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First Receiver of the Doctoral Degree!
08.07.2013. 19.11 Ziņa
In 2010 the Faculty of Economics and Management of the UL started a cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences in Kufstein (Austria) in doctoral studies. A separate module named Global Management and Leadership was created for the training of foreign students in the frame of doctoral studies program in Management. First students, mainly from Austria and Germany, began their studies in spring 2011. On June 28th, after intensive studies in an intellectually and emotionally dense atmosphere, the first doctoral student has received the doctor`s degree in Management Science, subfield Business Management. Andreas Michael Giesa defended the thesis „Determinants of Team Performance in Business Organizations”. The satisfaction of a job well done is not only expressed by the grade`s achiever but also by all of the people involved in this process: scientific supervisor prof.I.Vorončuka, the Department of International Economics and Business, reviewers and partners of cooperation
Academic information
08.10.2020. 17.14 Saturs
field of study. Theoretical examinations are held in a written or oral form. In some fields e.g. in medicine, practical examinations are important. Students are examined by a single examiner or by an examination board. If the student is successful in all the examinations of the session, he/she is allowed to continue the following semester. An examination board chaired by an outstanding academic or a professional person from outside the institution conducts the final examinations. In some cases, especially if the programme prepares an individual for work in a regulated profession, the final examinations may be arranged as State examinations. Marking System In Latvia's higher education a ten-point grading system prevails, where 10 is the maximum and 4 is the pass mark (In some cases where studies lead to a qualification in a regulated profession, e.g. in medical specialties, the universities may consider mark 4 as a failure). Explanation of the grading system and approximate comparison
Remote Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic for Students with Learning Disabilities
03.11.2021. 22.05 Saturs
Remote Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic for Students with Learning Disabilities: Challenges and Opportunities [PDF] Egija Laganovska University of Latvia, Latvia Abstract: The situation in general education in Latvia has changed since the spring semester of 2020. On the 13 th of March 2020 Latvia temporarily introduced remote training at all stages of education. The government regularly monitored the spread of the COVID-19 virus and the number of infections, so restrictions in different areas have changed frequently. Educational institutions for students of 1 st –12 th grade (ages 6–17) in the 2020/2021 school year worked under fluctuating circumstances, and most of the learning process took place remotely. For most of the 2020/2021 school year, teaching and learning were thus largely based on technology and online teaching. The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on various aspects of life, such as the economy, education, and social life. This time has led to challenges
LU SZF trīs gadu pieredze: Eiropas studijas Ukrainas studentiem
02.10.2017. 16.25 Ziņa
No 2015. gada Latvijas Universitāte Sociālo Zinātņu fakultātes Politikas zinātnes nodaļa un Latvijas Republikas Ārlietu ministrija – Attīstības sadarbības politikas ietvaros organizē Eiropas studiju programmu - Pavasara skola Eiropas Savienības studijas – iekšpolitika un ārpolitika. No 2015. gadu Latvijas Universitāte Sociālo Zinātņu fakultātes Politikas zinātnes nodaļa un Latvijas Republikas Ārlietu ministrija – Attīstības sadarbības politikas ietvaros organizē Eiropas studiju programmu - Pavasara skola Eiropas Savienības studijas – iekšpolitika un ārpolitika. Trīs gadu laikā programmu ir absolvējuši 45 studenti no Jarasolava Gudrā Universitātes (Poltava), O. Gončara Dņipro Nacionālās Universitātes (Dņipro), Ivana Franko Ļvivas Nacionālās Universitātes (Ļviva), O. Menščikova Nacionālās Univeristātes (Odesa) un viens students no Ziemeļķīnas Zinātņu un tehnoloģiju institūta (Pekina). Visu trīs gadu garumā studentiem bija ļoti intensīvs mācību process, kas iekļāva dažādu Eiropas
01.06.2023. 15.57 Saturs | 734-752 | PDF | © University of Latvia, 2023 Promoting Ocean Literacy and Combating Chemical Pollution via Marine Education in Taiwan Nethusari S. Rajapakse International Bilingual School at Tainan Science Park, Taiwan Abstract. In the rapidly industrializing world of the 21st century, the many negative environmental impacts of modern-day human practices are becoming substantially more evident. One such problem not brought into considerable focus is chemical pollution in the oceans. As Taiwan is an island that relies heavily on the surrounding ocean for many economic practices, the harms and preventive measures of ocean chemical pollution must be discussed forthwith. This paper aims to conduct an analysis on the current scientific literature published on the topic of ocean chemical pollution and its various impacts specifically on Taiwan’s oceans but also aims to conduct a study on Taiwanese university students to investigate the role
Fun facts
12.04.2021. 21.17 Saturs
The main building of the UL has a historical designated lock-up or detention room to incarcerate students as a punishment. It is the oldest and the most authentic punishment cell in Baltic States which was actively used from 1869 to 1903. The students have left writings in 6 different languages: Polish, German, Russian, French, Latin, and Latvian. One could get incarcerated for not giving back books to the library on time.
A total of 2 949 EUR donated at the “For a Free Ukraine” concert
25.03.2022. 11.16 Ziņa
On the 11th of March, at the University of Latvia (UL) Aula Magna, a concert“For a Free Ukraine” took place to express the University of Latvia's support for Ukrainian people - students and researchers who study at the UL and are cooperating with researchers of the UL. It was possible to make donations at the concert, which were administered by the University of Latvia Foundation. The donations could be madein person (by cash or payment card) and by callingthe donation telephone numbers as well as on the webpage. A total amount of 2 949 EUR was donated. These donations will help support students from Ukraine studying at the UL by applying tuition fee discounts as well as allowing for them to stay free of charge at the UL student hotels and ensuring psychological support. Furthermore, support will be given to researchers from Ukraine who have come to Latvia to collaborate with the UL research groups allowing them and their families to stay here longer. It is still
Janis Liepins gives speech in annual international life science conference (COINS) in Vilnius
20.03.2017. 14.45 Ziņa
Dr. biol. Janis Liepins, was invited speaker in international life science conference COINS 2017 (28.02 – 2.03, 2017, Vilnius University, Lithuania).In his speech “Purine auxotrophic starvation in budding yeast”, Janis introduced conference participants to the work and results of UL IMB Yeast Nutritional group. The Coins 2017 is the 12th international conference of life sciences, organised by the Vilnius University Students Representation. The event gathers not only students and scholars, but also various people working in the life science field. This conference invites everyone to discuss, learn and share their scientific experience, find new partners, meet key experts and enjoy an exciting programme.
LU studenti „Instagram” atbild uz vairākiem simtiem jautājumu par un ap studijām
04.03.2021. 15.51 Ziņa
Februāra noslēguma nedēļā studētgribētāji bija aicināti uzdot jautājumus sociālajā tīklā „Instagram” un saņemt uz tiem atbildes tiešsaistē no LU studentiem. Pasākumā piedalījās gan LU centrālais konts, gan visu LU fakultāšu konti. Nedēļas laikā atbildēts uz vairākiem simtiem jautājumu par un ap studijām, ārpusstudiju aktivitātēm, sadzīvi kopmītnēs un visu citu, kas jāzina kārtīgam topošajam studentam. LU "Instagram" kontā atbildes sniedza LU Sociālo zinātņu fakultātes Komunikācijas zinātnes 2. kursa studente Elīna Krēmere, LU Fizikas, matemātikas un optometrijas fakultātes Fizikas 2. kursa students Andis Poļaks un studiju programmas "Dabaszinātņu un IT skolotājs" 4. kursa studente Andra Annemarija Krūmiņa. Šogad pasākumā piedalījās arī visas 13 LU fakultātes, izvirzot studentus, kas vislabāk spēja atbildēt par studiju iespējām un konkrētām studiju programmām katrā fakultātē. LU centrālajā kontā Elīna, Andis un Andra atbildēja uz visdažādākajiem jautājumiem, kas saistīti par un ap
Krievu filoloģijas studenti gūst panākumus starptautiskā jaunatnes forumā Pleskavā
23.10.2019. 14.15 Ziņa
No Pleskavas (Krievija) ar priecīgām emocijām atgriezušies Krievu filoloģijas bakalaura studiju programmas studenti – viņi guvuši panākumus starptautiskajā jaunatnes projektu iniciatīvu forumā "Mantinieki", ko oktobra vidū organizēja Pleskavas Valsts universitāte. Kā viņiem gāja forumā, stāsta jaunieši paši. No 16. līdz 19. oktobrim mēs, 2. kursa studenti – Gatis Krēgers, Anastasija Guseva, Anna Dubroviča un Vasilijs Karasjovs, atsaucoties Pleskavas Valsts universitātes aicinājumam, piedalījāmies VII Starptautiskajā jaunatnes projektu iniciatīvu forumā "Mantinieki" ("Наследники"), kas notika Krievijā, Pleskavas apgabalā. No Latvijas bez mums uz forumubraucaarīskolēnu un skolotāju delegācija no Rīgas un Ogres. Forumā piedalījās dalībnieki no Krievijas, Igaunijas,ar dzejas lasījumiem uzstājās dalībnieki no Turcijas, Mongolijas un pat Argentīnas. Kopumā forumā tika prezentēti vairāk nekā 20 projekti par tēmām, kas bija saistītas ar krievu valodu un kultūru un tās mantojumu, tostarp
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