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Student Travel Award
14.01.2019. 17.03 Saturs
ICVS will award a number of travel grants for student members of ICVS to attend the Symposium and present a talk or a poster.To be eligible, student must be first author on a submitted presentation, must not have received more than one prior ICVS student travel award, must provide the additional information requested at time of abstract submission, must be eligible for student membership in ICVS, and must complete ICVS student membership prior to the Symposium.
Third Graduate International Summer School in Cognitive Sciences and Semantics
01.12.2011. 18.45 Saturs
. Admission requirements 1) Being registered in a post-graduate program in philosophy or other connected discipline. Exceptionally, advanced undergraduate students will be entitled to enroll.OR 2) Holding a graduate or postgraduate degree in philosophy or other connected disciplines.OR3) Working as a postdoctoral researcher or professionnal in this field. Selection procedure Students will be selected on the basis of 1) their prior acquaintance with the topic; 2) their overall academic merit. They will be required to provide a cv as well as a statement of purpose (see registration form). Tuition fees Registration fees include:Participation in all academic activities and credit transfer, accommodation, meals and course packet (to be sent in advance).Tuition fees are lower for students who register prior to 15 April 2009. The following amounts are given in Latvian Lats :Before 15 April Graduate students and postdoctoral researchers: 450 LVL Professionals: 700 LVL After 15 April Graduate
Closing of the DiversAsia project in Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar
11.01.2024. 14.19 Ziņa
Researchers from the Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology at the University of Latvia take part in the final conference of the project The new year started with a very far and beautiful trip - the project team from the University of Latvia went to India, where the final conference of this project was held as part of the project “ Embracing diversity in ASIA through the adoption of Inclusive Open Practices ”, as well as the presentation of all achieved project results. This was the fourth and last trip of this project to Asia, Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, where cooperation partners exchanged experiences and practices on how to promote a more inclusive environment in higher education institutions for students with special needs. Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar (IIT Bhubaneswar) is an Indian higher education institution established in 2008. The Institute strives to offer the best engineering education with unmatched novelties in curriculum
Studenti aicināti piedalīties virtuālajā hakatonā “Student Deep Science Hackathon”
13.10.2020. 17.46 Ziņa
Trīs dienu tiešsaistes hakatonu organizē Latvijas Universitātes Cietvielu fizikas institūts, un tas norisināsies no 16. līdz 18. oktobrim. Piedalīties aicināti studenti no jebkuras universitātes un studiju jomas, lai strādātu pie idejām un risinājumiem STEM (dabaszinības, tehnoloģijas, inženierzinātne, matemātika) nozarēs. “Student Deep Science Hackathon” tiek organizēts jau kopš 2018. gada. Šajā nedēļas nogalē hakatons jau otro reizi pulcēs zinātkāros studentus no Latvijas universitātēm, kas interesējas par STEM (dabaszinībām, tehnoloģijām, inženierzinātnēm, matemātiku) nozarēm. “Student Deep Science Hackathon” būs trīs dienu tiešsaistes pasākums, kas nodrošinās mentoru un ekspertu atbalstu pašreizējiem studentiem inovatīvu ideju attīstīšanai virtuālā vidē. Organizatori aicina hakatonā piedalīties nozares entuziastus, inženierus, tehnoloģiju ekspertus, uzņēmējus vai dizainerus ar savām idejām, kā arī tos, kuri ir gatavi strādāt komandā pie jau formulētas idejas. Reģistrēties
Studenti aicināti piedalīties virtuālajā hakatonā “Student Deep Science Hackathon”
14.10.2020. 21.17 Ziņa
Trīs dienu tiešsaistes hakatonu organizē Latvijas Universitātes Cietvielu fizikas institūts, un tas norisināsies no 16. līdz 18. oktobrim. Piedalīties aicināti studenti no jebkuras universitātes un studiju jomas, lai strādātu pie idejām un risinājumiem STEM (dabaszinības, tehnoloģijas, inženierzinātne, matemātika) nozarēs. “Student Deep Science Hackathon” tiek organizēts jau kopš 2018. gada. Šajā nedēļas nogalē hakatons jau otro reizi pulcēs zinātkāros studentus no Latvijas universitātēm, kas interesējas par STEM (dabaszinībām, tehnoloģijām, inženierzinātnēm, matemātiku) nozarēm. “Student Deep Science Hackathon” būs trīs dienu tiešsaistes pasākums, kas nodrošinās mentoru un ekspertu atbalstu pašreizējiem studentiem inovatīvu ideju attīstīšanai virtuālā vidē. Organizatori aicina hakatonā piedalīties nozares entuziastus, inženierus, tehnoloģiju ekspertus, uzņēmējus vai dizainerus ar savām idejām, kā arī tos, kuri ir gatavi strādāt komandā pie jau formulētas idejas. Reģistrēties
Law Faculty Team is 30th Best at the International Law Moot Court Competition 2011
07.04.2011. 13.06 Ziņa
From 20 to 26 March, the 52nd Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition was held in Washington D.C. (USA). The Competition is organized yearly by the International Law Students Association (ILSA). This year, Latvia was represented by the UL Faculty of Law Team. The Team members were: Reinis Odiņš and Vladlena Rudusāne, the sixth place winners of the European Law Moot Court Competition 2010, Mārtiņš Dambergs, who placed second together with his teammates in the Central and East European (European Law) Moot Competition 2010, and Anastasija Zankoviča. Vladlena Rudusāne is a third year student of BA study programme, while the rest of the Team are first year students of MA study programme.Overall, approximately 650 universities from around the world participated in the Competition, yet only about 120 teams representing eighty countries advanced to the international rounds in Washington. First, all teams played four preliminary rounds, leading to the selection of 32 best teams, who
UL advances 50 places in QS Graduate employability ranking 2020
20.09.2019. 13.08 Ziņa
consistent work to ensure that students have access to excellent higher education and professional skills here, in Latvia. The human is the key to the core values of the University of Latvia,” emphasizes UL Acting Director of Administration/Deputy Rector for Students and Social Affairs Jānis Stonis . The University of Latvia has achieved the best result in graduate employment – the 40 th place, another good result is attained in the position of alumni outcomes – the 68 th place. For three consecutive years, the UL has also achieved high results in the TOP of study programmes and educational institutions created by the Employers' Confederation of Latvia and the career portal . The bachelor's study programme “Computer Science” implemented by the Faculty of Computing is the most recommended study programme by the employers in Latvia. The bachelor’s study programme “Communication Science” also ranks among the TOP 10 programmes of Latvia. In preparation for entering the labour
Eiropas Ekonomiskās zonas finanšu instrumenta un Norvēģijas finanšu instrumenta 2009.-2014.gada perioda programmas "Pētniecība un stipendijas" aktivitāte "Stipendijas"
17.09.2019. 12.53 Saturs
Nr. Nosaukums angliski un latviski 1 Strengthening and transferring the intellectual capital among geographers in Latvia and Norway/ Intelektuālā kapitāla starp ģeogrāfiem Latvijā un Norvēģijā stiprināšana un pārnese 2 Economics and management students and teacher mobility between University of Latvia and University of Agder/Ekonomikas un vadībzinātnes studentu un pasniedzēju mobilitāte starp Latvijas universitāti un Agderes universitāti 3 Mobility in language, culture and gender studies/Mobilitāte valodu, kultūras un dzimumsocialitātes studijās 4 Mobility in political science and sociology/Mobilitāte politikas zinātnē un socioloģijā 5 Enhancing human capital and knowledge in health science by institutional cooperation and mobility between the University of Latvia and three Norwegian universities/Cilvēka kapitāla un zināšanu uzlabošana veselības zinātnēs ar iestāžu sadarbošanos
Navigating Security in the Baltic States: The West's Stance on Its Borderlands
28.11.2023. 11.56 Saturs
Summer school “Navigating Security in the Baltic States: The West's Stance on Its Borderlands” Period: 22 July 2024 - 2 August 2024 ( 2 weeks ) Form : on-site course Course location : Riga, Latvia Organizing institution : University of Latvia Language of instruction: English Level : Bachelor/Master Target audience :open to all students on the level of BA and MA. The programme is designed to familiarize the building blocks of hard and soft security dilemmas. The course focuses on main key trends in security dilemmas. Credits : 6.0 ECTS credits Course fee : €750.00* *Course fee includes lectures, course materials, some cultural activities Housing fee: From 350 EUR (the approx. price for 14 days in the city) Application deadline: 01 June, 2024 Apply now About the course The summer school invites students to delve into the intricate security landscape of the Baltic States. This program goes beyond traditional boundaries, offering a comprehensive analysis of security
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