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University of Latvia participates at the Interreg Europe project "BRESE" supporting social enterprises in European regions
29.01.2020. 13.51 Ziņa
European border regions with each other. In doing so, the project will also identify best practices and their potential for transfer. At the end of the BRESE project, five regional action plans with concrete measures and recommendations on how to improve regional policy instruments with regards to social enterprises will be developed and implemented in the second project phase. The results of the project will be disseminated at European level and will provide input for other European regions on how regional funding instruments could be better adapted to the needs of social enterprises. If you need any further information, please, visit the project website: or contact the University of Latvia Project Manager Dr. Zane Zeibote ( , +371 29417214).
Dr. Anders Åslund public lecture "WHAT TO EXPECT FROM RUSSIA WHEN PUTIN IS BACK?", 10 May 2012
16.08.2020. 23.06 Ziņa
, and he has emphasized that the Baltic States can serve as a model for other European countries in overcoming the financial and economic crisis, and sustaining economic growth. For more information, please, contact directly Mrs. Zane Zeibote, Project Manager at the Centre for European and Transition Studies (CETS), University of Latvia – mobile: (+371) 29417214; e-mail: ). Everybody is kindly welcome to attend the lecture!
Roundtable Discussions on EU relations with Eastern Partnership countries and Canada
16.08.2020. 23.11 Ziņa
and socio-economic reforms in the Partner Countries, facilitating their approximation and convergence towards the EU. It implies the Association Agreements, including the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreements, allowing for the Eastern Partnership countries’ political association and economic integration with the EU. The Eastern Partnership also promotes democracy and good governance, strengthens the energy security sector reform and environment protection, encourage people to people contacts, support economic and social development and offer additional funding for projects to reduce socio-economic imbalances and increase stability. Currently, the EU together with the Eastern Partnership countries elaborates the Road Map of the Eastern Partnership in order to implement commitments adopted at the Eastern Partnership Summit in Warsaw last September. This Road Map will include objectives, concrete commitments and specific steps to be taken until the next Eastern Partnership Summit
As the borders open, IAPS scientists go to Poland to work with partners
19.08.2020. 15.23 Ziņa
In July, three IAPS employees went to partner “ NANO PRIME ” of the project “Creation and Development of a Nanostructural Surface for the Production of Dental Implants” (contract no. 777926-NanoSurf-H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017) in Debica, Poland. Glassblower and engineer Aleksandrs Kapralovs worked on a previously self-developed Plasma device - improving of the plasma electrooxidation process and updating device settings. This equipment is used for sample processing. Accordingly, sample quality control was performed by measuring the contact angle and analyzing the results. Aleksandrs Kapralovs also made improvements to the self-created electrospinning machine. Laboratory assistant Roberts Berkis worked on creating and processing various samples in cooperation with "NANO PRIME" chemists. Various silver, ZnO, Cu solutions and samples / surfaces were developed for plasma electrooxidation. Working with Alexander Kapralov, he was involved in the preparation of chitosan and PLA
Redzes zinātnes doktorantūras skola aicina uz lekciju “Priekšējā segmenta optiskās koherences tomogrāfijas pielietojums”
07.01.2021. 19.09 Ziņa
. Redzes zinātnes doktorantūras skolas lekcija notiks angļu valodā. Lai pieteiktos, jāaizpilda anketa: Papildu informācija: Vairāk par Redzes zinātnes doktorantūras skolu ENG Topic: Application of Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography” Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is high-resolution, digital imaging. Lecture will overview basic optical principles, domains, and modalities, as well as the latest developments in this field. The lecture will present analysis of different scan patterns and segmentation algorithms used in OCT technology. The scope of lecture will be on the anterior segment OCT (AS-OCT). AS-OCT is used to evaluate cornea, iris, and anterior chamber angle measurements, with additional use of tear meniscus measurements and scleral contact lens fitting. Participants will be introduced with comparison of different commercial OCT systems and with advances of OCT usage in optometric practice among other diagnostic devices
An essay competition for youth is announced on the contribution of Gustavs Zemgals and his contemporaries to Latvia
16.11.2021. 12.46 Ziņa
;AstrīdaBurbicka, head of department of education and communication in LNVM. The results of essay competition will be announced in LNVM website by 28thFebruary 2022. LNVM will personally contact 1st, 2ndand 3rdplace winners. If epidemiological situation will be safe, inmayof 2020 LNVM will host a live event for every essay competition participant. Competition regulations and more information can be found on website of museum
FIT FORTHEM workshops: Networks in (post)-Covid times – a major challenge, opportunity or burden? Establishing and maintaining intercultural, inter- trans- and multidisciplinary, and intersectoral networks
22.03.2022. 14.44 Ziņa
-defined. In addition, the pandemic made any personal meeting and direct exchange difficult. Working in the virtual world became the norm and still defines our lives. FORTHEM Labs have been telling success stories so far, but how was success achieved? These are the questions we want to explore during the workshop. Content Together with the FORTHEM Labs, we want to discuss the following questions 1) What is the self-perception of the Labs with regard to the above-mentioned conditions? 2) Are multidisciplinary approaches always the key to success in solving societal challenges? 3) What strategies to follow in recruiting participants from all relevant stakeholder-groups? 4) Types of collaboration and co-creation activities developed to interact with the non-academic partners and the socio-economic environment? Importance of Open and Citizens Science approaches? 5) Which are the most relevant intercultural competencies, and soft skills especially students and early stage researchers need
“Spotlight” summer school launches on place attachment and identity through visual methods
21.09.2022. 15.46 Ziņa
Students from all over Europe will be shooting in Opole"Spotlight - Audiovisual capturing of dynamics of place attachment and identity in Central European borderlands", a one week long summer school on documentary filmmaking in social sciences, is taking place in Opole, between 11th-17th September 2022. The intensive program offers a strong theoretical basis and practical skill training for university students. The organizers planned activities designed to empower the participants with audiovisual skills, which they can use both as a research method and as a dissemination of their research results. Twelve participants were selected from seven countries with diverse educational backgrounds (Arts, Humanities, Social sciences) and skill sets. They will work in groups and create 5-10 minutes’ long audiovisual etudes in collaboration with the citizens of Opole, and with experts working in local institutions. Any citizen of Opole is kindly welcome to contribute to their work: if you have
23.02.2023. 12.19 Ziņa
the early 2000s, however, Ukraine has increasingly followed the example of the Baltic states and actively sought Euro-Atlantic integration, finding, unsurprisingly, its most ardent supporters on the Baltic coast. Russian aggression against Ukraine in 2014 and again in 2022 brought Ukraine and the Baltics even closer. This symposium brings together leading scholars and practitioners of international relations to discuss the diverging and converging paths in the past, present and future of Ukraine and the Baltic. Regarding participation in the symposium as a listener, please contact asoc. prof. Toms Rostoks ( by March 3rd 5PM.
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