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Conference Details
19.06.2023. 15.41 Saturs
ONLINE CONFERENCE China’s new development philosophy – its historical roots and future perspectives 中国新发展理念——历史根源与未来展望 Platform: BigBlueButton 平台: BigBlueButton Contact: 联系方式: Date and place: 27 and 28 June 2023, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia 日期: 2023年6月27–28日 地点:拉脱维亚大学,里加 Each presentation – no longer than 20 min. Discussions – no longer than 10 min. The conference is organized by the Department of Asian Studies of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Latvia 会议由拉脱维亚大学人文学院亚洲研究系主办
Yuri Shunin Obituary
20.04.2018. 18.03 Ziņa
and Telecommunications. Later, he headed the Department of Natural Sciences and Computer Technologies at the Institute of Information Systems Management (ISMA), where he was elected Vice-Rector on Innovation issues in 2003. Since 2006, Professor Shunin has been approved as the state Professor of the Republic of Latvia. He was the Director of ten educational programs as well as an expert of the Latvian Council of Science. He was the Coordinator and participant of a number of international scientific programs, including the Latvian-Belarusian project "Correlation of electromagnetic, mechanical and heat properties od aerogels and polymer composites with nanocarbon inclusions" (2014-2015). In addition, he regularly maintained scientific contacts with the staff of universities and research institutes in Germany, Italy, Finland, Lithuania, Israel, Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan.Professor Shunin was the organizer of a number of international conferences, including annual "Information Technologies
Literārā Akadēmija izsludina literāro darbu konkursu "Matris Lingua"
10.09.2015. 01.43 Ziņa
that will be held in the second half of October, 2015. During the seminary participants will have the opportunity to learn from experienced writers, translators and literature theorists, hear the evaluation of their own work, participate in workshop and listen to lectures about important issues related to literary.The seminary is organized by Writers’ Union of Latvia and supported by Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia.The length of work to be submitted: poetry – 150 to 300 lines in total, prose, drama – one or more works with the total length of 20 000 – 50 000 characters. To apply for the participation in the competition, submit your original literary work in one Word document (Word 2003 is preferable) to e-mail indicating „MATRIS LINGUA” in the e-mail subject field.It’s required to add to your application the information about the author (date of birth, education, occupation and short creative biography) and contacts (address, e-mail, phone number).The head
On Bachelor’s, Master’s thesis and Diploma paper development during emergency situation
26.03.2020. 17.14 Ziņa
Due to Cabinet Regulation “On the Declaration of Emergency Situation” of March 12, the study process at University of Latvia is organized remotely, including Bachelor’s, Master’s thesis and Diploma paper development. Faculty deans, programme directors, final examination boards, thesis supervisors and students are encouraged to cooperate in order to promote successful thesis and Diploma paper defence, as well as timely procurement of degrees and qualifications. For this reason: Students: are encouraged to use e-resources provided by the UL Library and other European and foreign libraries and organizations (please see the attachment); contact their supervisor to agree on the appropriate form for remote tutorials; are mindful of the timeframe of their thesis development and consult their supervisor accordingly and consistently, and follow given instructions; if necessary, consult their supervisor on adapting or changing their thesis to adapt it for remote development
LU augsti novērtēta reitinga “U-Multirank” vērtējumā “saikne ar darba vidi”
11.06.2020. 10.00 Ziņa
Latvijas Universitāte (LU) starptautiskajā augstskolu reitingā “U-Multirank” saņēmusi augstu novērtējumu un ierindojas starp 25 pasaules labākajām augstskolām reitinga sadaļā “Saikne ar darba vidi” (“Contact to Work Environment”). “Saikne ar darba vidi” ir reitinga sadaļa, kas parāda, cik daudz universitāšu studiju programmās iekļauj praktiskās zināšanas un mācību prakses. Reitinga augšgalā ir tās augstskolas, kuras piedāvā saviem studentiem iegūt labāko praktisko pieredzi jau studiju laikā, piemēram, novirzienos, kas saistīti ar zinātni un inženierzinātnes priekšmetiem. Šajā reitinga sadaļā tiek vērtēti tādi kritēriji kā prakšu iekļaušana darbā, procentuālā studentu daļa, kuri veic prakses, ārpus universitātes speciālistu un ekspertu iesaistīšana mācību procesā, lai studējošie iegūto praktisko pieredzi u.c. Vairāk informācijas un “U-Multirank” rezultāti
Workshop on "Tourism industry regulation and support during pandemic in post-soviet countries"
30.12.2020. 15.57 Ziņa
On Friday, December 4th took place workshop on Tourism industry regulation and support during pandemic in post-soviet countries. Participants were sharing their perspective on tourism regulation and support in pandemic time in such post-soviet cases countries such as Georgia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Russia and comparing their achievements with Germany, Austria, France, Spain, Sweden and Taiwan. The discussions were raised on cashback payment system in Russia, strict regulation measures in Georgia, more open approach in Sweden, reasons for comparatively more successful local tourism support in Taiwan and on other social and economic consequences during pandemic time. For additional information, please contact Kristīne Bērziņa kristine/ . The seminar is organized within the framework of the Horizon 2020 project “Emerging Markets: An exploration into the changing nature of business environments, informal barriers and emerging markets in the post
One Million Euros for Cooperation with CERN and MIT
30.09.2021. 14.58 Ziņa
The Ministry of Education and Science has awarded one million euros for cooperation with the European Organization for Nuclear Research and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The funding comes from a programme of European Union funds. The aim of the cooperation is to promote the development of new technologies and the transfer of knowledge and excellence in Latvian research and higher education. It is planned that an international centre of excellence in education and innovation will be established in Latvia as part of the cooperation, so that any higher education institution in Latvia will be able to benefit from MIT support. The government decision provides for EU funding support of 300,000 euros for the implementation of the Action Plan of the Latvian National Contact Point of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). This provides for the participation of Latvian scientists and entrepreneurs in CERN experiments (CMS and MEDICIS) in 2021. The CMS experiment
FIT FORTHEM BOOTCAMP: FIT FOR EUROPEAN RESEARCH FUNDING - The Social Sciences and Humanities – Strongholds of the FORTHEM Alliance!
13.11.2021. 14.19 Ziņa
From November 22 until November 26, FIT FORTHEM is organizing a five daysbootcamp on the role of the Social Sciences and Humanities in European Research Funding. FIT FOR EUROPEAN RESEARCH FUNDING - The Social Sciences and Humanities – Strongholds of the FORTHEM Alliance! During thebootcamp, members of the alliance will discuss their experiences, and present successful applicants and their projects. We will try to identify and bring together common strongholds, and consider how to work together institutionally, nationally, and on the European stage for a stronger prioritization of research on societies in our innovation-oriented times, and in the context of mainly impact-oriented European funding schemes. You are curious and would like to know more and participate? Then take a look at our agenda and join us! Participation in ourbootcampis open to everyone interested in the topic – there is no need for registration. Just follow the links to the session in the agenda . Contact
The FORTHEM Alliance's Resilience, Life Quality and Demographic Change Lab second progress meeting on 17th of January. Register now!
10.01.2022. 15.27 Ziņa
The FORTHEM Alliance's Resilience, Life Quality and Demographic Change Lab warmly invites you to its second progress meeting to discuss the state of the Lab. The meeting will take place on 17th of January at 12:00 CET Progress meetings are an opportunity for FORTHEM Labs to take note of the progress of their developed outputs, where they are headed, and the overall current situation of the Lab. Progress meetings consist of an introductory session, presentations to the current state of Lab outputs, and collaborative work on shared best practices. Please note that the time slots are indicated in CET. If you are not a contributor of the Lab but are curious about its work, you are most welcome to attend the progress meeting as well. Please follow the link of registration to attend the event. You will receive the Zoom link to the event to your email after registration. We are looking forward to seeing you in the meeting. For more information and questions, please contact:
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