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DOC 2019/Laserlab IV
11.04.2019. 19.15 Ziņa
The 15th International Young Scientist Conference “Developments in Optics and Communications DOC 2019” as well as the “Laserlab IV Nordic Training School for Potential Users” will take place in Riga, Latvia, from 11 to 12 April. The conference brings together students and young scientists that work in optics, photonics and fields related to them, to share their ideas and scientific challenges and to create meaningful connections in the scientific community. This year, DOC continues an established tradition and cooperates with Laserlab. Graduate and postgraduate students with interest in laser physics are invited to register for Laserlab Training School, acquiring a hands-on experience in one of the three laser physics laboratories at the University of Latvia. More information is available at the website as well as Facebook page
Welcome to the Faculty of Humanities!
25.06.2020. 14.43 Ziņa
We would like to extend a very warm welcome to the Faculty of Humanities. We are delighted that you have already become a member of our diverse academic community or that you are considering joining us. Whether it is your first degree or a postgraduate degree, we welcome your interest in choosing to study languages, culture and literature at the Faculty of Humanities, as their excellent command will help you boost your future career options and open many doors at various institutions in Latvia and abroad. Depending on where your interests and competencies lie, you may wish to become a linguist, literary scholar, folklorist, translator, interpreter, editor, anthropologist or theatre scholar. We are proud of our large student community - nearly 1000 domestic and international students have chosen our faculty as their alma mater . Besides, the faculty hosts students from all over the world who join various study courses to enhance their academic experience through Erasmus+ or other
Vivere Ateneo
02.06.2021. 20.35 Saturs
About Vivere Ateneo is a student association whose main objective is to guarantee educational support to the students of the University of Palermo and their representation in all the bodies of the University. In addition, the association offers future students preparation courses, totally free of charge, to the entrance tests for degrees that require it. General contact : Giuseppe Liotta Different association's sections Vivere Scienze Politiche , contact: Davide Vinci . Vivere Lettere , contact: Lucia Martorana . Vivere Giurisprudenza , contact: Marina Maddalena . Vivere Economia , contact: Alessia Rocca .
Studiju pārtraukumi
11.01.2022. 23.42 Saturs
Students ir tiesīgs uz laiku pārtraukt studijas (izmantot akadēmisko atvaļinājumu), saglabājot studējošā statusu. Studiju pārtraukšanas kārtību reglamentē LU Senāta apstiprinātaStudiju pārtraukšanas kārtība LU. Lai noformētu studiju pārtraukumu, students līdz semestra reģistrācijas nedēļas beigām iesniedz dekānam vai viņa pilnvarotai personai rakstveida iesniegumu. Studiju pārtraukumu grūtniecības un dzemdību, bērna kopšanas atvaļinājuma vai slimības dēļ var pieprasīt arī semestra laikā. Studiju pārtraukuma ilgums – divi semestri. Kopējais studiju pārtraukuma ilgums doktora un rezidentūras programmās studējošajiem nedrīkst pārsniegt divus gadus. Studiju pārtraukuma laikā studiju maksa nav jāmaksā, un students nesaņem stipendiju. Lai turpinātu studijas pēc studiju pārtraukuma, students reģistrācijas nedēļas laikā reģistrējas atbilstoši semestra studijām un studiju kursu apguvei un slēdzpapildvienošanos pie Līguma par studijām Latvijas Universitātēpar izmaiņām studiju maksā un
14th International Week of Professors “INTERNATIONALIZATION AND FUTURE” 22nd International Students' Research Conference May 15 – 19, 2023 “ENLIGHTEN THE FUTURE WITH YOUR CONTRIBUTION”
09.05.2023. 14.54 Ziņa
and Mārupe Gymnasium. Location: Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art, University of Latvia (Imantas 7. līnija 1) and Zoom: Meeting ID: 717 6374 5056 Passcode: 9ue9nM Participants of the conference: undergraduate, professional, master's, doctoral students, high school students and teaching staff. Information about the conference: and The conference programme can be found here:
Tiesību zinātņu student – piesakies tiesas procesa izspēlei cilvēktiesībās 2024!
13.02.2024. 13.02 Ziņa
students kādā no Latvijas augstskolām vai koledžām, no 13.februāra līdz 5.martam izveido un piesaki savu komandu dalībai tiesas procesa izspēlē cilvēktiesībās. Komandas pieteikumā norādi: mācību iestādi, katra dalībnieka vārdu, uzvārdu, tālruņa numuru un e-pasta adresi, kā arī komandas kapteini. Iesūtot rakstisko pozīciju, norādi komandas devīzi – to turpmāk izmantos kā komandas vienīgo identifikācijas zīmi. Pieteikuma anketu google aptaujas formā iesniedz līdz 5. martam! Rakstiskais darbs jāiesniedz līdz 14. aprīlim, savukārt 27. aprīlī Tiesībsarga biroja telpās notiks mutvārdu izspēle, bet tās fināls, kā ierasts, Satversmes tiesas zālē. Apbalvošanas pasākums risināsies Tiesībsarga birojā. Informācijai Visa svarīgā informācija par izspēli – nolikums, pieteikuma anketa un daudzi noderīgi palīgmateriāli atrodami tiesībsarga mājaslapā Seko līdzi jaunumiem arī tiesībsarga Facebook kontā. Jautājumus sūti uz e-pastu Tiekamies tiesas izspēlē!
Reinventing the future - save the date for the University of Latvia festival Icebreakers'21
14.04.2021. 19.20 Ziņa
, Head of the University of Latvia (LU) Student Business Incubator. The central event or the culmination of the festival is the business idea pitch competition, where students will have the opportunity to receive 10,000 EUR for the development of their business ideas by presenting them to a jury of experts. An online registration will be announced soon in order to plan, get involved and learn about event activities and a more detailed program in advance. Registration will be free for all attendees. The festival will bring together students, young entrepreneurs, researchers, business experts and enthusiasts from the Baltics to discuss potential business opportunities, available support tools for starting a business and creating innovations. Thus, it is planned to promote university cooperation, as well as provide information to students about opportunities to form not only interdisciplinary teams within one university, but also inter-university teams, as well as opportunities to use
Five Latvian universities are implementing a digitalization initiative to improve the quality of studies
21.11.2022. 12.27 Ziņa
technology companies - SIA "Tilde", SIA "Baltijas computer academy", SIA "Datorzinību centrs" - which have more than twenty years of experience experience in the development of digital competences. "Digital transformation affects every sector, including higher education. What are the digital skills that today's and tomorrow's student need, what are the technologies that motivate and help in studies? These are just some of the questions to which we will jointly look for the answers in the project, in order to ensure continuous improvement of digital skills for students and support for teaching staff in the process of digitalization of studies," emphasizes professor Signe Bāliņa, adviser to the rector of the University of Latvia on digital society issues. The development and improvement of digital skills content and appropriate methodology is planned during the project; integration of innovative digital technological solutions in the study process; adaptation and piloting of a digital skills
Teachers and scientists learn about modelling approach to education from US guest professor
02.02.2023. 07.56 Ziņa
If someone glanced into the auditorium 702 in the House of Nature on 18 and 19 January, he would be presented with an unusual scene. Teachers side-by-side with university professors pretending they are students in a classroom: doing experiments with mirrors and pendulums, writing something on a small whiteboard, presenting results in front of the audience, making mistakes, arguing, asking questions, erasing, drawing again, watching and doing more experiments. It turns out that was a workshop on Modelling Approach to Physics Education conducted by Dr. Mark Lattery from UW Oshkosh (US). The essence of this approach is: "If we want to teach students how to do science, we must recreate the process of scientific discovery in the classroom as early as possible." The topics covered reflected the broad spectrum of participant interest and breadth of modelling approach: from techniques to make students comfortable when speaking in front of a classroom to philosophical ideas of what
Towards European Quality
21.06.2011. 16.00 Ziņa
of Computing Towards a European Quality Label On April 19, 2011 the Faculty also submitted an application to the EQANIE for the award of the Euro-Inf Quality Label for Bachelor and Master’s degree Informatics programmes.“The Euro-Inf Quality Label was introduced quite recently and until now only two German Universities have received it. This new Quality Label is used to describe the performance level and serves as the European quality assurance. In other words, it is the recognition by competent authorities – professors and economic professionals of the European level – that the programme fulfils all the defined requirements,” said Juris Borzovs, Dean of the Faculty.To assess whether the study programme is of high quality, procedural principles for the accreditation of degree programmes are developed, so the experts could evaluate how well students are prepared to meet the European standards. As regards the criteria by which Informatics programmes are reviewed, Juris Borzovs said
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