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The inclusion of immigrant and minority languages in education & Preparing teachers to work in multilingual groups
11.06.2020. 16.41 Ziņa
One of the three meetings organized by FORTHEM Alliance’s Multilingualism in School and Higher Education Lab. June 13:00–14:30 CET / 14:00–15:30 EET: The inclusion of immigrant and minority languages in education & Preparing teachers to work in multilingual groups. This meeting discusses a citizen science project to explore multilingualism in schools. The goal of the output is to plan the project together with all stakeholders and outreach partners and pilot it in one or more partner sites. Another output seeks to find ways for teachers to better include multilingual students and pupils by creating an international CLIL program for the FORTHEM Alliance, promoting and sharing experiences and good practises, identifying challenges and needs of teachers teaching multilingual groups, and through other means. All meetings are arranged via Zoom. Please register here by 20 June: You
The inclusion of immigrant and minority languages in education & Preparing teachers to work in multilingual groups
22.10.2020. 12.39 Ziņa
One of the three meetings organized by FORTHEM Alliance’s Multilingualism in School and Higher Education Lab. June 13:00–14:30 CET / 14:00–15:30 EET: The inclusion of immigrant and minority languages in education & Preparing teachers to work in multilingual groups. This meeting discusses a citizen science project to explore multilingualism in schools. The goal of the output is to plan the project together with all stakeholders and outreach partners and pilot it in one or more partner sites. Another output seeks to find ways for teachers to better include multilingual students and pupils by creating an international CLIL program for the FORTHEM Alliance, promoting and sharing experiences and good practises, identifying challenges and needs of teachers teaching multilingual groups, and through other means. All meetings are arranged via Zoom. Please register here by 20 June: You
27.09.2018. 13.49 Saturs
Courses offered for exchange students by all faculties of the University of Latvia you can find above. Please use the Course catalogue only to read the course description for available courses. N.B. Not all courses listed in the Course catalogue are offered for exchange students.
University of Latvia is included in TOP 500 Graduate Employability Ranking
25.09.2017. 13.18 Ziņa
The University of Latvia (UL) has been included in the QS Graduate Employability Ranking 2018, taking the 251–300th place in the university group. Universities were ranked on the basis of five criteria: employer reputation, alumni outcomes, partnerships with employers per faculty, employer and student connections, and graduate employment rate. The UL received the highest scores in graduate employment and alumni outcomes, confirming its capacity to prepare qualified and successful specialists. Comparing to the universities of the Scandinavian region, the University of Latvia has a larger number of internships per 100 lecturers. The University is focusing on the inclusion of students into the labour market already during their studies, offering internships and inviting guest lecturers from the professional spheres, notes the UL International Mobility Unit coordinator Agnese Rusakova.While preparing themselves for the labour market, the students also use the opportunities provided
Latvijas Universitātes students-sportists Miks Babris iegūst Latvijas labākā telpu futbolista apbalvojumu
27.12.2022. 13.44 Ziņa
16.decembrī, tradicionālajā Latvijas Futbola federācijas (LFF) Laureātu vakarā, tika nosaukti 2022. gada Latvijas futbola izcilnieki kopumā 32 nominācijās, kuru vidū vienu apbalvojumu ieguva arī LU students - duālās karjeras sportists Miks Babris. Kā ierasts, uzvarētāji laureātu nominācijās noteikti, apkopojot plašu Latvijas futbola sabiedrības pārstāvju iesniegtās balsis. Starp balsotājiem attiecīgajās nominācijās bija LFF komitejas un valde, treneru padomes, klubu, komandu un akadēmiju pārstāvji, sporta žurnālisti un iesaistītās organizācijas. Uz labākā telpu futbolista nomināciju kandidēja 6 spēlētāji, tostarp Miks Babris. Otro reizi karjerā Miks tika nosaukts par gada labāko telpu futbolistu. Miks ir lepns par iegūto apbalvojumu: "Esmu kļuvis par Latvijas labāko gada telpu futbolistu otro reizi savā karjerā. Pats esmu lepns par šo apbalvojumu, jo tiešām labā konkurencē starp kluba un izlases spēlētājiem ieguvu šo individuālo balvu. Sportistiem ir nozīmīgi un patīkami, ka viņu
Iekāp studenta piedzīvojumos – LU notiks pasākums “Studenta kurpēs”
25.03.2024. 16.20 Ziņa
No 22. līdz 28. aprīlim Latvijas Universitātē (LU) notiks pasākums vidusskolēniem “Studenta kurpēs”. Skolēni aicināti gūt priekšstatu par savām nākotnes studijām, mācību vidi un infrastruktūru, vienu dienu iejūtoties LU studenta lomā lekcijās, semināros un praktiskajās nodarbībās. Pasākums “Studenta kurpēs” LU notiek katru semestri un ir kļuvis par vienu no Universitātes populārākajām tradīcijām jau teju 15 gadu garumā. Ik gadus iespēju iejusties studenta ādā izmanto vairāk nekā divi tūkstoši Latvijas skolēnu. Pasākumā pieprasītāko studiju programmu TOP augšgalā pēdējos gados ierindojas “Ārstniecība”, “Tiesību zinātne” un “Psiholoģija”. “Studenta kurpēs” pagājušā gada rudenī piedalījās vairāk nekā 1100 skolēnu, kurus uzņēma vairāk nekā 350 LU studenti. Kopumā visvairāk skolēnu vēlējās viesoties LU Izglītības zinātņu un psiholoģijas fakultātē. Aicināti dalīties, kas pasākumā rudenī skolēnus visvairāk uzrunājis un atstājis vislielāko iespaidu, kāds skolēns stāsta: “Visinteresantākās
Multilingualism in schools: methods and strategies for teaching languages
08.03.2022. 22.03 Saturs
Output Manager : Luisa Amenta (University of Palermo) The FORTHEM Summer School "Multilingualism in schools: methods and strategies for teaching languages", organised by Prof. Luisa Amenta, in collaboration with a team of local and international professors, was organized between 8 and 12 November 2021. Twenty students from the Universities of Jyväskylä, Valencia, Mainz, Dijon, Riga, Opole and Palermo took part in the Summer School. They had the opportunity to deepen their skills and good practices on teaching languages and literatures in multilingual contexts, engaging in workshops, seminars and activities aimed at encouraging a comparative and transnational investigation. The twenty students were also able to admire the beauty of Palermo and visit the library and museums of Polizzi Generosa. Visit the photo gallery to gain an insight into the event!
Company internships
29.06.2021. 15.16 Saturs
Take a look at our blog where your will find testimonies of our students who went on internship abroad thanks to FORTHEM Alliance’s internships network.
11.01.2022. 23.40 Saturs
Students var saņemt docētāja individuālas konsultācijas saskaņā ar katedras vai nodaļas vadītāja apstiprināto grafiku, ar ko var iepazīties fakultātes telpās vai fakultātes mājaslapā . Pirms konsultācijas studentam jāpārliecinās, vai nepieciešama iepriekšēja pieteikšanās.
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