Atrasti 850 ieraksti
Postdoctoral Researcher job position
15.07.2021. 12.44 Ziņa
is available from 1 November 2021 Further information on research and working at NUI Galway is available on Research at NUI Galway . Researchers at NUI Galway are encouraged to avail of a range of training and development opportunities designed to support their personal career development plans. NUI Galway provides continuing professional development supports for all researchers seeking to build their own career pathways either within or beyond academia. Researchers are encouraged to engage with our Researcher Development Centre (RDC) upon commencing employment – see Researcher Development Centre webpage for further information. For information on moving to Ireland please see EURAXESS Ireland website . Further information about Geography is available at the Geography section of the NUI Galway website . Informal enquiries concerning the post may be made to Prof. Frances Fahy ( ). To apply: Applications must include covering letter, CVand the contact details
A Shelf Full of E-resources at the Library of the University of Latvia: Join Us at the Reading Room
01.11.2021. 09.20 Ziņa
period , E-resources A to Z and E-resources by discipline and in ULIS Mans portāls in the sections Datubāzes , Bibliotēkas and Studentiem un darbiniekiem (login with your ULIS login and password). You are kindly asked to use the search engine Primo which provides simultaneous search in all the resources of the Library of UL, trials included. Please take a chance to use the available e-resources and let us know your opinion! Your feedback would be useful to evaluate the necessity of theses e-resources for your study and research. Please send your feedback to or pass it here . Be safe and take care during the lockdown so we all can join the onsite studies and work soon!
Half-time for the FIT FORTHEM project
19.08.2022. 15.02 Ziņa
and innovation as well as the joint concepts for mutual access to existing research infrastructures, FIT FORTHEM is drafting a long-term strategic program to further professionalize research management processes and expand the alliance's science communication. All partners expect to increase their visibility and impact and they simultaneously aim to open up new career paths in science, research, and research management. Related links: FIT FORTHEM: Fostering Institutional Transformation of R&I Policies in European Universities ; FIT for Europe – The Podcast of FIT FORTHEM ; The FORTHEM Alliance Contact: Press and Public Relations Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz 55099 Mainz, GERMANY phone: +49 6131 39-22369 e-mail: Read more: Press release "European University Alliance FORTHEM welcomes new partners and strengthens its network with the university cities' administrations and chambers of commerce" (24 Sept. 2021) ; Press
05.09.2017. 18.44 Saturs
on abstract submission, please contact Conference Secretariat: Please read the submission guidelines before submitting the abstract. Guidelines for Preparation of Abstracts Only abstracts in clear English will be accepted. Please ensure that the abstract does not contain spelling, grammar or scientific errors and is of a quality suitable for publication. Greek characters or special symbols may be used. Please pay attention and check carefully the final text of the abstract before submission. Abstracts must be submitted online The presenting author must be listed as the first author and is required to ensure that all co-authors accept the content of the abstract before submission. The presenting author must be a registered participant. Please, ensure that the presenting author’s name on the abstract matches the name submitted for conference registration. Submitted abstracts should include un-published results. Abstracts must be submitted in Times New Roman font
Iepirkums LU CFI 2018/4/ERAF
10.07.2019. 14.53 Saturs
. Informācija par reģistrāciju EIS pieejama VRAA vai EIS mājas lapā: Deadline for submission of bids: March 5, 2018 (until 11:00 AM) Place for submission of bids: Electronical Procurement System's (EPS) E-tenders subsystem administered by the State Regional Development Agency (SRDA). Please note: in order to submit the bid in EPS, prior registration is necesary. Information about reģistration to EIS available in SRDA or EPS webpage: Unfortunately english version not available yet, therefore please in case you need ant assistance, please contact SRDA (e-mail: ) Please note that the institute is not responsible for registration and use of this EPS, but is obliged to organise procurements in it.
Transfer students
25.04.2022. 13.09 Saturs
for students in the respective study programme and in the respective study semester. For international degree students the visa and residence permits arrangement is under the responsibility of the Department of Study Services /Faculty of Medicine of the University of Latvia. Contact information for prospective students : Department of Study Services University of Latvia 19 Raina Blvd., Riga LV - 1586, Latvia Phone: +371 67034408 E-mail: Faculty of Medicine University of Latvia Senior Expert of Study Development Mr. Ivars Pēkainis E-mail: Faculty of Medicine Jelgavas Street 3 - 330, LV–1004
Russian Philology (sub-programme of academic program Philology)
25.04.2024. 15.09 Saturs
. As a part of the admission process applicants will be asked to participate in an online interview. Autumn Intake (application start: 2 Jan 2024; studies start in Sept 2024) Full-time Contact person for more information Director of the Programme Nataļja Šroma E-mail: Coordinator of the Programme Jeļena Sevastjanova E-mail: Phone: +371 67034914 Faculty of Humanities 4a Visvalža Street, Riga, LV-1050 The programme has been developed within the framework of the project "Design of Internationally Competitive Study Programmes Promoting the Development of the National Economy of Latvia at the University of Latvia" (project No. / 18 / A / 015).
Discussions about Cooperation between Universities and Entrepreneurs to Develop Regions
16.05.2011. 14.26 Ziņa
In order to find a more successful approach in boosting efficient cooperation between universities and entrepreneurs and share knowledge, on May 5 the 11th Baltic Seminar of University Administrators on University-Business Cooperation for Regional Development will be opened at the University of Latvia. Search for Effectiveness “The cooperation between entrepreneurs and universities is a topical issue. The management of universities is in a transition period all around Europe, also Latvia. The European countries share common discussion topics and problems related to this context. This meeting is a great opportunity for sharing experience and looking for new solutions to practical issues, as well as finding a new way to make this cooperation more efficient,” emphasized the UL Rector Marcis Auzins in his greeting speech. These questions are being actively solved also by our neighbour countries – Lithuania and Estonia. Like in any other country, also in Latvia economic growth depends
Biophotonics laboratory actively works remotely
09.06.2020. 17.13 Ziņa
of the magazine called for a response, and Dr. S.Kazune gave her answer published in March (10.21037 / atm.2020.03.101). ERAF postdoc project “Development of prototype devices for non-invasive skin condition assessment” (, research manager - Dr.phys. Edgars Kviesis-Kipge During the project we work on the development of non-contact photoplethysmography (iPPG) methods. The plan is to develop and test a compact and easy-to-use contactless photoplethysmography signal recording device, which operates in the infrared range (760 nm). The prototype device consists of 12 infrared LEDs connected in six groups of two diodes each. In March-April, various surface mounting LEDs were studied, as a result Roithner LaserTechnik 400mW radiation power was selected. The electronic circuit of the devicewith an intensity controler of the LEDs has been created. Different LED current regulators have been researched and a 1500mA high-efficiency voltage-reducing regulator from Texas
Valsts valodas politika un LU Humanitāro zinātņu fakultāte – paveiktais 2022.–2023. gadā
10.04.2024. 15.26 Ziņa
promocijas padomē sekmīgi tiek aizstāvētas izcilas disertācijas. Latvijas Republikā kopš 2021. gada darbojas Valsts valodas politikas pamatnostādņu 2021.–2027. gadam īstenošanas plāns 2022.–2023. gadam (pieejams: ). Plāna mērķis ir nodrošināt latviešu valodas kā vienīgās konstitucionāli noteiktās valsts valodas ilgtspēju, tās lietojumu visās sabiedrības darbības jomās, sekmējot valodas izpēti un valodas resursu attīstību un digitalizāciju, stiprinot sabiedrības līdzdalību un individuālo atbildību valsts valodas politikas īstenošanā. Atbilstoši Valsts valodas likumā (pieejams: ) norādītajam minētais virsmērķis īstenojams, nodrošinot arī vēsturiskā latviešu valodas paveida ‒ latgaliešu rakstu valodas ‒ attīstību un lībiešu valodas kā vienīgās pirmiedzīvotāju valodas Latvijā saglabāšanu. Kopš 2021. gada LU HZF tiek
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