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The students of Asian Studies implement project “Oriented On Orientalism or OOO”
04.02.2021. 12.38 Ziņa
Five 2nd year BSP students of the Department of Asian Studies at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Latvia - Elizabete Madarāja, Alise Hirša, Daniels Pavlovičs, Kristaps Kartenbeks and Anna Afanasjeva - volunteer in the association “Creative Union for Youth TREPES” and have successfully created their own project “Oriented On Orientalism or OOO ", which is the Solidarity Project of the European Solidarity Corps". Elizabete Madarāja talks about the long-term project. We live in a global world full of different cultures, so an important goal of the project is to develop tolerance for each other, solidarity in a multicultural environment and cultural exchange. With our project, we want to cooperate with immigrants who need help to integrate faster into our culture and public life. The main activities offered by the project are: Latvian language learning and emotional support groups for immigrants, focusing on 3rd world nationals, as well as organization of celebrations
Izsludināta pieteikšanās UNICA Studentu konferencei 2020
06.01.2020. 17.08 Ziņa
izsvērt savas iespējas un motivāciju piedalīties konferencē, lai pretendenti būtu gatavi veltīt laiku gatavojoties UNICAi. Prasības studentiem delegātiem: LU students, labas angļu valodas zināšanas mutvārdos un rakstiski, labas komunikācijas prasmes. Pieteikumus sūtīt uzaiva.stanevica@lusp.lvlīdz 17. janvārim (ieskaitot)! Jautājumu gadījumā arī rakstīt uz Šī gada UNICA Studentu konferences tēmas: 1 - Science in the city Sharing spaces and knowledge The city as a research lab Capital & country side Citizens’ science City-centered education and research Community service teaching 2 – Equal, divers and inclusive universities & cities Social impact of universities Social innovation for the territory How to make learning environments more inclusive Integrating migrants and refugees in European universities Inclusive mobility 3 - Europe’s position in world
Student Deep Science Hackathon 2019
08.10.2019. 18.27 Ziņa
On December 6-8, 2019, the first Deep Science Hackathon for students is going to start at ISSP UL! The Student Deep Science Hackathon will be a workshop for students to create and develop new innovative ideas, which will identify the strongest / most interesting ideas (in STEM fields) and build interdisciplinary teams with innovation potential. Within 3 days, participants will form interdisciplinary teams with pre-submitted ideas, develop them with mentors, and present a commercialization plan to the jury, scientists, investors and stakeholders at the end of the event. During the event, participants will be provided with mentor support, a coworking environment, and information to complete their commercialization steps. The Student Deep ScienceHackathonis supported by ERDF co-funded project no. "University of Latvia Innovation Grants for Students" Register here: FB:
LU BVEF students Kalvis Kazaks iegūst 2.vietu LR Ziemas čempionātā iekštelpu airēšanā
19.02.2019. 17.31 Ziņa
Aizvadītajās brīvdienās (16.02. -17.02.2019) Jūrmalā noritēja Latvijas Republikas Ziemas čempionāts iekštelpu airēšanā uz ergometriem Concept II. Sacensībās dalībnieki bija iedalīti astoņās dažādās grupās, kur500 metru distancē startēja visjaunākie dalībnieki un 1000 metru distancēs pārējie. Lai cīnītos par LR Ziemas čempionāta medaļām, bija ieradušies arī viesi no Lietuvas - Kauņas airēšanas sporta kluba “RC Favoritas”, kā arī Latvijas Neredzīgo sporta savienības pārstāvji. Kopējais dalībnieku skaits sasniedza 190 cilvēkus. Mūsu students Kalvis Kazaks, startējot vieglsvaru grupā, ierindojās 2. vietā, uzrādot rezultātu 3:10,8. Apsveicam un novēlām veiksmi nākamajos posmos! Rezultāti: Avots:
Students of the Faculty of Theology of the University of Latvia present their research in readings of doctoral scholarship reports of the University of Latvia
28.06.2021. 15.13 Ziņa
On May 18, readings of doctoral scholarship reports of the University of Latvia Foundation were held throughout the day, in which two doctoral students of the Faculty of Theology of the University of Latvia (FT UL) - Aleksejs Gaļperns and Roberts Galvāns - also participated. Aleksejs Galperns, a 2nd year student of the doctoral program at FT UL and K. Ozoliņa - E. Mednis Trust Foundation scholarship recipient, presented the latest results of his research “History of Mt 28: 18–20 interpretation, in theological consciousness and liturgy in the church in the 4th century”. The verse chosen by the doctoral student has always caused discussions among scientists. It raises a variety of questions and raises problems of interpretation, and this passage has played an important role in the history of theology, liturgy, and the mission of the Church. The Gospel of Matthew contains Jesus' command to "baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit," but many scholars believe
23rd International Students' Research Conference
29.02.2024. 01.47 Saturs
The students of the University of Latvia, Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology invite you to share your research, knowledge and experience with other students in the 23 rd International Students’ Research Conference on May 14 – 16, 2024. Conference participants: secondary school students, students of bachelor professional studies, master's students, doctoral students doing research on education, culture, literature, teaching methods, ICT, linguistics. The research can be presented as a 15-minute talk in the English language. The participants: - develop language skills so they are able to carry out the research in a foreign language; - update their knowledge and skills in modern information technologies; - improve academic writing skills and acquire research methods and data collection methods; - get some real-world experience and practice where to find the problem to be solved later on in the research; - freshen up their presentation skills; - improve their time
4.2 Develop innovation and entrepreneurial training programme and mentoring scheme for staff and students (all partners)
12.12.2022. 17.20 Saturs
D-I-4.2.1 Training programme and 1st module (e.g. idea generation, design thinking or similar), teaching materials and mentoring scheme for students, academic and non-academic staff with particular consideration of innovation aspects specific to health sector (EIT Health) D-I-4.2.2 Training, teaching materials and mentoring scheme online evaluation methodology document D-I-4.2.3 Report on piloting results of the 1st training module, teaching materials and application of the elaborated mentoring scheme (at least 130 students trained, 12 mentored; at least 12 academic staff trained, 4 mentored; at least 12 non-academic staff trained, 4 mentored) piloting results D-I-4.2.4 Training programme plan D-II-4.2.5 New training modules, teaching materials and updated mentoring scheme for students, academic and non-academic staff D-II-4.2.6 Report on training evaluation and further training on new training modules, relevant new teaching materials and application of updated mentoring scheme
Call of the Scientific Committee of the Congress for scientists, doctoral candidates and students
06.04.2023. 14.04 Ziņa
The Scientific Committee of the Congress has developed a two-day programme that includes thematic discussions, speeches, seminars, demonstrations, and other activities of different formats. In addition, scientists, doctoral candidates and students from Latvia and of Latvian origin all over the world are invited to submit abstracts in an open call for poster presentations. Applications shall be submitted in Latvian and English or only in English by 16 April 2023 via the Congress website . Abstracts for posters The Scientific Committee of the Congress is pleased to invite submissions of abstracts for poster presentations. In order to submit a poster to be exhibited at the Congress, an abstract (max. 200 words long) is to be submitted. In the abstract in between other crucial information, authors are encouraged to specify the potential of the research results to boost Latvia’s growth, e.g. technological development, improvement of people's well
Student Deep Science Hackathon 2020
16.10.2020. 13.41 Ziņa
Student Deep Science Hackathon is organized since 2018. The event will bring together the most curious students from Latvian universities interested in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) for already the second time this weekend. Hackathon will be a three-day workshop combined with mentoring sessions and expert support for current students to develop innovative ideas in a virtual environment. Organizers are looking for enthusiasts, engineers, software developers, entrepreneurs, or designers with already formulated ideas as well as those who are ready to work in a team on defined ideas. Enthusiasts, engineers, software developers, entrepreneurs, designers with hardware ideas, or desire to contribute to the high-technology development are invited to Student Deep Science Hackathon 2020. The event will be a three-day workshop for the creation and development of new innovative ideas in a virtual environment for current students who want to form interdisciplinary teams
FORTHEM Student Conference in Dijon: Results
22.09.2022. 19.55 Ziņa
From 31 August to 2 September 2022, at the Université de Bourgogne in Dijon, the FORTHEM Student Conference was held, an opportunity for the students involved to get to know the Alliance and bring forward ideas for future projects. The workshops held during the three days saw the participation of student representatives from all the Alliance’s partners. The occasion brought to light crucial points such as the relations between student associations and FORTHEM, as well as considerations and discussions that led to the writing of a charter of good practices. Its main points included having a balance between cultural and academic activities, making travel costs sustainable and encouraging student involvement. Furthermore, the activities enabled the students to acquire skills and knowledge on project management, a role of which they studied the fundamental parts: construction, development and resources of a project. Moments such as the language café and workshops on communication
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