirmais par notiekošo! Latvijas Universitātes studentu Biznesa inkubators ir lielākais studentu biznesa inkubators Latvijā. Inkubators ir izveidots un darbojas pateicoties mecenātu, Latvijas Universitātes un LU BVEF atbalstam. 2019. gadā LU Biznesa ideju fondu atbalsta 96 Latvijas un ārzemju uzņēmumi un privātpersonas, kuru vidū ir Džons Medveckis, Driehaus ģimene, LMT Retail&Logistics,, Orkla Foods Latvija u.c. Mecenātu ieguldījumus LU Biznesa ideju fondā administrē Latvijas Universitātes fonds , kas ir respektabla filantropijas organizācija un rūpējas par izciliem, centīgiem studentiem, maģistrantiem
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