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LU studentu vidū konstatētie 2 Covid-19 saslimšanas gadījumi tiek kontrolēti
06.10.2020. 18.43 Ziņa
starp studentiem, kuriem nav paredzētas kopīgas nodarbības. Kopumā Covid-19 gadījumi pēdējos mēnešos konstatēti pieciem cilvēkiem, kas studē LU un atradušies LU telpās, no kuriem trīs šobrīd ir aktuāli. Visu gadījumos inficēšanās notikusi ārpus Universitātes. Atgādinām, ka LU ir centralizējusi par Covid-19 saslimušo informācijas nodošanu Universitātei, lai iespējami operatīvāk varētu veikt visus drošības pasākumus. Gadījumā, ja LU students vai darbinieks ir inficējies ar Covid-19 un atradies LU telpās, nepieciešams par to paziņot, zvanot pa tālruni 26189898 vai rakstot uz e-pastu Latvijas Universitāte šādos gadījumos aktīvi sadarbojas ar SPKC. Savlaicīgs ziņojums no saslimušajiem ļauj reaģēt operatīvāk uz pārējo LU studentu un darbinieku informēšanu un papildu drošības darbību veikšanu. LU aicina ikdienā sekot līdzi savam veselības stāvoklim, regulāri mazgāt un dezinficēt rokas, neatrasties LU telpās ar akūtas elpceļu infekcijas slimības pazīmēm vai karantīnas
Latvijas Universitātes Studentu teātris aicina uz izrādi "Astoņas mīlošas sievietes"
03.12.2018. 17.15 Ziņa
Robēra Tomā “Astoņas mīlošas sievietes” ir stāsts par astoņām pavisam atšķirīgām sievietēm, kuras vieno viens vīrietis – tēvs, vīrs, brālis, znots, draugs, mīļākais, svainis, saimnieks. Kādā attālā Francijas provincē, savu greznību nokalpojušā, vecā mājā ir sapulcējušās astoņas sievietes. Rutīnas nogurdinātas un savu savtīgo interešu pārņemtas, viņas nenojauš, ka rūpīgi glabātie noslēpumi nāks gaismā…Kas katrai no viņām ir slēpjams? Un kura no visām astoņām ir vainīgā?Kriminālkomēdija divos cēlienos.Režisors – Visvaldis Klintsons. 19.decembrī plkst. 19.00 .LU Humanitāro zinātņu fakultātē, Visvalža ielā 4a.Ieeja par
Participation in conferences
21.03.2022. 14.29 Ziņa
During the project individual steps of the vision screening method are developed, tested and reflected in two conferences - the 80th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia Human Physiology and Perception section on February 11, 2022, and University of Latvia Optometry and Visions Science Department and Latvian Association of Optometrists and Opticians (LOOA) conference on 13 February 2022. Researchers and involved students performed outstanding work to get the first measurements and understand the nuances of proposed screening method, as also to provide the roadmap to develop norms of screening method. Due to restrictions on organizing public events in the country, both events took place on a zoom platform, which allowed a wide range of specialists, students and other interested parties to connect from remote locations of Latvia and learn not only about the vision screening project, but also learn more on other research topics in the Department of Optometry
Digital Academy course on "Research Methodology for Exploring Digital Transformation"
15.09.2022. 18.30 Ziņa
The Digital Academy offers a new course aimed for MA and Ph.D. students . The course is focused on what research activity means, how a research process is structured, and the most common research methodologies applied in digital transformation contexts .This course was developed by the University of Palermo (ITALY), the University of Mainz (GERMANY), and the University of Valencia (SPAIN) and it is divided into 8 modules. On successful completion of the modules, the students are expected to acquire the following competencies: - Acknowledgment of the need for a rigorous approach through the application of different research methods. - Knowledge of the main research methodologies for exploring digital innovation; - Ability to identify the suitable research method for given research; - Ability to perform an ICT-based assessment; - Understanding of research applications for AI-powered solutions in Healthcare; - Understanding the advantages and limits of each
Dr.phys. Andris Anspoks to head the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia
02.11.2021. 22.06 Ziņa
. For this purpose, the MATERIZE platform has already been established. Its team works with industry partner engagement, innovation development, technology transfer, including patent management, making a significant contribution to the implementation of the goal. The attraction and mobility of students, especially doctoral students and young researchers, has a significant role in ensuring the sustainable development of the Institute and provides the opportunity for the students to become acquainted with the work of other institutions - leaders in their fields. Equally important is the flow of foreign students and postdoctoral students to the ISSP UL, the career development of employees, as well as the perfection of staff development processes. The new director plans to strengthen cooperation with the largest Latvian universities – University of Latvia and Riga Technical University, which would provide an opportunity to educate the new generation of students, offering ISSP UL’s scientific competence
8. Myopia: a visual problem on the rise. Prevention and dissemination to society
13.10.2022. 15.48 Saturs
Short description : This programme proposes to carry out a week of activities that allow students to know the causes and consequences of myopia. Students can exchange knowledge with colleagues from other universities, know the state of optometry in different countries, and, above all, develop communicative skills with dissemination to society of myopia prevention guidelines. For more information, download the programme . Organiser : Universitat de València, Spain Location of the mobility : Faculty of Physics, Burjassot Campus of the University of Valencia, Spain Programme dates : 03.07.2023 – 07.07.2023 Type of mobility : physical Type of scholarship : FORTHEM scholarship
Submission Form: PROPOSALS for Civic Engagement Projects
24.06.2021. 15.09 Saturs
This submission form is aimed at FORTHEM Alliance students and student’ associations as well as to external organisations wishing to implement a civic engagement projects and are looking for people to join their project proposal. We will publish on our website information about your project so students or associations interested in your proposal can contact you and join your team. Processing of personal data The FORTHEM alliance has adopted a GDPR notice for managing personal data within the alliance. As you will give some personal details when filling in the application form, your data will be handled according to the GDPR notice. If you have any questions about your data subject rights, you can contact the data controller mentioned in the GDPR notice.
Imagination in the Creative Self-Expression of Students in Secondary School Literature Classes
03.11.2021. 22.20 Saturs
of thinking; the role of imagination in creative self-expression and self-experience of students; creative exercises in secondary school literature classes as imagination stimulators. In the learning process related to artistic cognition, connection between scientific and artistically directed cognitive activity is relevant because the development of a free and creative personality requires linking of critical thinking, imagination and emotional attitudes, which in turn forms creative self-experience of students, the ability to use knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired in the learning process of diverse life situations. Creative problem tasks in Literature classes are one of the pedagogical means to encourage students to look for connections between different science fields, topics, facts, events, objects, phenomena, images and draw independent take-aways and conclusions, as well as encourage students to express themselves creatively. The research methods: literature analysis, content
LU fonda stipendijas 2019./2020. akadēmiskajā gadā saņem astoņi LU FMOF studenti
07.11.2019. 18.18 Ziņa
Šogad Latvijas Universitātes (LU) fonda administrētās LU mecenātu stipendijas saņēmuši teju 100 LU studenti, starp kuriem arī astoņi LU Fizikas, matemātikas un optometrijas fakultātē (FMOF) studējošie, pārstāvot visas trīs fakultātes nodaļas. Fizmatiem piešķirtas piecas dažādas stipendijas, no kurām trīs ir dažādu mecenātu Ceļamaizes stipendijas. Izcilības stipendiju optometrijā saņēma profesionālās maģistra studiju programmas Optometrija 2. kursa studente Polīna Vinogradova . Stipendija izveidota 2019. gadā pēc LU FMOF Optometrijas un redzes zinātnes nodaļas (ORZN) līdzdibinātāja un ilggadējā vadītāja, bijušā LU rektora (2000-2007), LU fonda valdes priekšsēdētāja prof. emer. Ivara Lāča iniciatīvas, aicinot ziedot kampaņai par godu viņa 70 gadu jubilejai. Stipendijas mērķis ir atbalstīt talantīgākos LU FMOF profesionālās maģistra studiju programmas Optometrija studentus, dodot iespēju topošajiem speciālistiem sekmīgi pilnveidoties gan akadēmiskajā, gan profesionālajā
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