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Redzes zinātnes doktorantūras skola aicina uz lekciju "Ortokeratoloģija - pielietojumi redzes korekcijā un miopijas kontrolē"
26.11.2020. 12.15 Ziņa
ātrumu, - sākot ar nepietiekamas korekcijas veikšanu līdz briļļu korekcijas izmantošanai, mīksto kontaktlēcu valkāšanai un beidzot ar farmakoloģisko ārstēšanu. Īpaša uzmanība tiks pievērsta oftalmiskajām lēcām un mīkstajām kontaktlēcām, kuru darbības pamatā ir perifērais miopiskais defokuss, un, protams, ortokeratoloģijai. Redzes zinātnes doktorantūras skolas lekcija notiks tiešsaistē angļu valodā. Lai pieteiktos, jāaizpilda anketa: Papildu informācija: Vairāk par Redzes zinātnes doktorantūras skolu ENG The lecture will introduce the audience to Orthokeratology, a non-surgical rigid gas-permeable contact lens fitting technique used to correct refractive errors such as myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. This technique is also known as Corneal Refractive Therapy (CRT), and it is performed while wearing contact lenses overnight. At the morning, patients remove Ortho-K lenses and can see clearly without spectacles or conventional contact lenses
28.10.2019. 23.20 Saturs
Ar personas datu aizsardzības nosacījumiemvarat iepazīties šeit You can read the personal data processing policy here Ja rodas kādi jautājumi, droši sazinieties ar mums e-pastā If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at Lai atteiktos no dalības Alumni programmā, sazinieties ar mums e-pastā To unsubscribe from the Alumni Program, contact us at
Exchange of Positive Experience
13.10.2010. 15.31 Ziņa
International Relations Department. The money we had was enough. We managed to save even for short or long excursions every weekend or for going out. All foreign students stuck together. We also made friends with German students as the time passed. There were many and different entertainment events: masquerade, club nights, poetry evenings, cinema, home parties, sport events, excursions, etc.Main benefits undoubtedly are new contacts in Europe, Asia, North-America and invitations for visits. Lecturers offered practice opportunities in other countries and I became acquainted with a different culture and life in an economically developed country. There are no problems with credit point adjustment, only a little bit inconvenient is with marks as in Germany they are given in March, and in my case they are needed earlier as this is my last study year.” Immanuel Benz , student of political sciences from Johannes Gutenberg-Universität in Mainz, Germany, studied one term at UL.„I had been in Latvia
Thesis work topics available
21.12.2021. 18.56 Ziņa
Don't wait for the last semester! The Institute of Chemical Physics invites students to apply for bachelor's and master's theses work. For detailed information please contact Prof. Donāts Erts by email .
Vēsture. 764. sējums
29.11.2012. 18.05 Saturs
History, Volume 764 Skatīt PDF (MB) Satura rādītājs / Content Priekšvārds I. Arheoloģiskie pētījumi par sabiedrību un kultūru Latvijas teritorijā no bronzas laikmeta līdz jaunajiem laikiem Andrejs Vasks Sakari un maiņa bronzas laikmetā Latvijas teritorijā Contacts and Exchange in the Bronze Age in Territory ofLatvia Artūrs Tomsons Karadraudzes vai karotāji: militārās struktūras Latvijas teritorijā vēlajā dzelzs laikmetā Retinues or Warriors: Military Structures in the Territory of Latvia during the Late Iron Age Rūdolfs Brūzis Šķēpu, cirvju un dunču korelācija Latvijas 14.–16. gs. arheoloģiskajā materiālā Correlation between Spears, Axes and Daggers in Latvia’s Archaeological Material of the 14–16th Century Armands Vijups Pilsēta zem smiltīm: arheoloģiskās liecības par Ventspils pilsētas senākās daļas aizputināšanu ar smiltīm 17.gadsimtā Town under the Sand: Archaeological Evidence of the Inundation of the Oldest Part of the Town of Ventspils with Wind-blown Sand
About conference
12.04.2019. 17.34 Saturs
International Conference NEW CHALLENGES OF ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT – 2013, May 09 – 11, 2013, Riga, University of Latvia Conference is organised by University of Latvia, Faculty of Economics and Management in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association Institut CEDIMES – Lettonie Econometrists Association of Latvia Professional Association of Project Managers Latvian Information and Communications Technology Association Association of Statisticians of Latvia Baltic Sea Region University Network (BSRUN) The aim of the conference is to discuss results of scientific research in economic and management issues, to establish new contacts and develop research cooperation. The work of the conference will be organised in opening plenary session, parallel sessions, poster sessions and concluding plenary session. Competition for the best doctoral student poster/presentation in each session will be organised and winners will be congratulated
Contact Us
23.01.2022. 23.30 Saturs
The database isis not yet complete, many columns of the personal cards are still empty and the fate of many Latvian Jews remains to be established. We would therefore be grateful for any help, whether you haveinformation on the fate of your relatives, or have some photos of these people. You can contact us at If you need help with searching in the database, please send us an email. IMPORTANT. The Center for Judaic Studies doesn’t perform family history research. Please contact the Latvian State Historical Archives for more information about your family.
UL Recommendations During Spread of “COVID-19”
13.03.2020. 16.12 Ziņa
public places at all or to do so only in cases of extreme necessity; 2. To wash hands with soap and to do it frequently, thoroughly, for at least 20 seconds. It is especially important to wash hands when returning home after visiting public places, after sneezing and coughing, after contact with patients or their surroundings, after the toilet, before eating and in other cases; 3. To adhere to a distance of two metres from other people or social distancing in cases when it is, after all, necessary to leave home. The disease manifests itself in a variety of ways, but the most common symptoms include: 1. high body temperature (fever); 2. fatigue; 3. dry cough. Other symptoms: • shortness of breath (possible tightness in the chest); • muscle pain; • sore, painful throat; • seldom – diarrhea, nausea and runny nose. These symptoms are usually mild and start gradually. There are also cases when people become infected but do not show any symptoms of the disease. Most people (about
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