Atrasts 851 ieraksts
For reporting Covid-19 infections and wearing masks
14.09.2021. 16.19 Ziņa
We draw students' attention to the fact that in accordance with the regulations of the University of Latvia on epidemiological safety, you are obliged to: to promptly report any cases of infection with Covid-19 or risks related to the possibility of contracting Covid-19 to e-mail and telephone 26189898, as well as to provide the head of the labour protection system with all relevant information for communication with SPKC; to monitor one’s own health condition; if an acute respiratory infection with characteristics that correspond to Covid-19 occurs, it must be immediately reported to the head of the structural unit, immediate supervisor of work, study programme director, methodologist or lecturer of the current planned lecture or seminar, immediately leave the UL premises and contact a doctor; not to enter the University of Latvia premises or remain there with symptoms of acute respiratory infectious disease or in case of prescribed quarantine, isolation
Third Bilateral Scientific Workshop (Latvia-Taiwan) 2022
11.10.2022. 13.19 Ziņa
During the meeting between the director of Institute of Solid State Physics of University of Latvia (ISSP UL) Dr. Andris Anspoks, representative of National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU) Prof. Mitch Chou and representative of the Taipei Mission in Latvia Andrew Lee, four scientific directions were crystallized in which Latvia and Taiwan could go into joint cooperation. Therefore, on June 15 and 16, the third Bilateral Scientific Workshop between ISSP UL and NSYSU researchers was organized. Four different sessions were held – Polymer photonics, Biomedical technologies, Photonic Integration Devices and Fiber-related applications, Thin film materials and technologies. The hybrid format workshop demands direct contact approach, so each session was represented by one to three researchers from each institution to achieve the best communication opportunities. At the end of the workshop, the following action steps were discussed to promote cooperation. One of them was the NSYSU’s visit
The Double Degree Programme at the two Partner Universities - Université de Bourgogne and Universitat de València
31.10.2022. 16.20 Ziņa
The Universitat de València (Spain) and the Université de Bourgogne, Dijon (France) agreed to establish the Double Degree Programme “Máster Universitario en Traducción Creativa y Humanística & Master Traduction multimédia” The Double Degree Programme comprises four (4) full-time semesters (2 academic years), amounting to 30 ECTS credits each semester, totalling 120 ECTS credits The Double Degree Programme offers courses at the two Partner Universities, with the following distribution for all students: 1st and 3rd semesters to be taken at the Université de Bourgogne; 2nd and 4th semesters at the Universitat de València. Successful graduates of theDoubleDegree Programme obtain the following degrees: · UV: “ MásterUniversitarioen Traducción Creativa y Humanística ” awarded by the Universitat de València in the itineraries of French or English. · UB: Master mention «Traduction et Interprétation», parcours Traduction multimédia awarded by the Université de Bourgogne, Dijon Academic
Baltijas sesija par Eiropas Inovāciju padomes aktualitātēm
22.03.2023. 15.55 Ziņa
Ir iespēja pievienoties Baltijas sesijai par Eiropas Inovāciju padomi (EIC), kas notiks 21. aprīlī no 9:30 līdz 12:00. Sesija ir Deep Tech Atelier 2023 paralēlais pasākums. Norises vieta Radisson Blu Latvija, Rīgā. Darba kārtība: 9.30-9.45 Welcome and the introduction of Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian R&D offices in Brussels and National Contact points (Marija Plotniece EIC NCP Latvia, Latvian Council of Science). Introduction of EIC Pathfinder and Challenges. 9.45 – 10.00 Liene Briede, EIC board member, Acting Director of the Science and Innovation Center at Riga Technical University 10.00-10.15 Stella Tkatchova, EIC Programme Manager for Space systems & technologies 10.15-10.30 Q&A 10.30-11.15 Pitch session (3min pitch per participant) 11.15-12.00 – Moderated networking among Baltic partners and eksperts Vairāk informācijas
EHMSG 2020 goes virtual
23.10.2023. 19.08 Ziņa
In response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, it has been decided that the 33rd Workshop of the European Helicobacter and Microbiota Study Group (originally scheduled to take place from September 10 – 12, 2020 in Glasgow, United Kingdom) will take place as a virtual conference in a compact version, on one day only - Saturday, September 12, 2020. Both live and on demand talks as well as a platform for -Posters will be provided. Abstract Submission has been extended until June 21 , 2020 at 24.00hrs CET. You can submit your e-Poster for presentation at the conference HERE . Proper tools that allow similar elements of connectivity and involvement for all participants will be provided. To guarantee the health and safety of our attendees, speakers, exhibitors, sponsors and staff, the EHMSG Board has come to the conclusion that the conference cannot take place in its scheduled format this year. In case of any questions please do not hesitate to contact by emailing: workshop
"Advanced Materials for Chromogenic Device Applications" and "Thin Films: Synthesis and Characterization"
22.04.2024. 15.15 Ziņa
Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia (ISSP UL) invites to participate in the International Summer School "Advanced Materials for Chromogenic Device Applications" and "Thin Films: Synthesis and Characterization", which will take place at ISSP UL in Riga, 2-5 June 2024. Invited speakers: Prof. Lars Österlund, Uppsala University, Sweden Prof. Aline Rougier, CNRS, France Dr. Smagul Karazhanov, ISSP UL, Latvia Dr. Asutosh Kumar, RISE, Sweden Prof. Muhammet Torpak, KTH, Sweden Main topics: chromogenic materials transparent conducting materials nanomaterials thin films technologies Practical training include: magnetron deposition thin films characterization AGENDA Time and place: 2-5 June 2024, Institute of Solid State Physics , Kengaraga street 8, Riga, Latvia. Contacts: Participation is free of charge. Application closed. Limited number
15th International Week of Professors "Internationalization and Future"
29.02.2024. 01.48 Saturs
Date: May 13 – 17, 2024 Aim: to welcome and give opportunity to professors from European universities to give classes/lectures/workshops to students, present research, give home institution presentations to would-be exchange students, advertise project initiatives and participate in students’ research conference events ( 23 rd International Students’ Research Conference on May 14 – 16, 2024 ). Language: English. Venue: University of Latvia, Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology, Teacher Education Department Address: Imantas 7. līnija 1, Riga, Latvia Deadlines: proposal submission till April 15, 2024 (see the registration form) For additional information, please contact: Dr. paed., prof. Indra Odiņa E-mail:
Submission Form: Civic Engagement Projects
13.07.2021. 18.59 Saturs
You are about to submit your civic engagement project request. Make sure you have read and taken into account all the information on Civic engagement project page which is mandatory before submitting your request. Don't forget to attach the filled in Project DescriptionForm to complete this submission form. Please note that the max. file size for all attachments - 15MB. Processing of personal data The FORTHEM alliance has adopted a GDPR notice for managing personal data within the alliance. As you will give some personal details when filling in the application form, your data will be handled according to the GDPR notice. If you have any questions about your data subject rights, you can contact the data controller mentioned in the GDPR notice.
Submission Form: Share Funding Projects
30.11.2021. 20.41 Saturs
You are about to submit your share funding project request. Make sure you have read and taken into account all the information appearing in our call ,which is mandatory before submitting your request. Don't forget to attach the Project DescriptionForm to complete this submission form. Please note that the max. file size for all attachments is 15MB. Processing of personal data The FORTHEM alliance has adopted a GDPR notice for managing personal data within the alliance. As you will give some personal details when filling in the application form, your data will be handled according to the GDPR notice. If you have any questions about your data subject rights, you can contact the data controller mentioned in the GDPR notice.
Organising Committee
19.06.2023. 15.43 Saturs
Organising Committee: 组委会: Prof. Kaspars Kļaviņš (University of Latvia, LV) Kaspars Kļaviņš 教授 (拉脱维亚大学) Assoc. Prof. Agita Baltgalve(University of Latvia, LV) Agita Baltgalve 副教授(拉脱维亚大学) Assoc. Prof. Agnese Haijima (University of Latvia, LV) Agnese Haijima 阿格涅斯‧拜岛(拉脱维亚大学) Assoc. Prof. Hasan Mustafa (Sharjah Women’s College, Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT), UAE) Hasan Mustafa 副教授(沙迦女子学院,高等技术学院,阿联酋) Lecturer Karīna Jermaka (University of Latvia, LV) 卡琳娜讲师(拉脱维亚大学) LecturerIldze Šķestere (University of Latvia, LV) Ildze Šķestere 讲师(拉脱维亚大学) Conference Coordinator: Kaspars Kļaviņš 会议协调员: Kaspars Kļaviņš Assistant: Karīna Jermaka 助理: 卡琳娜 Contact: 联系方式:
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